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【原创论文】高清数字地图对古代题材影视剧叙事清晰度的强化与引领 ... ... ... ...

已有 1385 次阅读2020-1-20 03:18 |个人分类:学术 文化|系统分类:艺术| 古代, 影视剧, 地图 分享到微信

【关键词】古代   地名    影视剧    数字地图    清晰度   BGIIS   传播效果
【中图分类号】J9+P9           【文献标识码】A        

【原发期刊】《贵州大学学报(艺术版)》2019年第6期,ISSN 1671-444X,CN 52-5025/J。

【原创论文】高清数字地图对古代题材影视剧叙事清晰度的强化与引领 ... ... ... ..._图1-1

                            Study to How HD Digital Map Strengthening and Optimizing

                           the Narrative Intelligibility of Film & Teleplay on Ancient Story

 【Abstract】Film and television episode always like to focus on war especially in ancient extraordinarily, repeating or renewing it steadily ceaselessly, new works emerging in an endless stream, but map still seldom has been used in them so far. Adolescent, teens, youth don’t have an intimate knowledge of those ancient place name, so they often confused by geographic location and space relation in these film or teleplay. In fact, so many names of nations, cities and countries are so tremendous different in ancient and in modern that both can’t realize correspondence accurately each other, which often makes modern audiences fell very suffering and helpless, which decreases the narrative legibility greatly. This paper points out it should to distinguish historical research from literature and art creation as well as differentiate the communicated object and textual purpose in both, so directors have the necessary to ensure the real location and the true orientation in such films or teleplays by observing and investigating, saying nothing of discrepancies to those place name in past and in now. High definition digital map should be utilized into such video-audio artworks and shown on their screens based on BGIIS or common animation software at least, to be absolutely clear and self-explanatory via strengthening visualization, entertainment and amusement, eventually to optimizing communication effects.
【Key words】Ancient, Place name, Film and teleplay, Digital map, Legibility, BGIIS, Communication effects









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