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已有 556 次阅读2023-9-9 21:43 |个人分类:学术 文化| 美国, 高级研究, 学术, 高级研究, 高级研究, 高级研究, 高级研究, 高级研究, 高级研究, 高级研究 分享到微信

                            The Documentation of Prof.Yangxinlei going to USA for Advanced Research

2023年7月13日至8月25日,杨新磊教授赴美国洛杉矶、波士顿做高级研究学者(Advanced Research Fellow),收获颇丰,获益良多。
From July 13 to August 25, in 2023, Prof. Yangxinlei went to Los Angeles and Boston of USA, as an Advanced Research Fellow, and gained a lot of harvest, benefit and enlightening.

Arrived in Los Angeles, CA, USA again, as an Advanced Research Fellow this time, firstly in School of Cinematic Arts of University of Southern California (SCA of USC).

​Come to the University of California, Riverside, and discuss media theories such as Marshall McLuhan ( 1911-1980) , the "Spiral of Silence" and "Information Cocoon" with graduate students who are major in communication psychology.

​Come to the American Film Academy(AFI), and discuss the big innovation and deep change of filmmaking with postproduction technology, especially on VFX or/and CG, with undergraduate, in the Internet era.

​Once again, I came to the School of Cinemrtic Arts as well as School of Communication and Journalism, the University of Southern California,to discuss screenwriting skills and political communication with Professor David Isaacs, on why director from mainland China still didn't winning the OSCAR Academy Awards by USA, about the feasibility of China's director shooting European and American literary classics into film. His wisdom benefit me deeply.

​Visit Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, willing to China and USA to increase mutual trust for peaceful coexistence.

​The Getty Center, the most famous art exhibition hall in Los Angeles, CA, USA., designed by modernist architect Richard Meier(1934- ) who is.the founder of "White School Architecturer", which is uwell-deserved reputation, to make me unforgettable.

2019年2月,曾访美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)戏剧影视学院,今日又至,一切如故。尽管距离好莱坞很近,但由于南加州大学电影艺术学院(SAC of USC)、美国电影学院(AFI)的强势倾轧,戏剧影视学从来都不是该校的重点学科,难怪该学院被置于此校西北角,连二级学院名字都不出,只现楼名。
​In February 2019, I visited the School of Drama, Film and Television of University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Although it is very close to Hollywood, due to the strong competition from the School of Cinematic Arts of the University of Southern California (SAC of USC) with the American Film Institute (AFI), drama, film and television has never been a key subject in the UCLA. It is no wonder that the school is placed in the northwest corner of UCLA, even the name of it not listed, only showing name of that building.

​United States Court House and Los Angeles Superior Court, although both in the same building in the center of Los Angeles, CA, however whose level and the jurisdiction are different.

​Diversity withal tolerance of the USA can be seen in the Mexican convoy parade I met by chance today, in Los Angeles, CA, USA.

​Commercialization and olobalization of Ho llywood is increasingly serious, which is worrying me deeply.

在美国三大电影院线(Regar、Cinemark、AMC)中的AMC旗下的Harkins影院,观看了电影《Barbie / 芭比》,英文原版,华纳兄弟影业出品,美国女导演Greta Celeste Gerwig(格蕾塔·葛韦格,1983- )执导。

Watched English original vision of the movie "Barbie", in the Harkins theatre of AMC, which is one of the three biggest cinema line in USA, while other twos are Rugar and Cinemark. The film presented by Warner Bros. Pictures, is directed by Greta Celeste Gerwig (1983- ), who is an American female director.
Fantasizing toys into real human, fighting with dancing in road racing, showing animation skills via cartoons, and projecting the worries of anthropocentrism from hilarity, this film, a typical commercial blockbuster, from "two- dimensional" to "negative two-dimensional" , is actually like Daolang's song "LuochaHaishi", both think about the root problem even and ultimate proposition of human existence. That Barbie doesn't know that she just is a human toy, and taht Ken doesn't know that he is not a real human being. Etheir Barbie becomes Ken or Ken becomes Ken, who just a puppet played by human beings. What's even more tragic is that human beings don't know it is just a drop in the ocean of the universe.
In the film, feminist independent spirit and romantic humanistic feelings are mixed further deeply, meanwhile to revealing the true objectivity of realism beyond fantasy, blooming a ray of philosophical light.

根据美国宪法(1787)尤其第一修正案(1791),美国政府机构从来就没有国家广电总局、国家电影局、新闻出版署,但各州对电影的审查自1915年就出现了。1922年,为了使电影审查在全国步调一致,曾任W. G.Harding(哈定,1865-1923)总统内阁邮政大臣的Will H Hays(威廉·哈里森·海斯,1879-1954)携手基督宗教团体拟订了《海斯法典》,并得到了Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America(MPPDA,美国电影制片人与发行人协会)的支持,该法典于1930年正式施行。由于只是行业自律公约,并非国会通过的正式法律,且严重束缚电影人的创作,《海斯法典》遭到强烈抵制,引发一系列诉讼且连连败诉,1966年被废止,被电影分级制度取代。此后,全球大多数国家取消了对电影的审查制度,改为电影分级制。

According to the U.S. Constitution (1787) especially and the First Amendment (1791), the U.S. government have never any department to administrate Radio, Film, Television, Journalism, Press and Publication, but the censorship of films by states has appeared since 1915. In 1922, in order to unify film censorship across the country, Will. H. Hays (1879-1954), who served as postmaster in the cabinet of President W. G. Harding (1865-1923), worked with Christian groups to formulate “The Hayes Code”, supported by the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), was officially implemented in 1930. Because it is only an industry self-discipline convention, not a formal law passed by U,S. Congress, and severely restricts the creation of filmmakers, “The Hays Code" was strongly resisted, triggering a series of lawsuits and losing in them one after one. It was abolished in 1966 and replaced by the film classification system. to date. Since then, most countries in the world have abolished the censorship system for movies and changed them to a movie rating system.

1945年,MPPDA更名为The Motion Picture Association of America(MPAA),系半官方社团。由于得到全世界大多数国家的支持,2019年,MPAA删除了其名称中的America,更名为Motion Picture Association(MPA),至今。从MPAA到MPA,其中文译名始终为“美国电影协会”,从未改变。不过,不少学人将其与The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences(AMPAS,美国电影艺术与科学学院)混淆。AMPAS是著名的美国奥斯卡奖主办机构,成立于1927年,与电影审查、电影分级无关,无任何官方背景。

In 1945, MPPDA changed its name to The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), with a semi-official nature. Due to the support of most countries around the world, in 2019, MPAA deleted “America” in its name and changed its name to Motion Picture Association (MPA), which has been up to now. From MPAA to MPA, the Chinese translation of both has always been "美国电影协会" and has never changed. However, many scholars confuse it with The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS,美国电影艺术与科学学院). AMPAS is a well-known “OSCAR Academy Awards”’s organizer, established in 1927, which has nothing to do with both film censorship and film classification, moreover which has no official background.


Although there is some certain cultural connotation in it, motion picture/movie/film are only entertainment product, not belonging to the journalism industry. Movie rating is an inevitable global trend. From presenters, producers, distributors to screenwriters, directors, actors, photographers, etc., filmmakers should consciously rating themselves as duty-bound and mission on our shoulders.

​Arrived at the top university in the world – the US MIT, to enjoying and studying the disciplines integration deeply. School of Management of MIT, in East Campus, aimed at cultivate excellent business leaders around the world.

​​The world-renowned MIT Media Lab, also is the visual art center of MIT. The flowers cultivated by the Bioengineering Research Center of MIT, being opposite it, are in full bloom, refreshing and fragrant for ten meters.

​​The three highlands of MIT's life sciences: the Broad Institute, the Whitehead Institute, and the Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. Here, regardless of disciplines, professions or methods,
not distinguishing between science and teaching, they only seek to explore the root causes of human diseases and improve the quality of life. The fundamental driving force behind all this research just is curiosity, so the best scientific research comes from our curiosity.

麻省理工学院的价值观是卓越+好奇、开放+尊重、回归+社群,校训为“MENS ET MANUS / 知行合一”,力图融通科学、技术与艺术,由此奠定了一所以应用科学及工科见长的研究型大学,享誉世界150余载。
The values ​​of the MIT are outstanding +curiosity, openness+respect, and belonging+community. The motto of MIT is "MENS ET MANUS / 知行合一", to strive to integrate science, technology and art. Thus, MIT established a research-oriented university that is famous for its applied science and engineering, world-renowned more than 150 years.

The School of Architecture and Urban Planning of the MIT, is adjacent to the School of Engineering and the School of Mathematics, showing intersection withal integration. Architecture, like film, is an art based on technologies.


在One Broadway大厦12层及地下书店,与麻省理工学院出版社运管副主任尼克·格林,就出版我的英文专著《现象学之建筑互文影像》,达成初步共识。
​​At the 12th floor of One Broadway building and its bookstore in basement, I reached a preliminary agreement with Nick Green, associate director of operations and management of the MIT Press, on publishing my English monograph "Phenomenological Intextualities in Architecture and Image".

The basic concept of MIT Media Lab is "Everything is Media", which is committed to discovering new media, innovating new media materials, and providing technical support for future media communication. Michelle Hams, an associate researcher with PhD in the lab, who is familiar with digital filmmaking and postduction, is happy to go to relevant Chinese universities to carry out academic exchanges, exchange ideas and learn from each other.

​In the summer vacation of Harvard University, all the departments are still in operation, and hard-working teachers and students can be seen everywhere, whose published papers are prominently displayed.

​There are no less than 80 institutes, colleges or/and universities in Boston, which is a veritable University-City.

除了哈佛大学、麻省理工学院外,还有东北大学、塔夫茨大学、麻省大学,这五校号称“波士顿五大名校”,类似于中国的“985 / 211 / 双一流”。此外,还有波士顿学院、波士顿大学、萨福克大学,布兰迪斯大学、惠洛克学院、西蒙斯学院、马萨诸塞药学院、温沃斯理工学院、麻省艺术设计学院等,类似于中国的普通一本、二本高校。
​Besides Harvard University and MIT, there are Northeastern University, Tufts University, and Massachusetts University, who are known as the "Five Famous Universities in Boston", similar to "985/211/Double First-Class" in China. Moreover, there are Boston College, Boston University, Suffolk University, Brandeis University, Wheelock College, Simmons University, Massachusetts School of Pharmacy, Wenworth Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Art and Design, etc., similar to ordinary “Yiben/一本”, “Erben/二本” in China.

In this city, professors have the most social status, teacher is the most popular profession, PhD can be seen everywhere,
and knowledge withal innovation are obviously the most prominent urban spirit of it.​

​Although the Boston Public Library is old, its publicity and universality are obvious.

Various details negotiated with MIT Press, then a publishing agreement was successfully reached between it and me. The manuscript will be carefully revised, grammar and rhetoric will be polished, and it will be submitted to the Branch of Science, Art, and Technology of the Academic Committee of MIT for review and approval, before it can be published. It is expected to be released worldwide in the first half of 2026.

​​Religion has become increasingly marginalized in USA, which continuously turns into an individual custom in life. Regardless in China or in USA, people are more concerned about this life and the reality. From wars and natural disasters to anti-corruption and employment, everything is worrying and discomforting. A short popular song can criticize the current malpractices of society, ridicule the state governor, express public outrage, and dispel people's grievancesa, but those magnificent churches can not punish sins in the world as well as not cure incompleteness of humanity.

Back to and arrive in Beijing, with a plenty of  achievement.

It can be seen that the biggest achievement of the 2023 summer trip to the USA is that it has reached an English monograph publishing agreement with the MIT Press, then to officially launched this academic project. Secondly, the trip consolidates and deepens the academic connection with the School of Cinematic Arts (ASC) of USC. Finally, I learned some cutting-edge academic information from Harvard University, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), American Film Institute (AFI), University of California, Riverside (UCR). These will surely inspire and encourage Prof. Yangxinlei to make steady progress on the road of academic exploration, to climbing the peak forever!



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                                                                       In the morning of 26th August, 2023, in Beijing, China







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