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Lei Ning:Unknown economic factors critical theory

已有 1528 次阅读2010-12-17 22:40 |个人分类:宁磊---理论、观点、发现|系统分类:财经分享到微信

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"Unknown economic factors " critical theory
All economic factors, a large part of the contents of unknown content in human, human space only 5% of the substances known, and these substances are not known to one hundred percent understand that, because there are about 95% of the material of a non-human know, the material must have a certain influence between, so humans have known about 5% of the material to a large extent there is little knowledge of the possible.
Economic factors, the key factor is always unknown factors, unknown factors including 95% of human ignorance of the material, but also human beings already know about 5% of the unknown extent of material.
Whenever an unknown factor is the human awareness, then the economic impact is enormous, for example, the human understanding of the magnetic field to bring the electromagnetic of the era, knowledge of human genes to bring about a biological field the tremendous impact that these factors are bound after being recognized is a key economic factors, the space all the unknown factors are the economic factors of the most critical factor.
Now the anti-matter, according to the Internet said that the human can grasp the existence of the time a little longer, I predict: the soul is a kind of anti-matter, people eat eat the food but also eat into the anti-matter, that is, people eat into the soul substance. This is only predicted to be scientifically tested, but the unknown factor bound to anti-matter key to the economy.
"Unknown economic factors " critical theory, is that human beings want to look into the unknown factors and the actual exploration, explore the science proper control and application of unknown factors, the current application of transgenic technology is the application of the unknown factors of error, People do not understand the whole picture of genetically modified, but know very little content, strong application of transgenic technology, will inevitably bring about an irreversible disaster.
 "Unknown economic factors " critical theory, human cognition is the direction of the world's awareness of economic factors is described.
 Human beings should not recognize the factors that have been depleted of excessive use and application of human behavior should be constrained to save their own "known economic factors " in the development and application, the greater the effort and time into a reasonable factor of the unknown And applications.







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