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杨新磊学术专著《空间之间 象外之象》中英文目录

已有 3582 次阅读2012-9-23 21:14 |个人分类:学术 文化|系统分类:科技教育| 专著, 目录, 中文, 英文 分享到微信

运动摄影承托的组合与匹配——高难度复杂长镜头的技术实现 ………………………… 1
试析数字电影DCI标准“分辨率/4K”的模糊性与滞后性 ………………………………… 12
技术•艺术•科学:纠结的历史与源一的哲学 …………………………………………… 26

“对农传播”讨诘 …………………………………………………………………………… 37
试析宗教题材影视剧敏感的深层根源……………………………………………………… 70
矢的于媒介素养蒙育与擢升的复合性广电人才培养模式研究…………………………… 81
Cosmopolitanism:Transnational Fandom to Chinese Television Drama about Family………………… 104
“权力寻租”替代“仇官”:“包青天”镜像传受心膂探赜………………………………… 107
电视诞生史津逮 …………………………………………………………………………… 116

效果循环与视阈融合:二十三个版本影视“白蛇传”的接受史发微 …………………… 153
丧我与迷失:网络的急遽飙突对电影艺术的倾轧与深重威胁…………………………… 171
中外电影对教育的讽谑及其意识根源探析 ……………………………………………… 180
Underdevolping and Hypoalimentation: Fansubbing as a
New Participatory Recommunication in China…………………………………………………………… 186
“蒙太奇”的思想渊薮之艺术考古学掘勘………………………………………………… 189
侠与法:冲突与融合中的民族集体无意识及其现代重构………………………………… 198
宗教的“广播”及其作为“南京大屠杀”题材电影的救赎因明…………………………… 206
Rethink the Nostalgia in Chinese Animation Evolved by Enculturative Assimilation……………………216
从恶托邦到异托邦:美国电影摹华史钩沉………………………………………………… 222

从时间生物/医学看影视剧套拍续拍翻拍重拍的利弊与根源…………………………… 248

现代公共建筑内的影像展映及其作为媒介仪式的人类学意义 ………………………… 280
Street Visual Media as Reconstructional Image in Urban Space…………………………288

王金姚版《中国传统文化概论》之斠 ………………………………………………………292
清华大学黄鹤《文化规划》文史纰漏雠勘 …………………………………………………303

英译汉:《理解“他者效应”》……………………………………………………………… 310
英译汉:《数字异化、健康信息与日常生活》……………………………………………… 316
英译汉:《美国电视生活秀节目的奢费主义及其成因》…………………………………… 327
六集电视剧《天缺一角》剧情梗概之英译与德译…………………………………… 332 / 336

戈达尔的影像•阿尔都塞的神髓——电影《中国姑娘》解析……………………………… 340

“神荼郁垒”不能贴错……………………………………………………………………… 349
“索引”之琐杂……………………………………………………………………………… 351


Technology and Art
Combining and Matching Accessories in Moving Cinematography for
Achieving Superior Complicated Full-length Shot………………………………………………………1
Shock absorbers especially including Steadicam® are important milestone in history of moving cinematography in technology. When combining Steadicam® with track, trundle, arm/crane, vehicle /vessel, aerobat and diving suit, we’ll obtain more excellent visual effects. This study details the nine combinatorial modes with their aesthetic characteristics as aforementioned as well as analyzes how to achieve some superior difficult complicated full-length shot in photography for film, based on some perfect illustrations from China and foreign. Author concentrates his efforts to research the unique function of Doggicam System from USA and how to match it with traditional cinematographic Accessories. The article thinks that the topmost full-length shots depended on real photography embodies the value of Minimalism’s integration where science matches art well, human matches machine well and technology matches art well, as the highlight among scenes, so film&television can be short of them, in that supreme full-length shots indicate the profound specialty and the conscious exploration.
Analyze “Resolution/4K” in Digital Cinema DCI Standard as a Fuzzy&Outmoded Idea…………12
China's digital cinema projection have misread the concept of "Resolution" for long, because their old stereotypes are at work. Beginning with the neurophysiology and cell biology, focusing on photography, film, television and print how to use the "Resolution" in practical application in respective industral context, this study details retrospectively the scientific mechanism of human eye “Minimum visual acuity angle”, and points out that the angle of human visual exist a maximum threshold, based on which the article clears essential difference between “Resolution” and “Definition”. The authors believe the core connotation of digital technology is same, for various media including DCI that ruled by U.S. for digital cenima. Threfore, it is recommended that film-makerthe should calm their mind and learn to some knowledges modestly, for responding actively to the “Three Network Convergence”, for promoting the innovation of filmic technology.
D.K.Worth’s Theory of Binocular Triple Fusion in Medicine
how to Enlighten Stereoscopic Film………………………………………………………………………18
Ocular Optics in medicine shows human binocular system includes a nonlinear triple level or degree, in which stereoscopy is the most one that yet influenced by both the first level (Simultaneous perception) and the second level (Flat fusion). Stereoscopy is concerned to Cornea, Iris, Pupil, and Crystallines lens, and depended largely on visual acuity, oxyoptex especially and aberration. Some studies discover that the effect of Flat fusion is not always superior to Simultaneous perception by single eye. Besides aberration, eye's movement particularly visual illusion and visual hallucination impact stereoscopy. Stereoscopic film is so hot and tied with "3D" up, which is a sensationalization and confounding on purpose by commercial business, based on the film charactered by merchandise inherently.
Technology • Art • Science : History is Interlaced but Philosophy is Homologous………………26
Technology and art are different essentially, in the long history of the world both of which also play the hand out a lot of competing. Technology and science are also different essentially, but the two is almost impossible to peel in our psychological history of understanding the world. Similarly, the science and art always are collected closely. Art, based on its cultural endowment, turns into one of the solvent through the technical and scientific language, time, system dimension that beckon homogeneity and identity of human knowledge and transform the oneness of world thinking, which is the construction of artistic creation and artistic disciplines inspired by a lot. Science and technology, is bound to integration with the humanities, which is the real way out as the highest representative of human wisdom.
Study on Radio&Television
Dialectic and Systemic Thought on Mass Communication to
Agriculture, Rural Area and Peasantry……………………………………………………………………37
Facing the “MCARP (Mass Communication to Agriculture, Rural Area and Peasantry)”, the study commences from hot encode but cold decode, summarize the deficiency in academic thought presently, and indicates media especially practitioner for television lack of further to despise agronomy knowledge. Thereupon, it introduces “agriculture” as an important scope in economics, historical vicissitude of “Peasantry” in Chinese and unique value of “Rural Area” as a crossed field in social science, to manifest news communication on policies from the CPC and national destroy and overthrow rural nether regime heavily, but art communication particularly teleplay withal film on rural life are favored by peasantries deeply. One is positive yet another is passive, one is constructive yet another is deconstructive, the author evinces “MCARP” origin from the “Faithfulness idea” which roots in mind practitioner’s mind that misapprehend badly the “Cun-cun-tong project” in receive radio and television in China. It needs prosper art communication to conceal even to fade “MCARP ”, which is a wise approach eventually to embody it can benefit to rural area even for peasantry completely.
An Inquire the Root of Sensitivity from Film & TV-Play anent Religion in China…………………70
This article analyzes why the film & TV-play anent religion is so sensitive at the present time, in China. The exploration commences from some investigation, deep-interview and charts, and gives define when discriminating along with a case-study typically. It illustrates various formals of the sensitive, eventually to discover the intrinsic reasons wherein political hegemony, religion, law and media, to uncover the thesis unambiguously. The author even handles a few valuable suggestions how to operate such film &TV-Play in practice successfully, in today’s China.
An Investigation Aims at Upgrade and Bring Multiplex Talents’ Media Literacy
even Training Paradigm on Radio&Television………………………………………………………… 81
Media literacy, has been paid high attention in some western countries especially developed nations that attached importance to raise the consciousness even self-determination of common publics. There are huge amount of higher educatee in China, although even those professional students, who major in media or mass communication don’t satisfy in total. As far general people, it is much more pessimistic, in which some officeholders in CCP and government often shows too much abominable in particular, for their status, degree, puissance ad hoc hegemony, nearly not to be renewed and regenerated. This investigation points out we should commence from Radio&Television at present, after a series of meticulous and elaborate inquiries, based on an outline the history of media literacy in China and foreign states. The author think that we’d better upgrade the multiplex talents on Radio&Television, through whom to exert a subtle influence on public especially “gatekeepers” of consensus with ascendancy to acknowledge, comprehend, utilize and criticize various of media. Via these aforementioned endeavors, the qualities of higher education will be more excellent and the social civilization will be more enlightened.
Cosmopolitanism:Transnational Fandom to Chinese Television Drama about Family…………104
“Power Rent-seeking” Replaces “Hatred of corrupt officials”:
An Psychological Exploration toChinese Telepalys on “Baoqingtian”……………………………107
Teleplays on “Baoqtingtian” in Chinese theatrical circles are always prosperous for long-term, of course because some intrinsic characteristics in essence of film & television, but the psychology of “Hatred of corrupt officials” from citizen class is a preinstallation not to be sneezed before reception them. “Official standard / Official-
Oriented departmentalism” is a malignant tumour not cure in the body of China’s traditional political thought, while television utilizes media’s authorities to allay the confrontation between the officials and the populace, which embodies ecumenical even universal meaning. Baozheng always won maximum empowering from government using  minimum rent, mainly by his own unique knowledge, to control so much scarce public resource, so who should be seen as an expert in power rent-seeking and a master in power game by mass in modern market economy. Based on media, power and it’s rent-seeking, this study grasps the power to seek three black hands behind the images of “Clean officials” including” Baoqingtian” and to dowse alternative scenery in interaction between communicating and accepting.
Rethink to History of Television Birth……………………………………………………………………116
Study on Film
Wirkungsgeschichte and Horizon’s Fusion: a Particularization to
23 Versions of Acceptance to “Legend of the White Snake”……………………………………… 153
“Legend of the White Snake” is the most popular folklore in China and many arts perform it all the year round, in which there have been 23 versions of film and teleplay heretofore. The story is the most frequent and the most reduplicative theme in Chinese history of both film and television, but all of they are not successful. It is so much complicated in that spearhead of anti-feudalism refract human’s eulogizing for a duteous love, as well as demon is still different from mankind but both can change each other, which embodies anthropocentrism is imperfect and all life in the world yearn for equality unremittingly. In the Chinese tale, Buddhism’s asceticism with metempsychosis make a detailed inquiry the human’s original sin from incarnation, right vs. wrong and justice vs. wickedness show relativism captivation, and the imagery of “snake” from the text overthrow Western and Chinese’s previous stereotype, which represent so revolutionary vanguard value that “Legend of the White Snake” has been orientalizing and globalizing. Moreover, “Leifeng” has two characters in Chinese that are similar in font but dissimilar in meaning, thus which accentuates the story’s influence so that every China’s youth know it well. When making a film based on it, the article think director must give prominence to factors of cinema such as Baisuzhen and Xiaoqing’s photogenie as well as humanity, sprite and immortal’s motion, just like manipulating some wonderful Wushu or Kongfu scenes and the unique earthshaking “Flood inundate Jinshan Temple”, to lead audience enjoy shiver with terror for extreme beauty and supreme experience. When to televisualize the story, author think producer should transcribe it deviously labyrinthian, such as grasping some terrestrial affections from sister, couple, classmate, master and apprentice, for materializing ethical value in them. The paper compares and comments the 23 versions, mainly focusing on how cinema and television create the story to utilize respective inimitable language and how to HD-digitalize the Chinese fable into an elaborate works or a competitive products, via which it delineates those motley and variegated prospect of psychological acceptance from “May 4th Movement” to postmodern time in China’s mass. These article believes 23 versions of “Legend of the White Snake” shape a wirkungsgeschichte and fusion of horizon between author and reader, works and mass, art and world, in/out of screen, to see and to be seen, visible and invisible, alike and unlike, which lead to the code symbolization and canonization via binary interactualities in Chinese history of both film and television.
Forfeit and Maze Self: Internet Develop Fleetly and Rapidly Intimidate Film
in Art with in Financing…………………………………………………………………………………… 171
The film named The Social Network, won the 83rd Oscar award, whose investment comes from chiefly a website named www.Facebook.com that is popular deeply now. The film is biography of Mark Zuckerberg who is the founder of Facebook, looks filled with individual heroism while he was striving for carving out his enterprise, but it is worse in narration, performance especially and visual-audio language, with broad and round advertised orientation. The film is communicated mainly not by traditional cinema-line and not by home entertainment but by internet via clicking online, based on which it won many prizes successfully. However, it means film mazes self just as mass mazes themselves facing to internet. For film, internet impulses investment as well as fluctuates production, emission ad hoc and reception, which forfeit the film’s whole essence. It is transparent that internet isn’t same as television and internet isn't a media, which just is our lifestyle even to the “Dasein” world. Internet is doing all what film has done but film can’t do what internet has done, so film must wake up, not to act as an appendage for film. Film should keep characteristic independency in financing and in art, for keeping a foreground.
Deeply Explore to the Reason of Complex of Anti-education from
Many Chinese and Foreign Films…………………………………………………………………………180
Many films abominate even revolt to rigid educational institution, both in China and in foreign areas. In history of film, elementary school and middle school often are viewed as a field where artistic endowment even and human nature will be snuffed out, whose presidents always are considered as avatar of old-fashioned and stubborn fellow. Although single teacher dare to renovate oldness and reverenced by students, he is doomed to fail finally. The complex of anti-education in films roots in the tendency and orientation of western modern educational thought that infringe the foundation of education, which is an irrefragable fact, despite directors’ individual characteristics and their life experience affecting it. Art and education must face humanity directly as well as return to each foundation, but it is how difficult to actualize the goal in this postmodern time of globalization.
Underdevolping and Hypoalimentation: Fansubbing as a New
Participatory Recommunication in China………………………………………………………………186
An Artistic Archaeological Explore to Ideal Root of Montage………………………………………189
This article analyzes how “montage” came into fine art, industrial design and architecture, based on it’s derivation in English and French. After a retrospect to European social history in 1920s, it construes “montage” how to effect Bauhaus, Futurism, Constructivism, Cubism as well as how to infiltrate or penetrate mutually. Author outlines much influence in literature and art after “montage” was been communicated into Russia and Soviet Russia, to clear the dense fog hanging over “Montage school” in per-history of film. The study is the 1st investigation for it comprehensively in Chinese academe, which indicates courage and insight in interdiscipline and wisdom in across research, filled with unique value in artistic archaeology.
Xia(Swordman) and Law: Paradoxical but Consistent Chinese Collective Unconsciousness
and how to Reconstruct in Modern Times………………………………………………………………198
Xia(Swordman), as a traditional culture, is a unique psychology of the Chinese society, with a long history. Shi(scholar-bureaucrat), a literati and officialdom in feudal China, was divided into two, one of which is Xia who depend on sword, force and violence. As a model code, the highest moral of Xia(Swordman) is to depreciate “loyalty(Zhong)” and to advocate “justice(Yi)”. In the view of legal logic, Xia(Swordman) shows some contradiction to law, but the spirit of both will achieve the same end-result. Country often was disjointed society in ancient China, which became a dualistic structure, and the public always saw law as a imposed power, as a “other”, who think law so exterior that people abominate and execrate officers in feudal government. Xia(Swordman)’s action can recuperate the lack of law in Chinese traditional society. Under the rule of law, modern society should highlight the chivalrous acts of legitimate relief by personal power, to abandon the hero-individualism of it, refreshing and promoting it go forward with the times. The article also rethinks why Wuxia film could turn into a classic genre even and an image’s motif in Chinese history of film, from the perspective of jurisprudence.
Religion to be Communicated Widely as the Redemption’s Logos for
some Films on “Nanking Massacre”……………………………………………………………………206
Many films about “Nanking Massacre” intimate that religion can save normal. Religion, especially Christianity, had the supreme authority before the Enlightenment in Europe, but recovery of rational cause moral to decline in modern society and moral can no longer save the lost religion. Both sages of thought and historical process demonstrate religion with morality are fraternal companion in adversity or misfortune, which means mankind is difficult to improve the moral and perfect virtue only by autonomy, so humanity needs to achieve heteronomy by religion. Religious secularization still doesn’t conflict with modern pluralism, notwithstanding it can highlight the ultimate concern to construct utmost virtue with extreme perfection, via broadcasting the truth widely, in company with moral hand in hand.
Rethink the Nostalgia in Chinese Animation Evolved by Enculturative Assimilation………… 216
From Dystopia to Heteropia: Brief History of USA’s Film how to
Represent Chinese & China……………………………………………………………………………… 222
The article outlines a historical mutative course that USA’s film especially Hollywood how to represent Chinese & China, based on some important film works, scenarist and director. Author demonstrates the background and connotation of one view that thinks it is archaic mysterious, which roots USA-Centrism, to discriminate and exclude Chinese & China. Meanwhile, author illustrates another view that respects and appreciates Chinese culture that roots in pluralistic centers, to comprehend equally. It uses “Dasein” to penetrate all, upon which to eliminate binary opposition, to outburst the impediment build between USA and China in ideology, eventually to construct a harmonious interactional paradigm on film.
Interdisciplinary Study
A Conceived Study to Digital Map&City based on Virtual Reality in Film&Teleplay
based on 4 Chinese Classical Novels……………………………………………………………………242
4 Chinese classic were been paid high attention by film & teleplay scopes for long, based on which there are many works and produce them repeatedly time after time. However, there isn’t any one present ancient map with cities in those novels. Young audience aren’t familiar with archaic place names so youth are always puzzled by provinces, towns and villages and whose geographical relation in 4 masterpieces. Moreover, Luoguanzhong and Shi’nai’an were intent to blur those toponym as another fiction, therefore when creating some films or teleplays according to them directors shouldn’t despise and neglect these prevenient names, to decrease the difficulty even suffering from contemporary mass. This article think we must utilize virtual reality based on BGIIS and military science especially Chinese strategies and tactics, depending on theory of digital city, to manifest “The digital map of strategies and tactics in The Romance of three Kingdoms” and “Digital chart of territory in Beisong dynasty and digital counties with towns in Liangshan in Heroes of the Marshes”, etc. Thus, these movies and teleplays will be more wonderful and more nice-looking to enjoy modern spectators deeply.
Ponder from Chronobiology to the Renovate Pre-works & Produce Continuously
and so on in Film&Television…………………………………………………………………………… 248
Produce continuously and renovate pre-works, is a common tendency in history of film and history of television, especially which tends to frequent even ubiquitous, both of which are easier to be confounded with produce conventionally and produce again for recovering original. Academia often negate them but nobody define and discriminate these four professional terms ad hoc their deeply reasons. Author thinks Chronobiology from nature science is a powerful thought weapon that can explain the subject thoroughly, except studying it in view of humanities science with social science. This study leads Chronobiology into art especially including film and television firstly in China, which points out that artists’ biological rhythmus even and life period are different from others, both of which always are destroyed or disturbed by all kinds of machines and various of technologies in producing film or television as well as mass or audiences are often tired in aesthetic action just owing to the their Chronobiology’s characteristics. “Three biological rhythmus” of human causes that mass are weary of even and revolt against communicator, which makes practitioners produce repeatedly or continue insipidly based on the rhythmus. As one interdisciplinary and unique theory, the author elaborates the Chronobiology and “Three biological rhythmus” while illustrating many films or TV-dramas as examples, which makes scholars fell fresh and novel while gaining a good deal of enlightenment.

Image and Architecture
Yingshicheng: Chinese Rustic Media Encounter Capital’s Tantivy and
Entertainment’s Billow in Rapidly Urbanization ………………………………………………………………256
There are many “Yingshicheng” build in China from 1980s to today, but nearly all can not profit, which means feckly all are not lucrative, because these investors don’t understand the ontological characteristics of film and television rooted and ignore the negative social effects of both. Film and television, is a vague and complex objects, lacking of authoritative and consistent theory so far, and "film/cinema" is different from "television" especially in digital era. “Yingshicheng” isn’t exists in English academics because there are serious misreading to many products from "DISNEY PARK" in Hollywood, USA, for scourge of broad and deep knowledge limitations or disciplinary barriers, in that “Theory of post-products” is so much harmful. “Yingshicheng” is not different completely from “Base of movie and television”, both of which have few similarities. The tourism industry has confused both, seeing both as a same thing, and pushed for sightseers to visit “Yingshicheng”, in reality, which is lack of essence products and cultural implication, not conducive to the industry flourishing. Analyzing “Yingshicheng” from the view of architecture, its planning is sloppy, designed poorly, without garden aesthetics, where all kinds of landscape match vulgar ugly as well as the location on public service is lost. It is only aim that to construct so many “Yingshicheng” is grabbing money or profit. As a real estate project, to invest “Yingshicheng” and such theme parks similar is doomed to failure at this stage, which means to go down the drain or waste of resources. China’s government should prohibit doing thus. For those “Yingshicheng” that has been completed, the only delete their function for serving for film or television, to ferret out national or native cultural gene, benefiting public people, as a non-profit establishment for public service. Without a clear understanding, academic research on the “Yingshicheng” in China still stands in a low light level, with narrow views and weak theoretical value.
Study on Shadow: Aesthetic Function and Humanity Connotation
in Chinese Classical  Landscape Architecture……………………………………………………………………267
Image Exhibition in Modern Public Architecture and it’s Anthropological Meaning
as a Media Ritual…………………………………………………………………………………………… 280
Public architecture reflects the political authority of the reflection value of the civilians in the spirit of default, to lead the social norms affecting individual behavior through cultural control. Video exhibition, display and screenings in theses public building is a unique media’s carnival, based on which countries and people will transfer the authority to ease the hostility deification of public opinion, for decreasing the mutual recognition of the value until the formation of a collective carnival. Public building tolerant image’s authors to broadcast or communicate widely their discourse hegemony grasped, therefore the state and the people will hold in a harmonious symbiosis, via which the public nature of the architecture can been shown out particular deeply. This integration identifies the divinity of life, as a media ritual, especially rooted in the positive meaning goddess from our hearts, to force the power democratization with so much positive political metaphor and freedom’s color.
Street Visual Media as Reconstructional Image in Urban Space……………………………………288

Cultivate in Field of Guoxue(Chinese Traditional Culture)
A Detailed Emendation to Outline of Chinese Traditional Culture by Wang, Jin and Yao……………292
Correct some Errors in an Academic Book Entitled Cultural Planning
by Huanghe of Tsinghua University…………………………………………………………………… 303
There are so many errors in the 7th chapter named Qufu: Discovery to Feasible Ways for Cultural Renaissance in Confucius’ Hometown, in an academic book entitled Cultural Planning: Urban Integral Development Strategy based on Cultural Resources by Huanghe, an associated professor in Architecture School of Tsinghua University, who is a favorite graduate of Mr.Wuliangyong who is a Chinese double academician. These mistakes show Huanghe hasn’t grasped some common knowledge of Chinese traditional culture especially Confucianism so well. This article correct them one by one carefully and earnestly, the author of which worry about ancient Sinology / Chinology has been ignored by the public even scholars in nowdays. As a subject in university, urban/rural planning is so promiscuous and superficial that we must try our best to construct another main criterion and new core paradigm as soon as, for renovating it.
Translate Three English Articles into Chinese…………………………………………………………310/316/327
Translate one Chinese Essay into English and German……………………………………… 332/336
Film Reviews
Louis Althusser’s Zeitgeist is in LA CHINOISE Directed by Jean Luc Godard……………………340
A Phenomenological Walk in THE ISTER
for Seeking German even and European Thoughts…………………………………………………………… 344
Scholarly Essays
Why Television(Dianshi) Suffixed by “Station(Tai)” ……………………………………………………347
Don’t Paste “Sehnshuyulv” Wrongly……………………………………………………………………349
Some Indexes is Trivial and Miscellaneous…………………………………………………………… 351
Parochial Prejudices in Academe……………………………………………………………………… 355







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