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已有 13277 次阅读2019-2-2 22:08 |个人分类:影视|系统分类:艺术| 基督教, 中共, 三自, 三自, 三自, 三自, 三自, 三自, 三自, 三自, 三自, 三自, 三自, 三自 分享到微信







电视剧《大爱》系重大革命历史题材,将直报完整剧本至中宣部审阅,获准后由国家广播电视总局备案公示。该剧剧本由杨新磊教授搜集并精读大量中外基督教文献,历时廿载,经十多次修订,呕心沥血,字斟句酌,写作而成。1996.7 - 1998.2,杨新磊编导过长纪录片《中国基督教》,9集,174分钟,播映后反响良好,影响深远,轰动中美两国宗教界。在摄制该纪录片过程中,杨新磊与丁光训相识并成为忘年交,友谊深厚。丁光训亲笔题词,勉励并对《大爱》寄予厚望,时任北京市基督教两会主席于新粒随即附议,鼎力加持。


该剧由中美数家公司联合投资人民币4000万元整,采用RED + SONY4K超清技术制作,将针对中美受众诉求的不同剪出不同版本,制作中英双语对白与字幕。完成后,由中国中央电视台CCTV-1黄金时段独播,同时由美国两家电视台同步播出,随后在爱奇艺、Youtube等主要视频网站播映,出版正规DVD在全球公开发行。

电视剧《大爱》所谓基督教/Christianity,取其广义,即基督宗教/the Christian Religion,包括天主教/Catholicism、基督新教/Protestantism of Christ、东正教/Russian Orthodox Church。《大爱》剧本共25集,26万字,已完成;播出时不少于20集,每集50分钟,总时长1000分钟。

                 《大爱》——中国大陆第一部基督教题材电视剧_图1-2                      《大爱》——中国大陆第一部基督教题材电视剧_图1-3






In China, there are still not any film or television artworks focusing to the Christianity. But now, it will become history. Christianity Changed China, whose Chinese name is《大爱》, a television drama or television series, will begin to shooting. It is the first television artwork on Christianity, officially approved by the China’s government and the Communist Party of China (CCP), which includes 20 episodes, running over 15 hours.

This television artwork will be excellent to communicate the liberty, equality and fraternity from Christianity, based on a long historical story that narrates two amazing Chinese priest, Wuyaozong(1893~1979) and Dinguangxun(1915~2012), preached to Maozedong, Dengxiaoping, Jiangzemin and Hujintao, who are the top leaders of CCP from 1949 to 2012. Finally, Wuyaozong and Dingguangxun changed their attitude at the Christianity, ultimately make them change the policy of China’s government governing Christianity. Although the CCP does not believe any religion, including Christianity, although Mao is a typical atheist /antitheist, they still acknowledge Christianity in the end. Both the CCP and the Mao have been changed by Christianity. Therefore, faith or belief can overcome everything in the world.

However, who is Wuyaozong? He is acquainted not only to foreigners but also to most Chinese.

Wuyaozong (1893~1979), whose Chinese name is “吴耀宗an important Christianity leader with preeminence exploit in China, made the Christianity independent really and truly after China won the independence in 1950s. He was born in Shunde, Guangdong, China. Before 1913 he finished his basic education in a school founded by a Britannic merchant prince, who is a Jew. In 1913, he was been matriculated to a college of taxes in Beijing, but he wasn’t interested in it and then he received baptism from G.D.Wilder, a vicar of U.S.A, in Jun 1918. Soon, he abdicated his work in custom, of which the salary is more rich and generous than too many works at that time, and dedicated himself to the Christianity as a secretary in Y.M.C.A of Beijing. In Aug 1924, he was dispatched to U.S.A to study in Theological Seminary in N.Y. City and won a degree of M.A in philosophy form Colombia University, in 1927. From he came back to Shanghai, he became a more and more excellent torchbearer of Christianity in China, and he made the Christianity slip the leash from foreigner and oversea churches both in preaching and other religion activities and in economy: Wuyaozong got rid of any other control to make Chinese Christianity self-preaching, self-charging and self-financing, which is praised as “Three-self Patriotic Movement”. As you know, China wasn’t a country with own dominion and dignity in diplomacy when Wu did those. Therefore, in fact, all that Wu did in 1920~1970 contains very meaningful value, which is proved by history heretofore.

Furthermore, Wu is a man, a common man, not a deity, who has all feelings that populace has such as happy, angry, sad and gladness, especially who has love. He loved his wife, his son and daughter and every Christian, so did he for someone who didn’t believe the Christianity. He cared for his secretaries and colleagues as taking care for his son, and he loved his motherland — China deeply wherever he stayed exceptionally he studied and worked overseas and no matter what circumstance he faced exceptionally he was stigmatized and persecuted wrongly in the ten years of “Culture Revolution”. Thereby, Wuyaozong in this teleplay is both a leader again a patriot and a husband withal a father, a man with strong love in his heart.

Dingguangxun(1915~2012), is the successor of Wuyaozong, who continued to mediate Roman Curia in Vatican and CCP, to facilitate both inclusiveness and collaboration, based on keeping comprehension and tolerance each other via conversation equally. He reinforced the “Three-self Patriotic Movement of Christianity”, to enhance self-preaching by Chinese, to augment self-charging by Chinese, to strengthen self-financing by Chinese, from staff to institution, from language to finance. Depending on so many years of endeavor from Dinguangxun, the CCP and Christianity have become a good friend, still so today. On the other hand, Christian in China, who are follower or believer of Christianity, increase rapidly, more and more, based on Ding’s efforts. By the end of 2018, the number of Christians has reached 80 million, in China.

The script of this television artwork has been written by Yangxinlei, which totals up to 260 thousand words, spending more 20 years, undergoing over 10 revises, based on a great deal of substantial of documentaries, literatures and files on Christianity in English or Chinese. He conceived one and one fascinating stories to embody good features or nice characteristics of Wu + Ding, meanwhile to expose the greed, hypocrisy and debauching of God-fathers, bishops even or Pope, to uncover the complex of humanity. In his script, Christianity contains Catholicism, Protestantism of Christ and Russian Orthodox Church, so Yangxinlei stands at a broad sense to generalize the Christian religion successfully.

As an expert or proficient, it will been directed by Yangxinlei. From China and US, the grew will employ over 50 seasoned and talented actors dressed by exquisite costumes, to perform in many magnificent scenes to show religious spectacles, to shoot in so many basilicas, cathedrals, churches and chapels, whose architectural style changes from Roman, Byzantinism, Gothic, Baroque, Rococo to Modernism, from chief countries of Europe to USA. To be seasoned with it, we’ll choose the most advanced cameras for the nonce, which is 4K made by RED + SONY. We’ll spend 2 years to shoot it seriously in China, Europe and USA, along with 1 year in elaborative post-production earnestly and elaborately, especially in VFX+SFX.

Yangxinlei, PhD, professor, master tutor, major in film and television art. In 1990s, Yangxinlei directed and written a famous documentary “The Christianity in China”, including 9 episodes, running 178min, which sensationalized China and the US deeply. Dingguangxun made friend with Yang for many years, so he was been interviewed in the documentary, as the most authoritative person. In addition, Ding proposed and encouraged Yang to finish the Caritas Changed China.

In fact, Yangxinlei studies and teaches film & television, media & communication for over 20 years. He published 4 books and more than 100 papers to study various academic topics theoretically. Moreover, he accomplished in technologies of film and television art, meanwhile grasped all professional cameras and some top-rank software for post-production even and digital especial effects (VFX+SFX). Based on which, he directed 4 films or television dramas, Chinese Christianity, The Imperfect Sculpture and Excellent Auditioning Actors from Figurants or Amateurs and Women knight-errant aided by Buddha Dharma from Famen Temple, in Ancient China, all of which are popular welcomed. All works by Yang can be searched to see in Youtube and IMDB.

The investment amount of Christianity Changed China nears to 58 million dollars. It’ll be firstly broadcasted in golden time of CCTV-1 and main Christianity television channels of USA. Secondly, it will be shown in main websites of video, such as Youtube and Iqiyi. Finally, it will been published in DVD with ISRC to distributing or selling.

Welcome and expect you to invest or contribute or donation to it!









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