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From teen to youth, from adult to middle-aged,
Ageing to senior,
When did you begin to seek?
From village to metropolis,
From hometown to the city for working,
From China, to USA, actually to Canada,
Where will you go to?
From mother tongue to English,
How to express you authentically?
From student to employee, both full-time and part-time,
For car, for house, for children, for family,
What on earth did you aspire for?
From Asian, European to African,
From the white, the yellow to the black,
From marriage, divorce to remarriage,
Or single to die.
Who is on the way?
He, she, they, you, in fact just is me, myself.
Whenever, wherever, however, all of which is not important,
Only significant is everyone always in the way.
Healthy or ill, always in the way,
Poor or rich, always in the way,
Happy or sorrow, successful or fail, always in the way,
The way is exactly life, whatever.
This is exactly life, whoever.
Must, have to, on the way,
For life.
In the morning of Feb 19th, 2019
In hotel, Flushing, New York, US,
Before returning home in Beijing, China,
After touring and undergoing USA for 34 days.