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Lei Ning:The law of diminishing GDP.

已有 1231 次阅读2010-12-17 20:15 |个人分类:宁磊---理论、观点、发现|系统分类:财经分享到微信

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The law of diminishing GDP:

 Out from the law of diminishing the value of extending, the law of diminishing GDP can be drawn. A law of diminishing the value of products consistent with the above, all categories of products in line with the above mentioned law of diminishing. Although the law of diminishing each product are different, but broadly in line with the articles mentioned in law. The sum of the whole community products mentioned above comply with the law of diminishing.

 Products in all societies, for the law of diminishing the total value of production, there is a more unique products, such products are food products, food products, people eat every day, and the relatively short shelf life of food, but food There are a lot of products in categories, such as rice and wheat products can replace each other, radish and cabbage, tomatoes can replace each other, so the specific products in the food category for each species are still found on the article belongs to the principle, but in Specific food products, a quarter of the principle of the 1 / 4 value may be about to get bigger, for example, is closer

to 1 / 3 is also possible. GDP of the entire community showed the higher capacity the lower the value of the total value of the law of diminishing toward the negative value has been reduced.

These are the law of diminishing GDP, or the law called the decreasing trend of GDP.







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