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Ning Lei increased Dao Te Jing and translated it and its added content(orignal

已有 3161 次阅读2016-12-30 11:31 |个人分类:宁磊---理论、观点、发现|系统分类:财经分享到微信

Ning Lei increased Dao Te Jing and  translated it and its added content(orignal_图1-1



Ning Lei increased Dao Te Jing and  translated it and its added content(orignal_图1-3


作者:宁磊   性别:女  籍贯:山西 运城







Ning Lei Translated the first chapter of the Tao Te Ching in English:





Ning Lei Original Translated Dao De Jing Chapter 1:


Dao,need to be explored,are those extraordinary Dao.

Name,need to be explored ,are those unusual Names.

When not named,is the beginning of the world.

After being named,the Names and Concepts becomes the mother of all things.

Therefore, when there is usually no Name and Dao, to explore its Mystery.

When there is usually a Name and a Dao, explore its essence.

Dao and Name,both of those,in which there are some of   Identical but have  the  different  Name each another ,that of the Identical  is   some of  Mysterious,in which that  of these Mysterious ,there are some of other Mysterious,again and again,therefore, the last Mysterious are   essences and  answers of many Mysterious.


Ning Lei Original Increased Dao De Jing Chapter 1:


Different, that  it is the enigma,, enigma and then enigma, the  solution  of the suspect; the same, that  it is mystery, different, that it is the enigma,both enigma and mystery have included some right reasons.






Ning Lei Original Translated Dao De Jing Chapter 2


If everyone thinks that some good things are good, this has already been the error things and crime things for a long time.

If everyone thinks that some kindness is kindness, it is not kindness.

One reason is: have and no, difficult and easy, long and short, music and sound, before and after, and so on, are complementary each other.

It is for this reason that a sage can not do things to promote the good development of things can not achieve the role of educating people to make all things good development, and  to make all things developing forever.

A thing can not be owned by another thing, doing things and doing things can not control things.

Achievements are completed and does not mean that merit will be owned by any thing and people.

Because things are not occupied by any other thing and people, so in order to maintain a good development of things and things natural nature without disappearing.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 2:


The beautiful as the beautiful,so as it is unique.the good as the good, so as it is different.the difficult is some thing beautiful, the easy is some thing beautiful. the long is some thing beautiful,the short can also be some thing beautiful.the high is some thing beautiful,the low can be some thing beautiful. Only the aesthetic is some aesthetic, that is the good. Only the good is some good,that is truely the good.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 3:


Not  advocating a particular aspect, so that people can avoid the struggle for status;

Not to regard  rare items as a noble, so that people will not steal rare items;

Do not provide those things that can cause desire, so that people will not produce evil thoughts disorderly mind.


This management method turns people into saints: let people feel free and let people have knowledge, let people desalinate all kinds of desires, make people physically strong, so that people always do not learn those bad things, do not produce bad desires, make those intellectuals do things rationally: when they do things, follow the principles of not doing bad things; then they can manage well.As long as not to do the wrong thing, all of things in the world can not make them to do things wrong.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 3:


Money as money, as it is needed only for food,clothing,living,thinking. nothing then changing, something then being  staid, outnumbered then being too tired. poor market liquidity, currency devaluation,market unimpeded,currency revaluation. Everything 's price level bases on its quality, high quality high price, low quality low price.The quality and the quantity are inversely proportional to the amount, high quantity to low quality, low quantity to high quality.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 4:


Dao is like an empty vessel. No matter how Dao is used, it may not overflow.

Dao is so deep, it is the sources of all things; Dao  reduces those sharp,  resolves those chaos,  reconciles those bright, with those at the time and space together, it seems that  immersed in water ,existing forever.

I do not know where Dao comes from, Dao existed before the universe came into being.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 4:


Dao in the former, the material in the later. Dao and then there may be something. There are things after that Dao had have, Dao as a necessary condition, material can be the  result or not can be the result. After Dao began then something followed or nothing folloewed.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 5:


Heaven and earth do not do merciful things, they regard all things as a straw dog to sacred activities.

Saints do not do merciful things,they regard the people as a straw dog to sacred activities.

Between heaven and earth, like the bellows, as empty but not soft,moving like the wind.

Although there are many words and topics, but the number of words and topics is a limited number, it is better to start from the key concepts of things, guarding the key concept of content which can generate countless words and content.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 5:


Benevolence things, is caused by the unjust. All things are justice, there is no need for benevolence. Justice implies strong, justice implies powerful.Benevolence things, damage to freedom. All things are justice. Freedom to guard the key, justice can be strong.







Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 6:


Grains are able to magical permanent transmission, because the grain has male and female reproductive organs.

The role of the reproductive organs is the origin of the creatures between heaven and earth.

Reproductive organs fertility individuals such things in the world forever, this kind of birth is instinctive and does not require external forces.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 6:


Assumption: all things are male and female, the universe has a female universe and the male universe, the sun has a female sun and male sun. Male and female universe and male and female sun and so on will be found in the future by humans. Male and female have a return-identical-nature trend. When a thing disappears, there will be another dioecious thing at the same time disappear. Female flowers and male flowers were combined to form fruits, then female flowers and male flowers simultaneously disappeared.

Emotion is not love. Love is nature. No love, does not love, there is love, forever love.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 7:


The universe can exist for a long time, and the earth can exist for a long time.

The universe and the earth can exist for a long time, because the universe and the earth itself does not grow, so the universe and earth can exist for a long time.

To be also the same reason, the saints put himself outside of things and thus be able to foresight, so that his body safe and healthy.

This is precisely because the saints do not mind his own, so he can make his own success to achieve the foresight, make him safe and healthy.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 7:


The trend of all things, speed fast then life to be short, energy consumption fast then life to be short. Inorganic matter does not move, organic matter does  move, organic matter living is short than inorganic matter. Animals are more active than plants, animals living is short than plants life. Explosion is fast than burning,  burst to be short,combustion to be  long.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 8:


The best thing is like water.

The benefits of water, beneficial to all things and fair, do not change the nature of things in which the original situation, the reason why people are not good, because very few things to do the right thing.

Living in order to achieve stability is good,

The soul to reach the abyss as a stream of dissatisfaction does not overflow is good,

For same things to the kindness is goodness,

Speech in order to achieve credit is good,

Management in order to achieve good order is good,

Doing things in order to reach all levels of competence is good, acting in a timely manner and in good time is good.

Because as water does not change the natural state of things, so no mistakes.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 8:


Water has many goods, usually water has five goods:  converging, being good ice, to seek, being gas, to hide. Water is good at converging,being big to the sea,converging much many rivers, and to be evaporated. Water good, not to be routinism, at the high and down, gathering the low place and to be static, being in cold and to be ice,in the  high temperature then  being  steamed, when water is big then rushing, when water is little then to be dry.The water have many goods: converging, to be evaporated, to be gas, to be ice, to be good at shape, to be good at hiding,to be good at dynamic, to be good at static, to be good at converging, to be good at scattered, to be good at benefit. Water of the five-shaped: liquid, gas, ice, shape, hiding. Water of the five-status: dynamic, static, converging,  diffusing, benefit. The  different good of water bases on the different environment, The  different condition of water bases on the different environment, potential energy, light energy, electric energy, heat energy, etc.   Water is good, benefit for everything, one of many water goods is the source of life. How does water come about? Human beings are exploring.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 9:


If the hand-held vessel to make it overflow, then let it not overflow.

Beat the object to make it sharp, this sharp can not be maintained for a long time.

So that the house filled with gold and silver jade, no one can protect these gold and silver jade.

If someone has wealth and status, and therefore extravagant, they will form their own fault.

To do things well to complete, we should try to avoid everything outside the body, this is the most correct reason.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 9:


People as people, things as things, things for things, independence-oriented. People, things, things only independence or from the self-good. People, things, things are not not independence, it will self-destruction. All things to independence as the fundamental.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 10:


Put the whole soul together, can make these souls do not separate it?

Only with a kind of tenderness and extremely gentle, it can with the baby the same?

Explore the secret, like washing the mirror? Can there be no flaws?

Love the people and manage the country, can not do some things?

Other things with feminine, as feminine as soft?

Wise understanding of many things, can not to learn more?

To things to form and things to develop, let things continue to succeed without stopping the thing, do things to achieve success, without stopping the thing, the development of things, not to weaken the thing, which is mysterious reason lies.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 10:


All things exist because of the fundamental independence. Independence is independence, independence is personality. Only personality is the essential characteristic of all things. Maintain the independence and personality of all things, is the most correct behavior.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 11:


Thirty banners around a car hub,

When the spokes and the hub as a body does not exist,

They are converted to cars being used by people.

The pottery clay into the mold pat into pottery,

The pottery as the body does not exist,

They were converted to pottery for use by people.

Doors and windows to build the room, doors and windows of the original wall is gone, they turned into houses were used.

Therefore, when there is a thing, there are "benefits and benefits" exist, when such things disappear, must be that these benefits and benefits are used.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 11:


Tangible forms benefits, because to be used so that profits disappear, to do not use then benefit to be not disappear. Benefit is one of the disadvantages,much benefits then much disadvantages,not to be benefit then  not to be disadvantages. Benefit can be converted into benefits, compared with positive value, can not be converted into benefits for the negative value. To cancle disadvantages is to be converted into benefits. The essence of the economy is to eliminate the negative value at the same time when forming market.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 12:


Gorgeous color to stimulate the eye can not see things,

Music stimulates the ear can not hear the sound,

All kinds of tastes to stimulate the taste, people can not taste the taste,

Hunting makes people crazy mind,

Rare things make people behavior bound and fetters by property.

Therefore, those who have high IQ only stress the intrinsic value of the external rather than the pursuit of external stimuli.

Therefore, those who have high intelligence to abandon the surface of external things and get the essence of the actual things.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 12:


Abrogate  color to protect the eyes, in order to save eyes for a long time, abrogate sound to protect ear for a long time, abrogate taste to protect the mouth taste for a long time. The root of all things is independence. Color chaos damages eyes, sound disorder injuries ears, tastes damage mouth. Therefore, to the body of things outside the body can only save the body far away to be  destroyed.







Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 13:


If you care about pet and disgrace, then serious disaster in your body.

What is the situation "you care about pet and shame"?

Pet for the things outside the body, get pet you care about, lose pet you have to care about, this performance is pet and shame you care.

What is the "serious disaster in your body"?

All my great calamities come, because I care about myself,

What do I care about when I do not care about myself?

Therefore, it is important to do things themselves in the world, you can live in the world of such a large state;

Often do things themselves in the world, you can hold up the world in this situation.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 13:


Things outside the body, access, it should be,Lost, it should be, naturally, can melt their own in natural. People and nature co-existence, otherwiseloss of their own, but also damage the natural.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 14:


With the sight and can not see, that is, disappeared in sight,

With the ears and can not hear, that is, silent,

Hand and not get, that is, without a trace.

These three aspects, are not clear what they are in the state, so the three things the same situation.

The above is not bright, the bottom is not dull, the vast expanse of people unspeakable, which is due to the non-existent things can not be described as the same.

This is the so-called unspeakable state, as if there is no thing the same phenomenon, which is the vast number of unspeakable "trance":

It can not be seen before it starts and can not see its end afterwards.

To get past the truth to solve some things today, to know the reason why people know how to start before, when people began to understand the truth is the beginning of truth.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 14:


The unknown world may be perceived. Only the truth can only explore the unknown, lies can never explore the truth to the unknown world.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 15:


Ancient has this kind of good:

The pursuit of truth, subtle, and wonderful; grand, and smooth, esoteric to unrecognizable and understanding, it is esoteric to almost unrecognizable and understanding,

So, they are always in the interest of a strong sense of reason to do so:

Where hesitant, as if you are on the river in winter walking as hesitant;

Alert, like you are afraid of the neighbors as worried;

Respectful, like you treat the guests the same;

The diaspora is like the state you see when the ice is melting;

Solid, like you are as simple as real;

It is as wide as you are in the valley;

Not clear, like you see the same turbid water.

How can the turbid water is no longer dirty it?

Calm down does not move the turbid water can become clear;

How can make peace of mind long?

Move up to verify the idea will slowly ease up.

Understand these reasons people do not over-expansion of desire to do things.

Only the desire does not swell,

So Old right extended and no new errors to produce.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 15:


Explore the nature of things, only the real sincere and meticulous adherence, meditation, may be harvested. Obtained must have conditions, conditions and obtained are  inseparable. Clear for conditions and results, to explore the new unknown. If separation the conditions from conditions then to  will be wrong.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 16:


To ignorance, to adhere to the quiet faithful to the actual, all things to prosperity at the same time, I observe the return of all things reason. The so-called all things varied, follow the return of such truth, will return to their fundamental. Return to the fundamental this process is carried out in the quiet, in the quiet things back to the original state, everything back to the original is a common truth, to understand everything back to the original truth is usually wise. Do not understand everything back to the original is usually the truth, it will mess things up, it will produce adverse and disaster. Understand everything will return to the original truth will be compatible with coexistence, compatible coexistence will be fair, fair will make a variety of things with dignity, dignity to achieve the right, right is in line with reason, the reason will be long, even death and disappeared, it will not reach the end.


Ning Lei Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 16:


Often can not be changed, often changed will suffer. Old often extended, the more often coming, the old and more contrast and complement each other. If impermanence, then all things disappeared, only keep things in order to keep things alive. The more out, from natural.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 17:


The first manifestation of people and things is that others and other things understand that the person and the thing exists; the second performance is close to the person and the things and understanding of that; the third performance is the fear of the person and the things;the fourth performance is to contempt for the person and the thing. Credibility is not enough, there is no trust. Naturally, if you can talk about integrity, you can successfully do things well, people will say, "I sincerely, naturally I should succeed."


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 17:


People naturally, things natural, all things naturally have their natural Dao, there are Dao, then there are orderly, then to success. Old and new are often complement each other.






Ning Lei Original Translated Dao De Jing Chapter 18:


The right can be magnanimous reason is gone, so the kindness and justice things to produce;

Intelligence and wisdom were left, so very bad things happened; father and son, brothers, couples tensions between the struggle, so filial piety, benevolent things have occurred; the state system chaos dark, so loyalty courtiers have emerged.


Ning Lei Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 18:


Benevolence does not Dao, does not disharmony, does not order. Righteousness is unwise,the unwise does not know the Dao. Do not know the Dao will be confused. Dao and wisdom are complement each other.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 19:


There is no reason, there is no wisdom, the desire for the interests of the people will be increased by a hundred times; there is no mercy, there is no justice, the people return to the filial instinct in the family and lose social responsibility; no delicate objects , no interest chase, it will not produce thieves.

People greed grows hundredfold, people only talk about family filial loss of social responsibility, thieves rampant, these three things are the reasons for people's cultural literacy is not enough, so let the people have the cultural literacy, plain simplicity, reduce selfishness, So there is no desire, even if there is no knowledge do not have to worry about anything.


Ning Lei Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 19:


Benefit, one of the disadvantages;The merciful is camouflaging. Benefit damage the Dao, The merciful damage the Dao. Ignorance and greed is a disaster. Ignorance and frugality is no worries to carry on. There is knowledge and to be abstinence, then  reasonable, so knowing more thinking, just good.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 20:


Respectful and scolded, how much difference? Good with bad, how much difference? People fear things, can not not fear, these fears have been very old, and now did not stop these fears. People busy and lively life, as to enjoy the rich sacrifice, the spring outing  so happy. I was alone, no desire, not interested in these, as not yet  laugh baby on the world no desire. People tired and lively, as if homeless as the mind does not belong. People have more than one thing, and I am alone, like the abandonment of all things . I, like a foolish man, has no claim to interests and material. Vulgar people know what they want and what interests, and I do not do error things ; vulgar people clearly understand what they want to do to be profitable, but I do not know these. Tranquil, as you face the sea as calm, tranquil ,then arbitrary, you will never-ending continuous progress.  People have some things that can produce benefits, and I am the only one who is ignorant of these, it seems very despised of these beneficial things. I am the only person different from others, but only to obtain the fundamental truth.


Ning Lei Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 20:


Sage, independence, different from the ordinary people;extinction profit and to remove desire, to explore the fundamental of all things. Desire and interesting, seemingly similar to the reality is very different. A bouquet of flowers,from a distance to look, for the interest; off and death, is for the desire. Interesting, elegant beauty; The desire is the the shame for those who are greedy. Imitation is the  natural enemies of creation. Not reaching the knowledge innovation is not creation.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 21:


Great correct practice, only in line with the correct reason to be successful. Correct reason expresses things, often trance is difficult to determine.Trance containing the phenomenon; trance contains actual; deep dark with the essence.The essence contains the real, the real contains the accurate and the real, the accurate and the truth has realized the understanding thing. Since ancient times, the name of all things will not disappear, by virtue of the name can see the beginning of many things. Why can I know the beginnings of many things? Based on the above discussion.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 21:


Following the Dao, this is virtue. Virtue follows Dao, the real is the most important. Each reality has its specific phenomenon and essence. Phenomenon and the exact expression of substance, is the name also. From the Dao is to explore the name of the true, the phenomenon and the essence of the exact content of the practice also. Dao, the right reason. In accordance with the correct reason to do, that is virtue, is correct practice.  Doing right thing, not doing wrong thing.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 22:


Bending can express many aspects, but there is a straight place in the bend, low-lying place overflowing sometimes, the old things in the birth of new things, less desireable to be satisfied, want  get morewill be confused. So, understanding the truth to do things the way to comply with the correct reason for the only way. They do things not for their own desire, so to understand, accessible truth, not regard  their own body as a purpose, it can express ability, do not get some interests from their own body, it can be successful, for their own interests can not be exclusive, so healthy growth. As long as not to do the wrong thing, all of things in the world can not make them to do things wrong. As the saying goes, "bending to express all aspects of" the truth, is it not the truth? Is indeed multifaceted and return to the nature of things.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 22:


Dao of the Sage, then all things are alone also, are subject to independent characteristics of all things. People can be independent out of things and things, things and things can be independent of their own characteristics, in order to all things comprehensive.A grass, a wood, a flower, a dust, a drop, are independent of its own, and  having nothing to do with people, people can not hurt it, nor to damage it.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 23:


The topic is less and concise expression will be natural at a glance. Therefore, the wind can not blow a whole morning, the storm can not go all day. Who made the storm? Is heaven and earth. Heaven and earth can not last long violent, not to mention people? Therefore, to explore and follow the correct reason: to understand the truth with the correct reason, with the correct practitioner with the correct practice, like the loss of something with the loss of things. The same with the correct doctrine, the doctrine both get the right reason ; the same with the correct practice, the practice have both been correct ; the same with the loss of some things, the loss lost these things. Credit is not enough, there is not credit.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 23:


To explore the Dao, and explore how to comply with the Dao to forming the virtues, and even if not to explored the Dao, not to explore the virtues, this exploring is the same happy things. Do not believe that happy of the process of exploring the Dao will not have the joy of exploring. Exploring, must naturally do it.


【引用原文第二十四章】企者不立;跨者不行;自见者不明,自是者不彰,自伐者无功,自矜者不长 。其在道也,曰馀食赘形,物或恶之,故有道者不处。




Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 24:


Raised his heel is not standing on tiptoe, across is not walking. See their own to see not clear,Do the right thing and not show,For their own interests will not be successful, their own exclusive interests not long. These things contain the correct reason is that these things like leftovers and waste some of the material will be the drawbacks, so people  who understand the reason do not do these things above.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 24:


Things and people with their own independent. People who follow the Dao are alone, not to put their own in things, had just been successful.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 25


There is a thing that is formed by dissolving all things, and this thing comes before heaven and earth. This thing is silent and invisible, this thing exists independently and is not changed, this thing again and again before the line but not exhausted do not stop. It is the beginning and end of everything in the world. I do not know what the name of this thing, give it a word called "Dao" to express it, to give it a strong name to describe it called "big." Large is the flow, flow is running, to run is to return to nature. Therefore, the Dao is big, to return to nature, the sky is big, to return to nature, the land is large, to return to nature, emperor is big, to return to nature. Space has four "big" things, four things to return to the essence, and emperor will occupy one of them. People follow the laws of the earth, the earth to follow the laws of the sky, the sky follow the law of the Dao, follow the natural law of the Dao.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 25:


First there are the Dao, and then following the Dao there are the sky and the earth, then there are people. To be equal with the earth,the earth to be equal to get along with the sky, the sky to be equal to get along with the Dao, the Dao to be equal to get along with the nature,People, earth, sky, Dao, nature, to be equality, inequality is destroyed everything.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 26


Light is the root of the heavy, Static dominant dynamic. Therefore, to understand the truth in the day when the march, do not leave the baggage vehicles, although there are rooms available for habitation, still keep the baggage vehicles do not dare to leave. How can   the king of a country  can regard their own  important than the world ? To regard the world as  not important to lose the fundamental, loss of fundamental, action to lose control.


Ning Lei Original Increased Dao De Jing Chapter 26:


Nature is important, the environment is important. The important state of good, the unimportant to the situation can be good. The important to adhere to,the unimportant to Smart. The iImportant damage,the unimportant  no deposit. Static to protect important, moving following the important to be care  static.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 27


Good behavior, no traces; good words, no flaws and errors; good computing, no bamboo chips;  a good way of closing a door is that no emboli ,and the door can not be opened after such closing; a good way for bundled is not tied untied rope. Therefore, Understand the correct reason people will understand what people can be rescued, so there is no improper abandonment; often correct to save things, so there will be no things abandoned; this is called followed the wisdom of things. Therefore, the act of good people is a  model for those not good people, not good people behavior is that a good person can draw lessons from these bad things. Do not value these things that can be learned, do not cherish the things that can be learned, although smart but often confused. This is the so-called important secret lies.


Ning Lei Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 27:


Progress is to continue the knowledge and civilization, will have carry forward the good  and to the suppression of evil.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 28


To know the strong of all things, the guardian of the weaker of all things,follow the correct rules of social work. To follow the correct rules of social work, usually correct practice will not leave, return to the baby as innocent. Know the clear of everything , the guardian of the unclear of things, to follow the correct way of doing things in the community. The correct way to do things in accordance with society, usually correct practice will not be errors, will return to the things that do not determine the direction. Know the clear of things, the guardian of things unclear of things, to comply with the basis of doing things in the community. Complying with the foundation of doing things in society, usually correct practice will be enough, will return to attribution to rusticity. The simple spread will become organic, people who understand the reason will use these devices, will be to manage things. Therefore, good management does not divide things originally.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 28:


All things have nature. All things have reason. Every reason has its nature. To follow the correct reason of all things natural, without prejudice to the correct reason, do not violate the correct reason.







Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 29


To  do thing in the world to get some benefits, I found that no one can achieve this goal. Things of the world are artifacts, not to get. To obtain the world will inevitably fail, even if the temporary access to the things of the world is bound to lose the things of the world. Sometimes, things of the world will be accompanied, sometimes to follow, and sometimes need to light boo care, and sometimes need to make anxious to clean, sometimes strong, and sometimes weak, and sometimes there will be for a long time, and sometimes disappear. Therefore, people to understand the reason do not take beyond the right reason, the extravagance and waste, indifferent attitude towards the world of things.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 29:


Space of all things are to exist alone. Only self-reliance can be good. The role of all things to guard the independence of all things. Man does not make all things alone, which will destroy all things and then self-destruction.A grass is god, a tree is god, people must mot destroy them, to destroy a grass then ten people must die, to destroy a tree then 100 people must die.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 30


With the correct reason to help the owner, not by virtue of the military power to dominate the world. Wherever the army went far away, often thorny clusters, after the war, there must be famine disaster. Good practice is: with the results we must stop, not for the purpose of tyrants. With the results and not to get alone, with the results do not be get; with the results do not be extravagant, with the results do not stop, with the results and not to say strong hegemony. Things to the peak will begin to decline, this is that the peak to continue to strong tyrants do not meet the reasons for the reason, do not meet the correct reason to stop things as soon as possible.


Ning Lei  Original Increased Dao De Jing Chapter 30:


Do not greed things, the right reason of things to decide the survival and fate of things. Do not go to get any jewelry. Jewelry is a result of human lust, is one of human sin.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 31


Weapons are unfriendly objects, sometimes to be disgusting with some goods, so people to understand the reason sometimes do not pay attention to them. Gentlemen and courtiers daily life to the left for the honor, when fighting, to the right for the honor.Weapons are not unfriendly objects, kings and courtiers would not have weapons, kings and courtiers in the matter can not stop without results will choose to use weapons to fight, war is enough,  not militaristic. War is not a good thing to win, that war is a good thing for those who like to kill the devil, that is a like to kill, may not achieve their ideas through killing things. Auspicious things to the left side of respect for the position, evil things to the right side of the statue of respect, The lieutenant is on the left, and the general is on the right, this means that the war is relatively cold-blooded. Kill soldiers, the scene must be lamenting and lamenting, if playing the victory,  will to be held funerals to mourn the dead soldiers.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 31:


Not following the Dao will have destruction and destruction. Sometimes war is a Dao.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 32


Correct reason often does not have a name to expression. Although the truth is simple, but the world of things obey it. Princes and kings you can guard the correct reason, everything will be natural and orderly. Heaven and earth coincide, can produce nectar, the people do not have the constraints of the command  will be equal to get along with their own. Began to explore and recognize that something will give the thing a name, the name will also have, and will know the scope of things, know the scope of the things will not go to the exhausted search for the range that do not know so things then to lead to fuss in all things. To the correct reason For the world things analogy, just as rivers, valleys of water is the same as the source of rivers.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 32:


All things naturally must be true. All the right truths,right theory,right things and so on are called Dao. There are many elements in the right. Follow the correct reason, there is knowledge innovation.







Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 33


Knowing the law of animal survival of human is the wisdom, self-thinking and can know the rules of things are smart. Let people get success is called the ability, the ability to obtain their own success is called powerful. if satisfied,then a rich life, insist on doing something called ambition, do not discard the things they do will be long, stop and not die to live longer.

The wiser will do not die forever.The foolish man had died forever.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 33:


Clear, wisdom, victory, the strong can only contentment. Contentment who aspiring for a long time, the spirit forever. Knowing the law of people called wisdom, self-perception to the law of things called Clear, so that making people to be success is victory, self-success is called strong. Officials manage society well, scientists create new knowledge is strong things.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 34


The right way, as everywhere in the flow of ubiquitous river, it can be display their abilityall of things rely on it to grow and not from the correct reason ,Do things successfully without paying, raising everything without dominating. It is usually no desire, you can give it a name is small; everything depends on it to return to the instinctive growth and it does not dominate  everything, things free, you can give it a name called big. Because it is not always to do big things for themselves, so it can complete the big things.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 34:


Dao is everywhere. Everything from the Dao is large and narrow.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 35


The correct reason with vast broad conditions and characteristics of things, the world things will move to the direction of right reason. Moving in this direction without detriment, will be calm and peaceful. Vocals and food, pedestrians can be stopped for the desire producing. The correct reason to run, it is tranquil taste, to see it can not see, to listen to it can not hear, to use it but it is not running out


Ning Lei Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 35:


All things to Dao exist,otherwise to be death. People to follow Dao are healthy, otherwise to be died earlier.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 36


Things that will shrink, it must have been expansion; things that  will become weak, it must have been strong;things that will be abandoned, it must have been thriving; things that will reduce, it must have been to get a lot. These are the so-called small smart: even thinking that soft things can win tough things. Fish can not leave the deep water, the national sharp objects, can not be used to show to people.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 36:


Strong will become weak, but the weak will not win strong.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 37


Correct reasoning usually does not do specific things, but it does not do things according to what it requires. Princes monarchs who can firmly in accordance with the requirements of the right reason to do things, all things will naturally be flourishing. Prosperity and doing better things, I will be able to use the simple of the nameless to make things calm. The simple of no name, that is, do not have desire. To do not produce desire can be quiet,  the world will naturally follow their own nature in their own things.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 37:


The existence of Dao, naturally. Man following the Dao, according to the natural state of the Dao, otherwise, it will run counter,then all to perish.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 38


More than range of the correct practice is not correct practice, so this have had the correct practice (to do the correct practice can not be too far). Can not achieve the correct practice does not lose the correct practice, so this had not have correct practice. It is impossible to do anything more than what is practiced properly and anything can not be done in this way. Less than correct practice is  possible to effort at in achieving the correct practice and to do things in the correct direction. More than doing good things will not be able to do anything, more than justice to do things and to do something, more than etiquette to do things and can not have any results, these three things are those compulsory action out of the arm rolled up sleeves. Therefore, there is no Dao, the second level thing is correct practice, there is no correct practice, the third-level thing is benevolent, no mercy, the fourth-level thing is justice, there is no justice,the fifth-level thing is etiquette, the so-called etiquette, are no loyalty and credit of the shallow generation and is the culprit of the scourge. The reason for the preceding phenomenon is that the correct reason is lost by glitz and is so stupid. Therefore, upright people, who do not do things shallow is not shallow, who do not do  vanity things. So abandon those shallow and flashy to take a solid and solid approach.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 38:


Action must be following the Dao. No Dao to be followed then to be the static to the exploration of the view, until finding the Dao then to be follow the Dao. Following the Dao then virtue coming. Without the Dao then virtue lost and died.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 39


Always follow the correct things, such as: the universe  to follow the correct reason to achieve the clear,the earth to follow the correct reason to achieve calm, God to follow the correct reason to ethereal, grain to follow the correct reason to achieve fullness, all things to comply with the correct truth to health, princes to achieve the correct truth the world can be fixed in nature. These have reached the  level of right reason.If the universe does not obey the Dao to reach the clear, then will break, if the ground does not comply with the correct reason to calm, then will shake, if God does not comply with the correct truth to ethereal, then will lose spirituality,if grain does not comply with the correct reason, then will exhaust,if all of things do not follow the correct reason to be born, then will be extinct, princes do not follow the correct reason to noble, will be subverted. Therefore, Therefore, the high-level things will be as low-level things as the fundamental,and high as low as the basis, so princes are self-proclaimed "independent", "alone", "not good", which is not based on low-level things? Is not it? Therefore, to achieve repeated driving  trips with no driving trip as the same results that have to return home. Do not do things such as fancy jade, just want to do solid  things.


Ning Lei Original Increased Dao De Jing Chapter 39:


Returning the Dao to the One, this so-called "nine nine return One", but that everything is always following the Dao. Days of God to save the spirit of God, grain harvest and people following the Dao, Dao is a basic, action to be following the One is important.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 40


Not the same thing, which contains the correct reason to change. In accordance with the correct reason to do things to love and care of the right reason. All things happen from something that can produce these things, all things must have the source, known sources formed in the unknown sources.


Ning Lei Original Increased Dao De Jing Chapter 40:


Dao has conditions. Conditions are different, the Dao is different. All things follow Dao. People can use the Dao,that people  use the Dao must be frugally. Although the Dao will not be damaged, but the  conditions for the Dao will be damaged because of the Dao being used. to be over-use of the Dao then the Dao must disappear. Dao produces the beginning of all things, the beginning is the One,One come from the Dao, the materials and things come from the One.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 41


The upper level people learn Dao, learning and practicing; the moderate level people learn Dao, sometimes learning, sometimes doing not learn, learning Dao for them are dispensable; the inferior level people learn Dao,laughing, Only ridiculing Dao these things when laughing at laughter. So to increase the words: " Facing the plainly truth, you do not understand, ignorance, so to learn, facing the promotion of the correct truth , you are back so go to learn to progress, facing the flat the truth,  you Is not smooth you go so slow to learn to speed up to catch up,the right level of correct practice,You will feel as deep as the valley bottom, when very white white you will feel a little gray-haired color in the inside, when the majority of the correct practice you will not feel satisfied, when the expansion of correct practice you will be be like stolen as uncertain feeling, when the nature of the simple you will find that there is a constant sense of change; the general direction has no corners, large objects need more time to make, a large sound will not sound more, the large shape has no fixed shape."Dao's secret is that it has no name, Dao always produced everywhere and in accordance with the correct reason to succeed.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 41:


Dao can lead things. People on the Dao, different levels, knowledge Dao,again and again. To moral, for a long time or into the rules, rules or changing, changing or have some discomfort, to be find its cause of the root from the Dao.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 42


The correct reason arises in all things, all things again produce the correct reason, again the correct reason for the third time in all things. The back of all things called Yin, the front is called Yang, Yin and Yang intersect in order to produce some merging and produce new things. People always hate "solitary, widowed, not good", but the monarchs and nobles are self-proclaimed "solitary, widowed, not good." Therefore, all things, sometimes damaged it so to can make it useful, and sometimes making it benefit so to can make it damaged. People understand that the correct reason, I understand, that the correct reason is "a strong pillar because of the weight of housing can not die," I will use this as the primary reason to understand the primary content.


Ning Lei Original Increased Dao De Jing Chapter 42:


The Dao is the beginning of the One, the One following the Dao. After Dao the One can have a chance to have a start. After Dao, if the One produces, then the Dao is the beginning of the One.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 43


The world's most soft things can be gallop on the strong things in the world, no things can enter into places in which there are no gaps, so I understand not do things can also benefit the truth. Do not speak can educate people, do not do things can be useful,such as this level things in the world is rare.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 43:


Soft to control hard, but the soft must not win hard. Sometimes,to do not act is the right, which is  the time when it is fruitful. When improper, not to do that, is one of following the Dao.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 44


Fame and body itself, which is closer to you? The body itself and the money outside the body, which one gives you more? Get and to do not get, which can produce ills? Therefore, spending  a lot of time to get too much fame and money and materials, must bear the weight from these fame and money, and disappear inherent in the thing itself. Knowing when it is enough will not disgrace the inherent things, to know when to stop it will not be exhausted due to the demise of certain things, can be eternal.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 44:


People must self-love then will to be healthy. To be self-love then will not be too much desire on the money and reputation , otherwise, can not be self-love, not to be self-love then not to be healthy. For the acquisition of money to pick up, depending on whether the talent by the financial talent, if the talent is not  by the financial talent, then in any case the life of his life can not get much money, but will suffer.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 45


After a big success you will feel some what is missing, but  the results that have been successful will not be damaged. You will feel emptiness when you are enriched, but the results will not be exhausted. Big straight, then you will feel some bending, big smart,then you will feel some awkward,big eloquence,then you will feel some dull. Restlessness can get rid of chill, quiet can get rid of hot, clean is the right way  to do things in the world.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 45:


Doing things clean, can be successful. Doing things clean, not to damage and disrupt to do things. If there is damage and disruption of the work itself and the rest of the disadvantages, can not be successful, and there must be a major disaster. People to clean to do things and as the foundation. People to clean to do things and for the necessary conditions for the great success. Chill can not be drived, hot will be drived. The South Pole and the North Pole year-round ice and snow covering, can not be removed, if to be removed then coming the disaster, extreme hot areas can not be too much, if extreme hot areas have too much then vegetation does not grow, everything disappeared.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 46


The world things are to follow the correct reason to do, there is no war, so even the chariots will be used to transport field manure; if things do not follow the right reason to do, even the mare will be forced to pull to the battlefield forced to foal in the wild. Misfortunes are great that there are the much material desire, the error is great that getting the much material desires. So, knowing when it is enough, can often be satisfaction.


Ning Lei Original Increased Dao De Jing Chapter 46:


Property for the people, worthless. The value of man lies in man himself. If to be greedy the possession of property and more and more property, then, must be completely transformed into property, then the value of people lost, the spirit of human to be  dead.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 47


Do not go out to travel, to know the world knows things. Do not look through the window to the outside world, things can be found out of the window the right reason. The farther people leave this ability, the less people understand. Therefore, people who are good at understanding the truth, do not travel and know the world things, do not see things and know what things are, Understand and can not do things to achieve the success.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 47:


People of inspiration and talent, naturally having. Inspiration and talent, its essence is a kind of intelligent material. When the generation, to be how much inspiration and talent has been doomed. Different people's inspiration and talent has been focused and different. The supreme inspiration and talent of the sage form from the time of the formation of the sage.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 48


Learning every day, knowledge will increase,then to seek to the right reason, doubts will be reduced, continue to learn every day, doubts reduce and then reduce, so little doubt or no doubt no longer have to seek the right reason. Because there is no right reason not to be sought. Things in the world often to be done rightly. If doing error things then to fail.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 48:


The end result for the Dao is that after almost all the truths are learned, there is no need to explore more truths. This is the saint's desire.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 49


Good at understanding the correct reason people do not have a constant idea and mind, he thought to do with an ordinary people's mind. I treat those people who are friendly  with good faith, and I treat those people who are unfriendly  with good faith, which is right "goodwill" correct practice; I treat those people who are credit with credit, I treat those people who are not credit with credit, This is the correct practice of "credit". Good people to understand the truth in the world to do things, let the world things and his mind simple and normalized, ordinary people are aware of the ears to hear and the eye to see the surface and not to think, the people to be good at understanding the reason  will regard those ordinary people practices as simple and ignorant as a child.


Ning Lei Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 49:


Sage, high intelligence and high  honesty and pure good, and merging with all things natural to One,to observe the subtle,to identify problems.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 50


Out of the danger place will be born, into danger place will  die.

Who can get out of danger were born, there are 30% people,

Who can not out of danger to the dead, there are 30% people,

Who can out of danger by the living, then touching the matter of the death, there are 30% people.

Why did he get out of danger and touched the land of death?

Because he was alive, but too greedy to get too much money and bear the heavy.

Therefore, good at survivors, walking in the land, not the case of the Tigers, into the army, not stabbed.

Horns can not hurt him, the Tigers can not catch him, knife can not injury to him.

why? Because he avoided the danger of death.

Many quantity, low quality. Little quantity, high quality. So it is with human beings.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 50:


Earth space is fixed,There is also a fixed limit on the number of creatures on the ground. There must be a statistical concept of human life and death.Increase in the number of people,the proportion of abnormal death people will increase.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 51


The correct reason makes biology growth, correct practice makes biology upkeep, food maintains the biology form, reproductive function form the initial formation of the creature, so all things follow the correct reason and valuable in the correct practice. Correct reason is followed, proper practice is valued, not by someone canonized, but there is such a law of nature. Therefore, the correct reason make biology growth, the correct reason make biology upkeep,growth and development, mature, be loved and protected. So that letting biology growth without getting those biology to their own, to do things for the creatures  and do not bully killing animals, biological growth gratifying and not to kill, this is the so-called mysterious incomparable correct practice.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 51:


All things are independent, to continue. All things independent, necessarily following the Dao, following the Dao, virtue  will be established. Only  all things exist independently,then people can exist.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 52


The beginning and end of things in the world, is the first mother  of world things . Has been the first of things, according to these things can know the Dao. Already know the Dao, but also according to the Dao of doing this guardian of the first mother to continue to the Dao, even if their disappearance, will not disappear. Ears and nose and mouth to stop life, the life door closed, life will no longer be grounded after the death. Ears, mouth and nose  open to complete the life of things, life eventually is dead to death. When life will be dead, not to go to help them. Can see the small things called the smart, the weak things to be kept called strong. With things themselves bright, making things back to their own bright, doing not make things themselves perish disaster, this is the law of all things.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 52:


Everything has a beginning and an end,  between the beginning and the end have the existence, The existence of the maintenance of its nature, regardless of strength and shade, are to make it natural, all things can survive.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 53


I tell you what I know things and reason: to go in the flat road,to do not go crooked path. The road is flat, and people like to walk the path. Palace is very clean, but the fields are barren, the barn is very empty; dress gorgeous, wearing a sword, satiated, property will be redundant and waste. This is because the robber to dominate the world of things, so such as is not Dao.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 53:


People, it is an animal. Everything that is superfluous is acquired,such as is sin. The crime of waste is more than the crime of murder.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 54


Good builders do not remove the object, those who are good at succeed do not leave Dao, child does not stop the memory of the ancestors, rather than crying.From themselves aspect for practice, the correct practice on the real; from an area for practice, correct practice more; from a village practice, its correct practice to long; from a country practice, its correct practice more; from the world practice, its correct practice on the vast. Therefore, starting from their own for observation of themselves, starting from the region to observe the area, starting from the village to observe the village, starting from the country to observe the country, starting from the universal for the view of the world of things. How can I know the world of those things? ir is to use these methods.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 54:


Change must have conditions. Change is not destruction. Contrary to the Dao the change can only be destroyed. Melon matured then goity natural dropping, melon immatured and picking, human food will be harmful.Anything and things can not be arbitrarily changed, as long as the conditions are ripe, everything  will naturally change, things and things can be naturally following the Dao.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 55


There are many correct practitioners, as innocent as the newborn baby, so that the poisonous insects will not sting him, the beast will not hurt him, the ferocious bird will not fight against him, the baby bone still weak, bones still soft, but hold the fundamental Naturally, the baby does not know the matter of genital mutilation, he is often small erectile genitalia, which is the ultimate pure essence, the baby crying every day and the throat will not hoarse, which is consistent with the ultimate nature of the pure essence. People know to meet the nature is called to understand common sense, know common sense is called to understand what is useful things, useful things are called auspicious. Driving the air with the mind, not natural is the wrong behavior, it will make things fall.It is not  the right way to do things, not according to the correct reason is not in accordance with the nature and nature will soon perish.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 55:


People and things only naturally conform to the natural to follow the Dao, then may be healthy. Not to follow the Dao then must be  die early. Following the Dao of things and things, all things  shelter this. Not following the Dao of things and things, all things are destroyed.The different nature to be with the different thing.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 56


To understand the truth of things, generally no longer words, the questioner, generally do not understand.Do not understand, then the curious, then to ask questions,then to talk. Correct reason to plug those loopholes,to  close those gaps,to  reduce those sharp, to resolve those chaos, to reconcile those bright, with those at the time and space, this is the correct reason mysterious similarities. So people can not get it and to get close to it, people can not get it away and alienate it, people do not get it and it's good for it,or people do not get it and it's harmful for it, people can not get it and make it expensive,or people can not get it and make it cheap. Therefore, the truth is the supreme in the world.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 56:


Everything has the Dao, and the Dao is always with all things. Dao for the total of all things. Everything belongs to the Dao. People to the state of the Dao have many sorts, in this there are right or wrong.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 57


With integrity to manage the country, with treachery to war, with nothing to do to get the world things. How do I know these reasons? I know this: the world things have a lot of taboo, people must be more knowledge-poor;  people frequent use of sharp weapons, the state will breed chaos; people cheat trick trickery, there must be a lot of strange things breed; Public notice, there must be thieves come and go. So to understand the correct reason people say: "I have nothing to do when people will naturally enlightenment, I have nothing to do and can like quiet when people tend to be honest, and I have nothing to do when the people of natural knowledge, I did not People want to do things simple and natural desire.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 57:


The more constraints, the more knowledge will be poorer. A person who no matter what to do, poor knowledge for him are harmful.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 58


Government strict, people simple. Government decrees are superficial and people are cunning and treacherous. Evil, and sometimes can produce good fortune; good fortune, and sometimes lurking the scourge. Who knows in the end to what extent? Things do not have a fixed state, looks just right, sometimes they become skewed, looks good, and sometimes become a demon evil, people have been confused by the time already very long ago. Therefore, the people to understand the truth, can make things Founder not to be stiff, angular things not to scratch anything, direct accessing to things not to be raging, bright things not to be dazzling.


Ning Lei Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 58:


For those who have sufficient intelligence and literacy to make the decree stringent and profound no loopholes. Fortune and fortune of things,ordinary people often are difficult to understand this. Saints, there is enough intelligence and literacy to understand the things about fortune. The conditions for those who serve for government must be as a sage.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 59


People eat and wear and activities to do things daily , to do all things in the world, to be the most frugal.Do things thrifty, is the so-called obedience to the laws of nature as soon as possible.

Obedience to the laws of nature as soon as possible is called the accumulation of correct practice, the accumulation of correct practice can do a good job, not to know how much the highest level is, not to know how much the highest degree is, you can make the national security for a long time. With the fundamental things that make the country safe for a long time, the state can be safe for a long time. This is a solid reason that the root to the around is deep ,then the root down is firm , this is the long-term survival and life of the correct reason.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 59:


If human society can continue for a long time, as must base on the premise to be thrift. If mankind does not do his best to be thrift to save mankind, then the intelligence of mankind will be the source of all evil.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 60


In fact, big country management as soon as  your cooking fish. With the correct manages  things  in the world, those ghosts of things no longer deified. it is not that those things  do not deified, and that deified things do not  injury to  someone no longer. Not ghosts less than the mysterious damage to people, so the sage can solve doubts that ghosts can not hurt people. The correct reason and the phantom things are not mutually hurt each other, so the correct practice to return to the prevalence in the world.


Ning Lei Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 60:


Everything has the Dao, following the Dao, all things naturally long. All things from the Dao can prosper, then everything can survive.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 61


The  reason for big countries like the lower reaches of the river, as that the convergence and development of many things before they have become the foundation of the world. female often use quiet to win in the male, as the stationary to the convergence for the male to the bottom of  the convergence  the same as that the lower reaches of the river to the bottom of  the incoming water. Therefore, a large country with that as  lower reaches of the river can be convergence for upstream water as "down" type, will be able to win and lead a small country, a small country with that as lower reaches of the river can be convergence for upstream water as "down" type, but also to win and lead a large country. Therefore, no matter who has the lower reaches of the river convergence upstream water as "down" type that can be a great success, no matter what to achieve so can also be a great success. Big country, but to give benefits to others, a small country, but want to serve others, large and small thus get what they are, big things always like the lower reaches of the river as that the convergence for upper reaches in the "down" type.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 61:


Downstream convergence upstream of the "down" potential, there must be "down" potential of the conditions and level, conditions are not enough, "down" is bound to not become. In the "down" or in the "upstream" flow, following the Dao to the natural conditions of the decision.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 62


Correct reason that, is the secret of all things and the reason,It is the treasure of good and intelligent people, it is the reasons that non-good non-intelligent people are able to get protection and to be care of . Good speech can be distinguished, good behavior can increase the charm,  those bad  people  discarded what? The establishment of the emperor, set up the three public, although they have arch  in front and ministers in the post-so dignity, it is better to sit down and learn the correct reasoning. Why the ancient correct reason is precious? Not to say from the correct reason to get what to get, but the world of evil things, to the correct reason to avoid these evil things evil, any crime should not exempt from punishment, so the correct reason is the precious things in the  world.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 62:


Following the road to avoid disaster. If in order to obtain something from the Dao,then must not succeed. The behavior to obtain is against the natural law.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 63


Do something when you have nothing to do, do something when you have nothing to do, and tell  the taste when you do not have a taste. Regardless of the size of things, we must use the correct practice to express to the resentment of the people of things, so that the people of evil things to the right. The world  difficult things must be completed in the time that it is easy, the world big things must be successful in the time that it is details.

 So understanding the reason why people do not always do big way, so to complete the big things. Those who regard the promise as unimportant things must not credit, easy way more difficult things must be more. Therefore, to understand the correct reason so to think puzzle solution, as so in the end to solve the problem.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 63:


Explore the profound, to explore more profound. Seeking difficult to understand,to remove the easy, difficult to understand is easy to follow the solution. Saints will be hard to find solutions, so the saints can solve the profound problems of the matter.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 64


When things in the stability, it  is easy to maintain the status quo, things in the absence of signs of change is easy to plan, things in fragile easily separated, things in the small easy to lose.doing things when things have not yet lose, managing things when things are not yet in the chaos. Large trees, grown in small buds ; nine feet high table, starting in a small pile of soil; thousands of miles of travel, began at the foot of the first step. These are the laws of things. Doing things against the law will be defeated, contrary to the law to support things will inevitably lose. Therefore, the sage, do not do things contrary to the law, so undefeated; do not hold things contrary to the law, it will not lose. The ordinary people to do things, often in the failure is due to violate the law. Do not violate the law to do things at the end of things to keep the same attention as the beginning, there is no failure. So to understand the reason of the truth, do those who do not desire things, do not value those rare and scarce money and materials;Learning those who are not learning things,The return of all the mistakes made by the mistakes in the right way, with the auxiliary way to make all things natural growth and germination without going against the law to do things.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 64:


In accordance with the inherent law of things and things to do things, not to  destruct natural law of all things, in order to be successful. Those who violate the law of nature will fail, so that their life will be without success.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 65


Those who have been good at following the right doctrines are not fooling people through making the cleverness became to the foolish. People are hard to manage because managers use too much clever to become the fooled for the people. Therefore, it is the country's robbery to use the so-called "smart minds" to manage the state. It is the well-being of the state that we do not have to use the so-called "smart minds" to manage the country. To understand these two principles is to know the  formula of management of the country. Often understand these two formulas to understand the so-called management of the country's profound correct practice. The deep and correct practice is contrary to the desire of money and materials, and then to achieve great progress.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 65:


Social management to fair as a fundamental, social management completely abandon the fetters of money to make social order in order to keep making progress. The correct cultivation of all things must have nothing to do with obtaining money and goods.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 66


Sea have been able to become destination of rivers, because the river is good to do downstream to meet and develop the broad prospects for the good, so ssa to become the destination. Therefore, in order to make the people progress, make progress, must let the people speech as rivers downstream convergence for rivers as convergence and development, want the people advanced, rapid progress, must let people put their own material desires behind the advanced things. So who to understand the truth, the people are looking up him to let him be free, with the people but not to bring harm to the public, so the world will be good at things without stopping, as long as a person does not do the wrong thing , There is nothing in the world that allows them to do the wrong things.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 66:


The people of less desires and then can progress. The freedom of the people is natural to make social progress.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 67


The people of the world say they understand the truth and more, I regard it is not. Just "more" this point, I see there is  enough reason to be not, right or incorrect does not say, even if you know the truth before, but also has changed very little for a long time. I have three valuable knowledge: First, doing good and good, the second is thrifty, the third is to do  not  place my own material things the first in the world.

Do good and good, because a clear conscience so brave;

Frugal, because it is not exhausted so as to have the majority; not to place their own material things before the things in the world so the world can be strong. Now, people abandon the good and the good to brave, abandon thrifty to make utensils strong, abandoned that to place their own material things after the things in the world,then to put their own material things before the things in the world, must perish. Do good and good, fighting to win, the guardian can be strong, because God will rescue him, with good to guard him.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 67:


In the old saying, doing benevolence is benevolence. To do merciful things is the bandits,the benevolence who is benevolent is good. People must have the spirit of charity to succeed. Only a frugal person can have a large success, not to be for their own material desires to destroy things and all natural things, can survive, long-term existence may be successful.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter68


Good at doing the military do not advocate force, good at fighting those who will not be angry, good at winning the enemy who is not the same with the enemy, good at that making people play the ability to do "under the river" to gather rivers together and to broad prospects. These are the correct practices of not to be the same as others do , which is to play human ability, intelligence, which is in line with the natural correct approach is the highest level since ancient times.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 68:


Good managers can make people natural to complete the natural ability of behavior. Good social environment is that people and things can naturally complete the natural talent of their own behavior.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 69


Some people have said to the war: ""I can not passively be beaten in the war,but to take the initiative to attack the enemy,I dare not expose the target,but to deeply hide whereabouts. "This means that,when action to win completely,Waving weapons but can not see weapons,When the warm,to destroy the enemy and the invincible world.Take up arms to fight quickly cleared the enemy. Scourge is greater than contempt for the enemy, tp contempt for the enemy is almost equivalent to the loss of self-precious life. So evenly matched and stalemate the two sides continue to fight the army, the grief side to win.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 69:


War, it is impossible to know ourselves and enemies. When the two armies are roughly the same, the sad  wins.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 70


Good reasons that I said are easy to understand, but also very good to follow; in the world no one can understand, no one can follow. Speak to express a clear content, things to understand the purpose. People are ignorant, so they can not understand what I mean. People who know that I said are very little, can do follow that I said is very valuable. Therefore, to understand the correct reason, the appearance of wearing coarse commoner, but his thoughts as  precious jade, so these people are very valuable.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 70:


Advanced intelligence is a minority at all times. Senior intellectuals are the foundation of social progress, social progress is everyone's benefit, maintaining the high intelligence of the free doing things in the social environment is to protect everyone's happiness. All advanced intelligence in a fair environment can be free and natural.






Ning Lei Original Translated   Dao De Jing Chapter 71


Understand what also not to know, and then to proceed to learn, do not understand but to think to understand that is a problem of thinking. Do not understand but think clearly understand such as the ideological problems as a problem to solve, so there is no ideological problem.  People who understand the correct reason do not have such ideological problems, (Understand the correct reason people do not have such ideological problems.) because he admitted that such ideological problems are problems to solve them, so he have not such problems.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 71:


Knowing what you do not know is not always easy. Do not understand things, but often is mistakenly thought to understand due to the degree of intelligence is not enough.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 72


People do not fear authority, then to achieve great authority. This authority does not violate the people's homes, did not meet the expectations of the people desires. Because the people generally do not know to meet the expectations of the their   desires, so people generally have meet the desires but they are always still not satisfied. So to understand the reason the truth, they can understand the truth but not to put themselves desires in the first place, they can love themselves and they do not think that to be noble,not to make other things humble, so that not to waste and trampling on other things. So to self-understanding and not self-interest, self-cherish and not self-seriously, not to trample on other things, otherwise not.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 72:


Only a fair social system, people do not fear the power, the people do not fear power, will naturally orderly, then the people will improve the society will progress. But first there is fair and then to self-love.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 73


Courage to "dare", will produce "kill" kind of things.Courage can not reach "dare", will "live" and will not produce "kill" kind of thing. Courage These two kinds of results are sometimes detrimental and sometimes disaster. Things in the world of the nasty things, who knows what it is for? So people to understand why to the reason are still hesitant and difficult to know the reason. The world correct things are not to do wrong and bad things such as will be good at winning, few speakers can be good at answering, not to be summoned in order to uninvited, the calm people who can be good at resourcefulness. Correct reason this sky net is very big, it is not dense but always play a role and foolproof.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 73:


The abomination of the world comes from the desire. To follow the natural course, to remove all the desire of money and materials, human beings can be little man-made disaster or no man-made disaster.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 74


People do not be afraid of death, threatening people with death how can it? You can let the people often afraid of death, then for those who commit all kinds of evil, we will be able to catch him to kill, who dare to commit all kinds of evil? Often criminal justice officers to the perpetrators of the execution of the death penalty, instead of taking charge of the death penalty to surrogate the death penalty, such as to be like someone else to replace the big carpenter to cut wood, instead of big carpenter to cut wood few people do not hurt their own hands.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 74:


Violence arise because of social injustice. Social justice, in order to remove violent and chaotic. Nature of violence, is for the disease also. Sick, or medical, or death. The social environment of persecution and violence, is the system of injustice disease, is also a social disease, only the social system to return to fairness then to manage it well.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 75


People are hungry because they have too much tax on their managers, so they do not have enough to eat. People are difficult to manage because their managers do too much, so people are difficult to manage. People are not afraid of death, because they have much more desire. Therefore, only those who do not do things for their own life, their good practice is that they have valuable life values.


Ning Lei Original Increased Dao De Jing Chapter 75:


The more fair between the manager and the manager, the more orderly the society, the faster progress. The more unfair between the manager and the manager, the faster the speed of the common demise.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 76


When alive the human body is soft, stiff body after death. Grass and trees are fragile when they are alive and haggard after death. Therefore, strong biology things  may go to decline things, weak biology things may go to survive things. Therefore, when the army to be strong may go to the decline away, when trees to be tough then to be used for arch. Strong tough things in the bottom, weak things in the above.(biology bone in, biology meat outside.)


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 76:


Bio-soft, non-biological hard. The creature is above the abiotic. Soft things will be on the basis of hard things for the survival . Have non-living  matter have life characteristics? If  non-living  matter have not life characteristics but why the non-living matter is on the basis for biological survival? This is a mystery to be explored by mankind. I think that non-biological have  life characteristics, but humans do not understand the reason in it just. Humans know little about abiotic, and then human errors in behavior can lead to extinction of humans and the environment.Bio-soft, non-biological stiffness.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 77


The right reason in the world,the same as if the bow, right? Archery to high, the lower point,archery to lower,the higher point, force is too large,loose a little, force is not enough,add some power.the right reasons of people is not such,the correct reasons of people are such: Those who are insufficient must be reduced in order to increase those who have much more. Who can have extra things to be rich world things? Only those to understand the correct reasons can do so, so saints, with strengths do something and not bully, with good things do somethings and not to count on their merits,their light desire express the performances of good practices.


Ning Lei  Original Increased   Dao De Jing Chapter 77:


The more money and more easy to gather together is a big evil. Only fair use of money and materials, in order to make people naturally orderly, in order to achieve human social progress. Only a fair social system, people can act from the Dao. The natural ability  for accumulation of money and goods  have differences, social justice system so that the ability to gather money and materials between the different people will not lead to social injustice while free behavior.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 78


Things in the world almost is harder than water, and the tender  thing of water can win the hard thing,such as everyone in the world knows, nothing can do the same as water. Therefore,people to understand the correct reason say: to accept and manage the country's lack is the  stability task; to accept and manage the country's adverse things, is to do the most important thing in the world. Correct speech often arises when you raise objections.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 78:


Found shortcomings and disadvantages, it is difficult to find strengths and benefits.Inadequate management and  eliminating the scourge are far more difficult than to make progress in strengths and benefits. Inadequacy and disadvantages are not eliminated, the strengths and benefits are hard to natural progress freely.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 79


To resolve a large and deep hatred, must not completely cancel  hatred, how can that "resolve the big resentment" is a good practice? So  people understand the right reason base on "lease" in this way as a basis for dealing with debt,and not make people as an evidence. With the right practitioner to contract for the way to resolve disputes, who to do not have the right practitioner rely on people to deal with things to resolve disputes. The world right reasons have not difference between affinity or non-affinity, the world right reason is usually together with those good people.


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 79:


Contract system allows people to show their independence, make people achieve the nature of fairness. The person's independence is still revealing,then the things must be able to keep, the rules of social to be order.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 80


National small-scale, people independent, so that good things are not used, so that the public value of the place of birth  until death such things, do not move far away. Even if there are vehicles, there is no need to carry things; even if the arms of the army, there is no place to fight without war; people reuse the knot rope thing; eat food sweet, beautiful dress clothes, comfortable living,Custom for joy, each other can wait and see, people can hear the voice of the dog and the chicken each other, and do not communicate with the neighboring people all the time(money and property).


Ning Lei Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 80:


The population is small, then a variety of resources are abundant, the country strong, the people happy.But the people happiness and freedom, it possible to create new knowledge.Population density is low, the proportion of shoddy people is low.






Ning Lei Original Translated  Dao De Jing Chapter 81:


Credible speech does not need to beautify the pretense, beautify the pretense of speech is not credible. Good things do not need to distinguish, things must be identified is still not know whether the good things. Things that have been known and understood do not need to be learned and explored, and much to learn and to explore is necessarily far from being understood and known. Understand the right reason people do not accumulate property, he has done the people things as their own richer, he has done to give the people as themselves will be more. The world correct reason is to do good things and not to produce the scourge and disadvantage;people to understand the correct reason the truth is to do things to do all the right things to the success as if that is nothing need to be done such as this the situation.


Ning Lei  Original Increased  Dao De Jing Chapter 81:


Benefits, one of the disadvantages, there are benefits,there must be a disaster. That benefits human beings do, and do everything possible to be no harm. Green comes from blue, but it annihilates blue,the blue does not disappear, the green does not appear.






















































































































































































































































































































一、做事情如果能不自身利益多少为目标,必然能成就大事情。 一个社会运行环境秩序公到人们做事情时可以不去过分关注自身利益,这个社会才是正常人类社会状态。




































































































































































比如,水在中流,因为没有间隙所以水不会流到外。在上弄出间隙水就会流到外。不在上弄出间隙水就不会流到外,这就是不做间隙之益处,是无为之益。再比如在白纸上画画,不画还有一张白纸,如果画不好连白纸也没有了,这也是一种无为之益。 当做一个事情做不好时,或不知道怎么才能做好时,就不要去做,要懂无为之益这个道理。














































































































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