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美国SCI Expanded 收录期刊、国家科技部“中国科技论文统计源期刊”、中国科技核心期刊、第二届中国高校特色科技期刊奖获奖期刊、陕西省优秀期刊、西安交通大学主办的《中国医学伦理学》今年第一期发表了本人的论文《电影对边缘性人格障碍症的抑制及电影治疗的独特价值》,此文系我主持的教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地中国传媒大学广播电视研究中心大型横向课题《跨学科与跨文化视阈中的媒介功能与传播价值研究》之子课题《跨语际传媒整合中影视艺术对自然科学抑或工程技术的辐射研究》的结项成果,全文11078字,查询电话:+86-029-82655404,欢迎指正!
【关键词】艺术治疗 精神病 电影治疗 边缘性人格障碍 满灌 交叉 善【Abstract】Art therapy is a unique and supernatural psychotherapy method, whose effect for metal patients shows very particular and obvious. Film therapy is one new approach of art therapy as well as a new medical thought. Clinical practice indicates that it is be beneficial to some type of metal sufferers especially BPD by playing some special elected films to them in a closed private room. Those patients’ nerve and consciousness often are irrigated fully, whose painful memories can be recalled and soul can be pacified, by which their spirit will peaceful even to cure illness. Film therapy is a intercross and amalgamation between physic and film study, also which is a foreland to both humanities science and natural science, with a hopeful and prospective future.
【Key words】Art therapy Metal patients Film therapy BPD
Irrigated fully Intercross and amalgamation Kindness