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Ning Lei Original Translated " Tao Te Ching" Chapter 71 to Chapter 81

已有 760 次阅读2016-11-14 06:55 |个人分类:宁磊---理论、观点、发现|系统分类:财经分享到微信



Ning Lei Original Translated  Tao Te Ching Chapter 71
Understand what also not to know, and then to proceed to learn, do not understand but to think to understand that is a problem of thinking. Do not understand but think clearly understand such as the ideological problems as a problem to solve, so there is no ideological problem.  People who understand the correct reason do not have such ideological problems, (Understand the correct reason people do not have such ideological problems.) because he admitted that such ideological problems are probloms to solve them, so he have not such problems.


Ning Lei Original Translated Tao Te Ching Chapter 72
People do not fear authority, then to achieve great authority. This authority does not violate the people's homes, did not meet the expectations of the people desires. Because the people generally do not know to meet the expectations of the their   desires, so people generally have meet the desires but they are always still not satisfied. So to understand the reason the truth, they can understand the truth but not to put themselves desires in the first place, they can love themselves and they do not think that to be noble,not to make other things humble, so that not to waste and trampling on other things. So to self-understanding and not self-interest, self-cherish and not self-seriously, not to trample on other things, otherwise not.


Ning Lei Original Translated Tao Te Ching Chapter 73
Courage to "dare", will produce "kill" kind of things.Courage can not reach "dare", will "live" and will not produce "kill" kind of thing. Courage These two kinds of results are sometimes detrimental and sometimes disaster. Things in the world of the nasty things, who knows what it is for? So people to understand why to the reason are still hesitant and difficult to know the reason. The world correct things are not to do wrong and bad things such as will be good at winning, few speakers can be good at answering, not to be summoned in order to uninvited, the calm people who can be good at resourcefulness. Correct reason this Skynet is very big, it is not dense but always play a role and foolproof.


Ning Lei Original Translated Tao Te Ching Chapter 74
People do not be afraid of death, threatening people with death how can it? You can let the people often afraid of death, then for those who commit all kinds of evil, we will be able to catch him to kill, who dare to commit all kinds of evil? Often criminal justice officers to the perpetrators of the execution of the death penalty, instead of taking charge of the death penalty to surrogate the death penalty, such as to be like someone else to replace the big carpenter to cut wood, instead of big carpenter to cut wood few people do not hurt their own hands.


Ning Lei Original Translated Tao Te Ching Chapter 75
People are hungry because they have too much tax on their managers, so they do not have enough to eat. People are difficult to manage because their managers do too much, so people are difficult to manage. People are not afraid of death, because managers are the pursuit of life luxury luxury erosion is too serious, so people live in difficulties and despise death. Therefore, only those who do not do things for their own life, their good practice is that they have valuable life values.


Ning Lei Original Translated Tao Te Ching Chapter 76
When alive the human body is soft, stiff body after death. All living things are fragile when they are alive and haggard after death. Therefore, strong biology things  may go to decline things, weak biology things may go to survive things. Therefore, when the army to be strong may go to the decline away, when the vegetation to be tough may go to break away. Strong tough things in the bottom, weak things in the above.(biology bone in, biology meat outside.)


Ning Lei Original Translated Tao Te Ching Chapter 77
The right reason in the world,the same as if the bow, right? Archery to high, the lower point,archery to lower,the higher point, force is too large,loose a little, force is not enough,add some power.the right reasons of people is not such,the correct reasons of peopls are such: Those who are insufficient must be reduced in order to increase those who have much more. Who can have extra things to be rich world things? Only those to understand the correct reasons can do so, so saints, with strengths do something and not bully, with good things do somethings and not to count on their merits,thier light desire express the performances of good practices.

Ning Lei Original Translated Tao Te Ching Chapter 78
Things in the world almost is harder than water, and the tender  thing of water can win the hard thing,such as everyone in the world knows, nothing can do the same as water. Therefore,people to understand the correct reason say: to accept and manage the country's lack is the  stability task; to accept and manage the country's adverse things, is to do the most important thing in the world. Correct speech often arises when you raise objections.


Ning Lei Original Translated Tao Te Ching Chapter 79
To resolve a large and deep hatred, must not completely cancel  hatred, how can that "resolve the big resentment" is a good practice? So  people understand the right reason base on "lease" in this way as a basis for dealing with debt,and not make people as an evidence. With the right practitioner to contract for the way to resolve disputes, who to do not have the right practitioner rely on people to deal with things to resolve disputes. The world right reasons have not difference between affinity or non-affinity, the world ritht reason is usually done to make people kind.


Ning Lei Original Translated Tao Te Ching Chapter 80
National small-scale, people independent, so that good things are not used, so that the public value of the place of birth  until death such things, do not move far away. Even if there are vehicles, there is no need to carry things; even if the arms of the army, there is no place to fight without war; people reuse the knot rope thing; eat food sweet, beautiful dress clothes, comfortable living,Custom for joy, each other can wait and see, people can hear the voice of the dog and the chicken each other, and do not communicate with the neighboring people all the time(money and property).


Ning Lei Original Translated Tao Te Ching Chapter 81
Credible speech does not need to beautify the pretense, beautify the pretense of speech is not credible. Good things do not need to distinguish, things must be identified is still not know whether the good things. Things that have been known and understood do not need to be learned and explored, and much to learn and to explore is necessarily far from being understood and known. Understand the right reason people do not accumulate property, he has done the people things as their own richer, he has done to give the people as themselves will be more. The world correct reason is to do good things and not to produce the scourge and disadvantage;people to understand the correct reason the truth is to do things to do all the right things to the success as if that is nothing need to be done such as this the situation.







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