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已有 755 次阅读2017-12-20 21:42 |个人分类:文艺复兴|系统分类:艺术分享到微信

Through 13 European countries Dr. Fan of China marching art revolution


英语新闻来源:美国四大电视公司:NBC 国家广播公司,ABC 美国广播公司,CBS 哥伦比亚广播系统,FOX 福克斯广播系统,英国BBC 大不列颠广播公司 及世界数百媒体报道。本文加华语编译。


December 16 - 202017


Dr. Fan Kuanling (i.e Fan Guangling,Kenneth K. Fan),Oriental Renaissance man, President of the first World Congress of Poets in China, one of the ten contemporary master painters in China just completed an “Art Revolution Trip” through 13 countries of Europe successfully. And he was welcomed by many in China. He said in Shanghai today that: “The time for 21st century art revolution is coming!  Jointly we must start the revolution now and march for a brighter tomorrow.”


东方文艺复兴人,中国首次世界诗人大会主席,中国当代十大画家 范光陵院士成功完成 “欧洲十三国行”。他回中国后被各界欢迎. 他在上海说:“21 世纪纪艺术革命时机到来了。手携手我们共为光明的明天向前进”。


The thirteen countries march include Russia,France,Luxembourg,Germany, Czech Republic,Slovakia,Hungary,Austria,Liechtenstein,Switzerland,Netherlands,Belgium and Spain.  Dr. Fan exhibited, exchanged, visited through many different parts and things. That shocked him most was that most of the European master pieces of art are stored in big name museums and they belong to old times. The modern ones on the streets are of no-strength, no-innovation, no-power. Where are the art masters? Where are the imaginations?Where is the power of art?Who knows?


In China, the undesirable things in art are also happening. Many big-name artists are gone with the winds. In the art world of the East there are mainly coping the past. Dr. Fan understands that it is the moment to revolutionize modern art and march.


范光陵欧洲十三国行包括俄罗斯,法兰西,卢森堡,德意志,捷克,斯洛伐克,匈牙利,奥地利,列支敦士登,瑞士,荷兰,比利时,西班牙。范博士在许多地方展示,交流,拜访.  最使他震惊的是;欧洲好画多半收藏在美术馆,但却是过去老作品。一般现代作品苍白无力,无创新,无威势.  不见大师,不见想像力,不见艺术力. 天知道。中国也有类似困难,许多大师随风而去. 在东方艺坛,模彷为主流. 范光陵看见艺术应该创新改革前进。


Photo 1. Dr. Fan exhibited his art revolution at a Hungary Palace with horse-riding officials. 东方文艺复兴人 范光陵 “院士” 在匈牙利古王宫,手持他首创的 “诗意油画” - “人生红尘干戈中” 与二位西方 骑士 “世界艺术革命” 大旗下,东西方文艺复兴共同前进。


Photo 2. Hon. Pierre AIDENBAUM and Dr. Fan on Dr. Fans Paris exhibition. 范光陵与法国政府领导在艺术革命画展。左起为 “人生红尘干戈中种子女郎人生何时最好可可西里”. 中间下面为美国范融画马大师画,范光陵䃼笔之 “汗血宝马


During Dr. Fan’s art revolution march in Europe he usually made speeches in three languages:Chinese,English and French. 欧行中,他通常用中英法文表达。


In Dr. Fan Kuanling’s English World Art Revolution European speech, he said: “In my heart, I am only a medium poet, a small painter from the East. I'm trying to improve myself through the long trip from the East to the West….. “


However many people in the world didn't think so:


"Dr. Fan Kuanling is the sun from the East to the West," said Dr. Mary Rudge, an American nominee for the Nobel Prize.


The distinguished former President of France, Hon. Giscard  d’Estaing', said to him, "Dr. Fan, you are the Renaissance man who brought the art revolution to the world".


Respectable former Philippine president Fidel V. Ramos said to him: "Your art is world’s top. my home is your home!"


In 1999, the leading French newspaper Le Figaro honored Dr. Kuanling Fan as the “Grands Artistes”.


Internationally, the name of Dr. Fan was honored as one of the world's 12 grand painters” along with Gauguin, Picasso, Pollock, Kooning, Van Gogh, Munch, Matisse, Klimt.


Dr. Fan had also been a cultural commissioner and English interpreter for Generalism Chiang Kai Shek.  He also led the first cross-strait economic and cultural ice-breaking tour from Taiwan to China in 1988.





People around the world to help him. Such as Dr. Novin Afrouz, Hon. Pierre AIDENBAUM, Ms. Wally Thomas Hermes, Prof. Alexandre Del Perugia, Prof. Francesco Correggia , Dr. Natica Angilly, Dr. James P. Wang, Dr. Yiling F. Chiang, Chu Sue-Ling, Dr. Philip Fan, Gene Fan, Fan Rong’s horse painting, Ge Jianjun’s calligraphy painting, Lu Jiahe’s Chinese painting, Albert Fan, Alisha Rodrigues, Dr. Daisy Fan, Prof. Peter Alatsas, Peggy Fan and many more. 


Dr. Fan used "Seed Girl", "Life Is War" to lead his “poetic paintings” onto the world.


2017年10月31日东方文艺复兴人范光陵院士 Dr. Fan Kuanling 在上海准备好他的东方文艺复兴走上欧洲之旅的中文,英文,法文演讲稿。他世界第一,首先把 “中国诗画合一哲学” 直接画在 “西方油画上”,造成 “诗意油画”,成为21世纪绘画革命。范光陵过去曾在法国,德国,匈牙利举行诗画展,被世界闻名的报纸《费加罗 Le Figaro》等评为 "大艺术家 Grands Artistes"。




“在我内心深处, 我只是一个中等诗人, 一个小画家。我正在努力提高自己。只是世界上许多人不这么想。美国诺贝尔文学奖提名人 玛丽.罗奇博士 说: "范光陵博士 是从东到西的太阳“。尊敬的法国前总统 基斯卡.德斯坦说: "范博士, 你是给世界带来艺术革命的文艺复兴人", 尊敬的菲律宾原总统菲德尔. 拉莫斯说: "你的艺术世界第一,我的家是你的家! ” 国际上范光陵被尊为世界12大画家之一。我也曾任蒋介石先生的英语翻译和文化委员. 1988年我冒死带领两岸首次经济文化破冰之旅 从台湾到大陆。               


在我们这个混乱的、多战的世界里, 我们需要培养好的种子来提升我们到美丽的世界。我们需要东方文艺复兴来融入西方文艺复兴。因此, 我特用 "种子女郎" ,"生命是战争" ,“人生!?”,“年青的呐喊”. 来画出四幅诗意油画走上世界。


“种子女郎” 画面上金色背景代表人类文化历史灿烂和沉积,是金色的梦。东方蛋型长脸加上西方眼神塑造高贵,未来想望,迷茫和深思。身躯是对大地的眷恋,破网而出的脖子是突破和萌芽。头发是前进中的张力和平实。看到了现实中的迷茫,困惑,对未来的期许和展望,对人类和平,幸福,美好的追求。种子在开放了。“生命是战争”  是少女的静思。在四面八方的战争威胁下,人类何处去?只有纯洁美丽的心灵才能美化世界。“人生!?” 黑色背景代表过去,正面代表未来。 人面代表思想。让我们从战争中生长出美丽种子。让我们把西方和东方的文艺复兴结合。让我们把中国画和西方画融为一体。让我们拥有一个融合东西方的世界, 一带一路, 为人类享受美丽和艺术的生活。

Photo 4. Dr. Fan’s art revolution “Seed girl”.


The golden background of the "seed girl" screen represents the splendid and sedimentary history of human culture and a golden dream. Oriental egg-shaped face with Western eyes to shape the noble, future desire, confused and thoughtful. The body is sentimentally attached to the earth, breaking the net out of the neck is a breakthrough of bud. Hair is the tension and level of progress. See the reality of confusion, the future of expectations and prospects for human peace, happiness, beautiful pursuit. Seeds in the open.


Photo 5. Dr. Fan’s art revolution “Life is a war”. 人生红尘干戈” 中,年轻女人代表纯洁与和平。脚下为航母群。背后为战士,战马。头上为飞机导弹。表示世界大乱中。


中英文诗 “人生,Life” 为:





Life is a war.

How many winds

Through introspection.

May love fill the world.


此图为世界艺术革命重要里程碑之一。即世界第一把中国 “诗画合一“ 哲学画入西洋油画,而创新为 “艺术新世界


"Life is War" is a girl's meditation. Where is the human race under the threat of war in all directions? Only pure and Beautiful mind can beautify the world.


About art, Dr. Fan cries as what the French president Hon. Emmanuel Macron said: “Let’s revolutionize and march!”




附彔:范光陵在欧洲十三囯行中,除交流,写诗,作画外,又依北宋大词家 苏东坡厡韵,填了一首 “念奴娇词- 两岸一家亲”。


此词主要抒发出 曾为 孙中山先生特助,野寨中学创办人之他的父亲 范苑声博士;以及与 巴金同为 “世界七大百岁作家” 之他的母亲 李国彝博士二位生前训示之 “忠孝爱国” ,“两岸一家亲”;以后继他的先祖 商丘定陶之陶朱公 范蠡,洛阳之文正公 范仲淹的 “忠孝正气,先忧后乐” 情怀:洛阳伊川之范公仲淹陵园已由人民政府为 范光陵后人“范光陵“ 建立 “祭祖诗碑”,以鼓励后代。

图6:洛阳伊川之范公仲淹陵园已由人民政府为 范光陵后人“范光陵“ 建立 “祭祖诗碑”,以鼓励后代。


两岸均有为 范光陵建立的纪念碑及孝经碑。在 “新华社” 主办之 “现代快报”,2007年6月17日刊载: “古今中外465位名人排行榜” 上,范姓中有四位. 范姓共有春秋 “商圣” 范蠡、楚相范增、北宋 “文正公” 范仲淹及其后人范光陵。2014年,由国家一级书画家、作家 吴景山撰写,中国文联出版社出版的《历史不会忘记范光陵》(增订本,中英文版),在联合国举行首发式及 ”范光陵-美丽中国诗意油画展” ,受到各方感动。


《念奴娇 - 两岸一家亲》 范光陵 2017


“两岸一家. 五千年,冻冰破冰人物。

台海双边, 历史是,同文同种铁壁。

精忠报国, 亲情染岸, 水浓不如血。





宝岛名留,创新传世界,“希望” “人生”。








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