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【省级重点科研课题最终成果】京津高校文化创意产业人才培养比较研究 ... ...

已有 1593 次阅读2017-9-29 22:08 |个人分类:学术 文化|系统分类:科技教育| 课题, 省级, 结题, 文创, 高教, 省级, 结题, 文创, 高教, 省级, 结题, 文创, 高教, 省级, 结题, 文创, 高教, 省级, 结题, 文创, 高教, 省级, 结题, 文创, 高教, 省级, 结题, 文创, 分享到微信

【课题组成员】俞丽伟        萨其尔         冯梦兰       谢霞
【专家鉴定意见】中共中央党校哲社部赵素芬教授 + 中国传媒大学文化发展研究院院长范周教授,详见附图

【摘要】我国的普通高等学校可以划分为学术型、应用型两大类,文化产业、创意产业、文化创意产业同大于异,貌离神合。因此,必须广泛搜集国家统计局、国务院学位办、教育部的权威大数据,云计算我国文化创意类从高职、本科到研究生的专业与学科,并勾勒北京、天津高校的现况与特征。结合中国管理科学研究院武书连课题组《中国大学评价2015》、艾瑞深中国校友会网《2015中国大学评价研究报告》两份颇具影响力的高校排行榜,析出京津高校各学科、各专业前三强。通过整理全国代表性文化创意类非公办本科高校一览表,对京津各非公办本科高校开设文化创意类专业进行评级,对京津各高等职业院校文化创意类专业予以评级。继而,针“互联网+  ”时代文化创意类高校人才培养理念如何实现华丽转身,浴火重生,遴选戏剧影视学尤其广播电视编导专业为例深入剖析,给出再生之策,重构之法。最重要的,就是要面向“双创”新常态,改革实践教学。因此,在天津市各应用型高校与北京市主要应用型高校文化创意类“双创”之定量分析与对比的基础上,提出完全自主研发的一个“标准”和一个“体系”,为革新戏剧影视学实践教学给出合理建议和睿智意见。本调研旨在探寻京津高校之优劣短长,督促京津高校进一步科学地为文化创意产业培养有用之才,尤其鞭策天津高校紧紧抓住京津冀协同发展这一天赐良机,尽快缩小与北京高校的差距,最终实现京津同辉,共铸辉煌。
                    互联网+   ,大数据,云计算, 双创,实践教学,协同
【英文标题】A Comparative Study on Educating withal Training Talents for Cultural Creative Industries 
                   in Universities and Colleges in Beijing &Tianjin, China
【Abstract】China’s regular university contains two types: the academic type and the applied type. “Culture industry”, “Creative industry” and “Culture creative industry” are nearly same in essence, whose core just is creative in culture. Therefore, it must to draw a statistical induction from STATS, MOE and Degree Office of Sate Council, China widely, to cloud computing the subjects withal majors from higher that focus on Culture Creative Industry, from vocational education, undergraduate to graduated, according which to outline the concrete situation in Beijing and Tianjin. Based on Assessment to Chinese University (2015) from Wushulian in Chinese Academy of Management Science as well as Research Report of Evaluation to Chinese University (2015) from CUAA-Team, both of which have deeply influences in ranking list to Chinese universities, it is more necessary to find the three strongest universities in Beijing and Tianjin. Based on generalizing the list of Chinese representational nonpublic undergraduate universities focus on Culture Creative Industry, it is even more necessary to assess every such university via comparing Beijing with Tianjin, simultaneously to evaluate every such higher vocation college via contrasting Beijing with Tianjin. Afterwards, in the time of “Internet+ ”, facing to how to such universities and colleges transform their ideas on training talents for reconstruction and reconstitution, it is completely necessary to choose “director of broadcasting and television” in “Drama, Film and Television art”, a subject in a major, as a typical example, to analyze which comprehensively to afford feasible opinions with reasonable suggestions. The most important for it is to reform practical teaching, closely facing to “Double Chuang”, the new normal of “Popular entrepreneurship, Mass innovation” raised by Likeqiang who is the premier of the State Council, China. Therefore, based on a quantitative analysis to “Double Chuang” in culture creative in chief applied universities in Beijing and Tianjin, it put forward a “Measure” and a “System”, explored and created full independently by ourselves, which contains some specific measures with rational advice for film & television art. Focusing on universities and colleges in Beijing and Tianjin, the research aims at seeking advantages and disadvantages, superiority and inferiority, to supervise them educating more excellent talents further scientifically, especially to urge universities and colleges in Tianjin to grasp the “Jing-Jin-Ji Synergistic Development” closely that means a God-given opportunity, for reducing the gap as soon as possible, for achieving both cities illustrious equivalently at last. 
【Key words】Beijing, Tianjin, Universities and colleges, Culture creation, Applied type, Subject, Major, Higher vocational education, Undergraduate,    Graduated, Internet+  , Big data, Cloud computing, Double Chuang, Practical teaching, Synergistic development

引论………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
一、文化创意类高职、本科、研究生专业与学科梳理…………………………………………………………………………………………  6
二、京津各高校文化创意类专业评估与排名…………………………………………………………………………………………………… …15
三、“互联网+  ”时代文化创意类高校的再生与重构……………………………………………………………………………………………  18
四、“双创”新常态下实践教学的新思路与新举措……………………  …………………………………………………………………………  25
结论 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………   34

【省级重点科研课题最终成果】京津高校文化创意产业人才培养比较研究 ... ..._图1-1

【省级重点科研课题最终成果】京津高校文化创意产业人才培养比较研究 ... ..._图1-2

【省级重点科研课题最终成果】京津高校文化创意产业人才培养比较研究 ... ..._图1-3

【省级重点科研课题最终成果】京津高校文化创意产业人才培养比较研究 ... ..._图1-4

【省级重点科研课题最终成果】京津高校文化创意产业人才培养比较研究 ... ..._图1-5

【省级重点科研课题最终成果】京津高校文化创意产业人才培养比较研究 ... ..._图1-6

【省级重点科研课题最终成果】京津高校文化创意产业人才培养比较研究 ... ..._图1-7










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