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已有 2641 次阅读2017-1-2 08:57 |个人分类:影视|系统分类:艺术| 法门寺, , 佛教, 儒教 分享到微信



如果严格按照“只有播映才算成功”这一标准,那么,(1)(4)(7)才算真正的法门寺题材影视剧,其它要么流产,要么还在运作中。法门寺成名30余年,纪录片远比剧情片成功,我国迄今尚无法门寺题材电影故事片公映。个中缘由,除了题材敏感、内涵深厚不易驾驭之外,主创者的德行也很重要。《周易·系辞下》:“ 德不配位,必有灾殃。德薄而位尊,智小而谋大,力(小)而任重,鲜不及矣。” 运作这一题材,如果品德不高、目的不纯、修养不深,则转不动法轮,降不住龙脉,聚不住风水,难成大器。


【中英双语】史上法门寺题材影视剧一览_图1-1   【中英双语】史上法门寺题材影视剧一览_图1-2


                                    All Films &TV-Episodes on Famen Temple in History


Famen temple, established and located near to Zhouyuan, which is the capital of Western Zhou Dynasty and the original/headstream of Confucianism, facing to Chang’an city eastwards in ancient China. The temple is so well-known and famous that it becomes a Buddhist shrine just in that the finger bone relic of Sakyamuni Buddha, one of Sarira / शरीर, was kept in it since 273 BC, as well as many royal treasures from Tang Dynasty for worshiping Buddha especially with the Sarira / शरीर was been unearthed form its underground palace.

(1) In 1997, Conjecture of Famen Temple, 16 episodes TV-Drama, directed by Chenjialin who is a famous director from CCTV, broadcasted successfully but failed to cultivate the same uproarious response.

(2)In 2006, Wutianming who is a cinematic famous director in No.4 generation in China, planed and tried to produce Dragon Flying over Famen, a feature film, but ended fruitlessly, failed.

(3)In 2008, a private company from Shaanxi provincial tried to produce Famen Temple, 30 episodes TV-Drama, but ended fruitlessly, failed.

(4)In 2009, Famen Temple produced by CCTV broadcasted successfully, 6 episodes television documentary, responding well and receiving good reviews.

(5)In 2012-2013, Legend of Famen Temple, was been approved and noticed publicly by SARFT of China simultaneously, which was both film and TV-Episodes, directed by Xuxiaoming who is a famous producer and director from Hongkong, China. But, both ended fruitlessly, failed doubly.

(6)In Sep 2014, Famen Temple, a feature film, was been prepare to shoot, Moyan who won the Nobel literature prize firstly in mainland China and Luwei who is a famous screenwriter for working for Zhangyimou for many years were been invited to write the script, but ended fruitlessly, failed.

(7)In 2015, a small company from Gansu province finished Famen Temple, broadcasted successfully. It is a film but not a feature film, which recorded the same Qinqiang Operas show using cinematic camera, so it only is the true recording-video of Chinese traditional opera, not motion picture, wherever the Qinqiang showing in stage, in artificial scenic spots, even in nature attractions.

(8)In May 2015, Code of Famen Temple, a feature film, was been approved and noticed publicly by SARFT of China, from Shanghai Film Group, directed by Xuke who is a famous director from Hongkong, China. However, this film progress slowly and hardly.

(9)In Dec 2016, Women knight-errant aided by Buddha Dharma from Famen Temple, in Ancient Chinaa feature film, was been approved and noticed publicly by SARFT of China, which is filled with costume, cliffhanging, detective especially and Chinese martial art /Kongfu /Wushu, directed by Yangxinlei, will begin to shooting.


Why so many above-mentioned projects failed is maybe for lacking of invest, fund, or story, besides which one is particular important just is religion fighting against normal. As you know, spirit of Buddhism, property of Zen,  quintessence of belief, characteristics of faith, conflicts of normal, criterion of goodness, nature of humanity, crisis of ethnics mixed in Famen temple, in any story on it, which is complicated narrative text and poly-semantic image system, with comprehensive emblematic metaphor constituted by non-determinacy, nonlinear, fuzzification even and chaos, as a context based on its intertextuality in contemporary post-globalization time, for Chinese, for every earthman.


To implement Chinas One Belt, One Road that is national strategy and top-level design, to spread Chinese traditional culture, to accept universal value of Buddhism, to strengthen cultural self-confidences, to narrative Chinas good story skillfully, to promote Chinas culture broadcasting abroad, Famen temple should shine brilliant glory and flash flamboyant sparkle via film, television and video in screens and in websites.











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