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Lei Ning:Negative efficiency of the machine theory.

已有 1377 次阅读2010-12-17 23:02 |个人分类:宁磊---理论、观点、发现|系统分类:财经分享到微信

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Negative efficiency of the machine theory:
 Robotic, sometimes on behalf of improving efficiency, and sometimes on behalf of lower efficiency. Sometimes the machine on behalf of efficiency, easy to understand, sometimes on behalf of the efficiency of the machine reduces the need to describe.
For example, there are 100 people, eat, if everyone do their own rice at home, then the rice cooker for 10 minutes to steam well, if the machine means to achieve, then there must be a factory, the "100 people want to eat" Rice delivered to the factory, and then to hire workers, and then use a machine large steamed rice, steamed rice, the rice to 100 people, 100 people were sent to the residence, or 100 people for dinner or focus to get to the factory Rice, so, 10 minutes to eat at home, the warm rice, while the implementation of the post-production factory machinery, to build a factory, but also a great machine steamed rice, but also increase the construction of gas and other water circuit , But also to hire to work, for our meals, but also give or take, just send or take the time necessary to steamed rice is far greater than the time at home, these activities consumed in the way to a large number of transport resources and Energy, so to count them, and, the big machines have steamed rice, but also have a large steamed rice production and processing plant machinery, and so while increasing the construction of factories and water circuits, but also the employment of workers, but also consume Transport on the road a lot of resources and energy, and transportation
 There are road construction and energy resources, we must dig a lot of resources from the ground, but also employed many people, do a lot of machine-building factories and utilities.
As discussed above, a bowl of rice production of the machine, causing a huge waste of resources and energy, there are enormous human resources and time resources and waste of human energy. The actual result is, machinery, resulting in a great waste, and greatly reduces efficiency. The production of other widespread this phenomenon. 

Described above, the actual, called the efficiency of the machine of a negative theory.







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