【关键词】明星 片酬 指标 定价 模型 虚高 公平
【英文标题】An Index System and Several Mathematic Modes to Fix Film&Television Episode Actors Especially and Stars' Remuneration
【Abstract】How to measure and fix the remuneration of film &television episode actors, stars especially and super-stars / big-stars scientifically is absent for so long, so this paper constructs one index system composed by 8 factors based on both Grey relevance comprehensive evaluation method and multilayer fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. For reaching crews and stars an agreement in their remuneration, it builds a dynamic quadratic requirement function based on both supply and demand relation, furthermore to propose a nonlinear planning mode for the director while choosing actor for role. Thinking coincident appeal and common demand from government, film &TV-Play production companies and audiences, the article also contribute a differential dynamics equations mode, to suppress their unreasonably high salary, for cutting down it. The study analyzes and dissects the sky-high price remuneration of stars firstly based on multi-dimensional mathematic analyzing in mainland China, to reduce unequal wages or/and income disparity in show business, movie and television circle, to amend fair and just in distribution of wealth in culture industry even to all society.
【Key words】Star, Remuneration, Index, Fixing price, Mode, Unreasonably high, Fair
【中图分类号】J9 + O29 + C939
【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】
【原发期刊】国资委主管、中国航空工业集团公司主办的《广义虚拟经济研究》2015年第6卷第3期第91-96页,ISSN 1674-9448,CN 11-5905/F,010-84931358。