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Ninglei translated TAO TE JING 7-23chapter(original)

已有 1221 次阅读2016-10-30 06:14 |个人分类:宁磊---理论、观点、发现|系统分类:财经分享到微信



Ning Lei Translated the eighth chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

The best thing is like water.
The benefits of water, beneficial to all things and  to be fair, do not change the nature of things in which the original situation, the reason why people are not good, because very few things to do the right thing.
Living in order to achieve stability is good,
The soul to reach the abyss as a stream of dissatisfaction does not overflow is good,
Given to the kindness is goodness,
Speech in order to achieve credit is good,
Management in order to achieve good order is good,
Doing things in order to reach all levels of competence is good, acting in a timely manner and in good time is good.
Because as water does not change the natural state of things, so no mistakes.



Ning Lei Translated the ninth chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

If the hand-held vessel to make it overflow, then let it not overflow.
Beat the object to make it sharp, this sharp can not be maintained for a long time.
So that the house filled with gold and silver jade, no one can protect these gold and silver jade.
If someone has wealth and status, and therefore extravagant, they will form their own fault.
To do things well to complete, we should try to avoid everything outside the body, this is the most correct reason.


Ning Lei Translated the tenth chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

Put the whole soul together, can make these souls do not separate it?
Only with a kind of tenderness and extremely gentle, it can with the baby the same?
Explore the secret, like washing the mirror? Can there be no flaws?
Love the people and manage the country, can not use knowledge?
Other things with feminine, as feminine as soft?
Wise understanding of many things, can not succeed?
To things to form and things to develop, let things continue to succeed without stopping the thing, do things to achieve success, without stopping the thing, the development of things, not to weaken the thing, which is mysterious reason lies.



Ning Lei Translated the eleventh chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

Thirty banners around a car hub,
When the spokes and the hub as a body does not exist,
They are converted to cars being used by people.
The pottery clay into the mold pat into pottery,
The pottery as the body does not exist,
They were converted to pottery for use by people.
Doors and windows to build the room, doors and windows of the original wall is gone, they turned into houses were used.
Therefore, when there is a thing, there are "benefits and benefits" exist, when such things disappear, must be that these benefits and benefits are used.

 Ning Lei Translated the twelfth chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

Gorgeous color to stimulate the eye can not see things,
Music stimulates the ear can not hear the sound,
All kinds of tastes to stimulate the taste, people can not taste the taste,
Hunting makes people crazy mind,
Rare things make people behavior bound and fetters by property.
Therefore, those who have high IQ only stress the intrinsic value of the external rather than the pursuit of external stimuli.
Therefore, those who have high intelligence to abandon the surface of external things and get the essence of the actual things.


Ning Lei Translated the thirteenth chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

If you care about pet and disgrace, then serious disaster in your body.
What is the situation "you care about pet and shame"?
Pet for the things outside the body, get pet you care about, lose pet you have to care about, this performance is pet and shame you care.
What is the "serious disaster in your body"?
All my great calamities come, because I care about myself,
What do I care about when I do not care about myself?
Therefore, it is important to do things themselves in the world, you can live in the world of such a large state;
Often do things themselves in the world, you can hold up the world in this situation.


Ning Lei Translated the Fourteenth  chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

With the sight and can not see, that is, disappeared in sight,
With the ears and can not hear, that is, silent,
Hand and not get, that is, without a trace.
These three aspects, are not clear what they are in the state, so the three things the same situation.
The above is not bright, the bottom is not dull, the vast expanse of people unspeakable, which is due to the non-existent things can not be described as the same.
This is the so-called unspeakable state, as if there is no thing the same phenomenon, which is the vast number of unspeakable "trance":
It can not be seen before it starts and can not see its end afterwards.
To get past the truth to solve some things today, to know the reason why people know how to start before, when people began to understand the truth is the beginning of truth.



Ning Lei Translated the  fifteenth chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

Ancient has this kind of good:
The pursuit of truth, subtle, and wonderful; grand, and smooth, esoteric to unrecognizable and understanding, it is esoteric to almost unrecognizable and understanding,
So, they are always in the interest of a strong sense of reason to do so:
Where hesitant, as if you are on the river in winter walking as hesitant;
Alert, like you are afraid of the neighbors as worried;
Respectful, like you treat the guests the same;
The diaspora is like the state you see when the ice is melting;
Solid, like you are as simple as real;
It is as wide as you are in the valley;
Not clear, like you see the same turbid water.
How can the turbid water is no longer dirty it?
Calm down does not move the turbid water can become clear;
How can make peace of mind long?
Move up to verify the idea will slowly ease up.
Understand these reasons people do not over-expansion of desire to do things.
Only the desire does not swell,
So it can be both sensible things have been done and new things to achieve success.


Ning Lei Translated the  sixteenth chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

To ignorance, to adhere to the quiet faithful to the actual, all things to prosperity at the same time, I observe the return of all things reason. The so-called all things varied, follow the return of such truth, will return to their fundamental. Return to the fundamental this process is carried out in the quiet, in the quiet things back to the original state, everything back to the original is a common truth, to understand everything back to the original truth is usually wise. Do not understand everything back to the original is usually the truth, it will mess things up, it will produce adverse and disaster. Understand everything will return to the original truth will be compatible with coexistence, compatible coexistence will be fair, fair will make a variety of things with dignity, dignity to achieve the right, right is in line with reason, the reason will be long, even death and disappeared, it will not reach the end.


Ning Lei Translated the  seventeenth chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

The first manifestation of people and things is that others and other things understand that the person and the thing exists; the second performance is close to the person and the things and understanding of that; the third performance is the fear of the person and the things;the fourth performance is to contempt for the person and the thing. Credibility is not enough, there is no trust. Naturally, if you can talk about integrity, you can successfully do things well, people will say, "I sincerely, naturally I should succeed."



Ning Lei Translated the  eighteenth chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

The right can be magnanimous reason is gone, so the kindness and justice things to produce;
Intelligence and wisdom were left, so very bad things happened; father and son, brothers, couples tensions between the struggle, so filial piety, benevolent things have occurred; the state system chaos dark, so loyalty courtiers have emerged.


Ning Lei translated the  nineteenth chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

There is no reason, there is no wisdom, the desire for the interests of the people will be increased by a hundred times; there is no mercym, there is no justice, the people return to the filial instinct in the family and lose social responsibility; no delicate objects , no interest chase, it will not produce thieves.
People greed grows hundredfold, people only talk about family filial loss of social responsibility, thieves rampant, these three things are the reasons for people's cultural literacy is not enough, so let the people have the cultural literacy, plain simplicity, reduce selfishness, So there is no desire, even if there is no knowledge do not have to worry about anything.



Ning Lei translated the  Twentieth chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

Respectful and scolded, how much difference? Good with bad, how much difference? People fear things, can not not fear, these fears have been very old, and now did not stop these fears. People busy and lively life, as to enjoy the rich sacrifice, the spring outing  so happy. I was alone, no desire, not interested in these, as not yet  laugh baby on the world no desire. People tired and lively, as if homeless as the mind does not belong. People have more than one thing, and I am alone, like the abandonment of all things . I, like a foolish man, has no claim to interests and material. Vulgar people know what they want and what interests, and I do not understand these ; vulgar people clearly understand what they want to do to be profitable, but I do not know these. Tranquil, as you face the sea as calm, tranquil ,then arbitrary, you will never-ending continuous progress.  People have some things that can produce benefits, and I am the only one who is ignorant of these, it seems very despised of these beneficial things. I am the only person different from others, but only to obtain the fundamental truth.


Ning Lei translated the  the twenty-first chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

Great correct practice, only in line with the correct reason to be successful. Correct reason expresses things, often trance is difficult to determine.Trance containing the phenomenon; trance contains actual; deep dark with the essence.The essence contains the real, the real contains the accurate and the real, the accurate and the truth has realized the understanding thing. Since ancient times, the name of all things will not disappear, by virtue of the name can see the beginning of many things. Why can I know the beginnings of many things? Based on the above discussion.

Ning Lei translated the  the twenty-second chapter of Tao Te Ching in English:

"Bending can express many aspects, but there is a straight place in the bend, low-lying place overflowing sometimes, the old things in the birth of new things,  less desire, able to be satisfied, want  get more , will be confused." So, understanding the truth to do things the way to comply with the correct reason for the only way. They do things not for their own desire, so to understand, accessible truth, not regard  their own body as a purpose, it can express ability, do not get some interests from their own body, it can be successful, for their own interests can not be exclusive, so healthy growth. As long as not to do the wrong thing, all of things in the world can not make them to do things wrong. As the saying goes, "bending to express all aspects of" the truth, is it not the truth? Is indeed multifaceted and return to the nature of things.

Ning Lei translated the Twenty-thirdchapter of Tao Te Ching in English :

The topic is less and concise expression will be natural at a glance. Therefore, the wind can not blow a whole morning, the storm can not go all day. Who made the storm? Is heaven and earth. Heaven and earth can not last long violent, not to mention people? Therefore, to explore and follow the correct reason: to understand the truth with the correct reason, with the correct practitioner with the correct practice, like the loss of something with the loss of things. The same with the correct doctrine, both get the right reason and happy to get the right reason; with the correct practice of those who have both been correct and happy to get the correct practice; with the loss of some things, like those who lost these things are happy In getting these lost. Credit is not enough, not really do so, can not be sure that these happy to have.







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