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LEI NING:National survival moneyintellectual currencymoney system theory.

已有 1537 次阅读2010-12-16 21:30 |个人分类:宁磊---理论、观点、发现|系统分类:财经分享到微信

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National "survival money""intellectual currency"money system theory:
Consumption of each person's physiology is almost the same but the actual life of each person consumes significantly different, and, people's consumption and production capacity out of proportion to the number and capacity consumption and the number of irrelevant. So, in the satisfaction of physiological consumed excessive consumption, is a waste, actually increasingly scarce on earth resources and energy waste, the demise of the human way of the future, it may be due to the depletion of energy resulting in energy Depleted at the same time, environmental pollution has intensified, resource depletion and environmental pollution as being coherent relationship is likely to die in the future human resource depletion, are likely to die in the environmental pollution. As a national management, the consumption of human physiological limit is necessary to do in this, I propose, "survival money"and "intellectual currency"concept.
Money to survive, a person's consumption of physical activities must be representation by a national currency, intellectual coin, a person to the community through the intellectual capacity of a country's currency that can be used. So, "survival money"and "intellectual currency"can be two separate monetary system, in a country, "survival money " rationing by the state on a regular basis to provide valid, expired, and now the card is issued to each such regular quantitative Individual's "survival money" payment model provides a convenient, you can also "survival money"to take the coin machine on a regular draw, "intellectual currency " by the people work and study and research of the pay level and results of the size of an individual paid as wages the same as "Intellectual currency ", "intellectual currency"in order to circulation and consumption in society, so, for each person's contribution to society and access to achieve coherence, that is, people's consumption and access is no longer irrelevant.
These are the national "survival money""intellectual currency"money system theory.







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