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已有 987 次阅读2017-7-26 12:34 |个人分类:文艺复兴|系统分类:艺术| 范光陵, 文艺复兴, 艺术革命, 孔子 分享到微信



Around the world from China, Dr. Fan innovates 21st century painting revolution with Oriental Renaissance and Confucius


现在引用美国 “好莱坞产业报” 之报道。

Dr. Kenneth Kuanling Fan (i.e. Fan Guang Ling) innovated World Painting Revolution with Oriental Renaissance; First One In The World Recompiled Confucius Books. He claimed that with the increasing weight of the East; its time for the rising of an Oriental Renaissance and Painting Revolution.


July 19, 2017 Dr. Kenneth Kuanling Fan, an alumnus of NYU,CCNY and Columbia University;formerly a professor and/or computer man at IBM,CSU,USU,SMC,USA stood with people near the Shanghai Bund,watching the Pudong new skyscrapers,people all around the world, and water of Huangpu River running fast by.


美国纽约大学,哥伦比亚大学校友,美国电脑巨人 IBM 之电脑专家,美国加州大学等名校教授,台湾第二大学成功大学原管理学院院长范光陵博士在上海外滩含泪看黄浦江水长流。他说我要完成人生三愿望:东方文艺复兴,世界绘画革命,孔子哲思!现场大家一起读红旗出版社出版,孔子述作,范光陵精编的 《孝经101字》。


Dr. Fan, the old scholar, survived through all the sad wars breezed deeply with tears and said:


“I'll complete the three wishes of my life before I die! All my life I want nothing but Oriental Renaissance, World Painting Revolution and Confucius' general love and peace for the world.


Many joined him reading Confucius's 《Book of Filial Piety 101 Words》 with tears too. And they chanted:Love, Peace,Innovation and Oriental Renaissance,with this worldwide striving old gentleman.


图左上:法国最大报 “费加罗”:“伟大艺术家范光陵博士”. 图右上:“最受赞誉人物范光陵”. 下左图:美国奥克兰导报:文艺复兴人范光陵和平访问奥克兰”. 下右图:旧金山纪事报:“电脑巨人范光陵和平访美”。


Top left: France top newspaper “Le Figaro” :Grands Artistes Le Dr. Kuanling Fan . Top right:US and Japan news:Most Admired Man of the Decade. Dr. Kenneth Kuanling Fan. Lower Left:Oakland Tribune,Renaissance Man pays Oakland a peace visit. Dr. Kenneth Kuanling Fan. Lower right: San Francisco Chronicle: Taiwan computer guru crusades for peace. Kenneth Kuanling Fan.




Book of filial piety 101 words

(original 1903 words)

Chinese by confucius and Dr. Kuanling fan

English translation by Dr. Kuanling fan, Dr. Benjamin yuzon, Dr. Ronald shafer,Dr. Natica angilly, etc.


Filial peity is the root of morality. Those who love parents dare not hate others; those who respect parents dare not snub others. Though high without danger enjoys being high long; filled up without overflow enjoys richness long. Words over the world without faults; deeds over the world without hatred. Be prudent and frugal to take care of parents. Wise kings and leaders manage with filial peity. The way to love parents are: to respect in residence; to please in living. To serve parents mean in higher position without arrogance; in lower position without problem-causing; in undesirable position without conflicts.


Dr. Fan's father Dr. Yuan Sheng Fan 父范范声 was President Chiang Kai-Shek's high ranking officer and preparing materials for President Chiang to communicate with US and other presidents, and his mother Dr. Go Yi Lee 母李国彝was Madam Chiang's close friend. Since Dr. Fan was very young he had the chance to learn beginning paintings from Chinese painting masters as Xu Beihong 徐悲鸿 and Zhang Daqian 张大千. Both of his daughters were well educated in the States: Dr. Daisy Fan 长女范代希博士 earned PhD from University of Texas, Austin; while the younger one Peggy Fan 次女范培希大学讲师earned MBA from NYSU, Stony Brooks.


In 1949 young Dr. Fan left Shanghai with his parents,following Chiang Kai Shek to Taiwan. After graduation from National Taiwan University,Dr. Fan became President Chiang Kai Shek's English translating officer.


范光陵曾任蒋介石的英文翻译和文化委员。While studying in NYU, impressed by Dr. Peter Drucker's lectures, he worked at a restaurant as part time dishwasher. There he cooked up 3 wishes for life:

1. Lead the first delegation from Taiwan to China mainland for peace, general love and culture.

2.Bringing innovative thinkings to China.

3. Oriental Renaissance and the revival of culture and art. 范光陵曾在美国工读,在餐馆洗碗,并立下三大人生志愿。


1988 Dr. Fan led the first ice-breaking delegation from Taiwan to China after 40-year separation. He was respected as the man of Oriental Renaissance. He was also quoted by Chinese high school textbook as the father of computer in China. And he was respected as the founder of poetic oil painting - the innovation that integrates Chinese Poetry + Painting art philosophy with Western oil painting directly on the canvas. 1988年范光陵冒死带两岸第一个破冰团来大陆。今年是三十年纪念。


A little while ago Dr. Fan Kuanling, Dr. James P. Wang, Prof. Francisco Correggia, Dr. Novin Afrouz innovated WORLD PAINTING REVOLUTION, Multicultural Education, Oriental Renaissance meets Western Renaissance in Italy. Dr. Fan just came back from a multicultural painting exhibition through Milano, Switzerland and Dubai with honors. Dr. Fan had good contacts in art and cultures with President George Bush, President Fidel Ramos, President Valry Marie Ren Georges Giscard d'Estaing, His Majesty King Humibo Adulyadej, His Majesty King Norodom Sihanoukand, President Lech Walesa,etc.




Dr. Fan Kuanling, as the Oriental Renaissance man, the president of the first World Congress of Poets in China 's 5000-year history, becoming the first one, supported by the Chinese Government recompiled Confucius' books from thousands of words to 101 words each so that most of the people can understand. Such as: 孝经 “Book of Filial Piety 101 Words” from original 1903 words; 论语 “The Analects of Confucius 101 Words” from 13700 words, 孟子 “Mencius 101 Words” from 34685 Words; Confucius 大学“Big Learning 101 Words” from 1753 Words; Confucius 中庸 “The Middle Theory 101 Words” from 3568 Words.


Also as the first one in Chinese history, Dr. Fan is the one who broke the ice between two sides of China. He is also the Father of Computer in China, father of Poetic Oil Painting in the world, as well as the pioneer in 21th century Painting Revolution. Dr. Fan was admired internationally as one of the ten grand painters in China, as well as one of the twelve grand painters in the modern world with Paul Gauguin, Paul Ceanne,Pablo Picasso,Francis Bacon,Jackson Pollock,Willem de Kooning,Vincent Willem van Gogh,Claude Monet,Edvard Munch,Kenneth Kuanling Fan,Henri Matisse,Gustav Klimt. From China, Dr. Fan’s works will be a special gift to the 21st century of the world. 中国人范光陵为世界第一人改编孔子,被国际选为近现代世界十二大画家。以他世界首创的 “诗画合一“ 油画,被誉为 21世纪世界绘画革命先行者。



上面图片: 从右: 国际代表夏雨, 韩德彩将军,寿星陈红,范光陵院士,《红楼梦》导演周雷, 杨春龄会长。中间图片: 龙文化发展中心贵宾,纪念东方文艺复兴历史上首次访问西方文艺复兴胜利完成,返发源地中国。左下画: 范光陵院士之感动世界人心的诗意油画: "妈妈, 不要哭。我先去天堂了! “

右下画: 范光陵院士的21世纪绘画革命 “一带一路”:中文诗为“乱什么?改正之!一带一路”。


范光陵周游讲学世界八十国,朋友,老师,学生满天下。7月23日国际闻名的歌唱家上海陈红Cheng Hong的生日宴会上,她正式拜范光陵院士为师。国内外先后参与有大书法家,国际闻名飞将军韩德彩,红楼梦大师周雷,龙文化发展中心主持人宏泰,台湾首任巡抚刘铭传第五代嫡孙刘学宣会长,刘小凤秘书长,陈燕,吴铭,孔繁琨,世界大会执行主席刘叶杰, 杨春龄,名画家邱绣陵会长,肖剑,宋燕华,徐强执行主席,世界文化导演艾文,黄文俊执行主席,张连兴会长,拿督斯里连绍文,解晓风,上海虹莱文化传媒有限公司董事长邵震,金妮,包卫东,国际代表夏雨,台湾代表刘燕华,名流袁健铭,吴志安,肖雪明,樊勇新,藤青松,袁玲,珍妮,范壹廷,上海础辉实业有限公司李显成,3383中西文化交流艺术团旗袍鹰之队创始人罗莎及何珊珊,陶莺莺,蒋黎,王宝珍,缪桂萍,宋卫斌,曾跃玲,孙桂霞,丁娟,陆菊萍,任华静等多人见证。展示21世界绘画革命之范光陵诗意油画,并一致共同响应中央推动一带一路走上世界,为中华民族之和平崛起而创新奋斗不懈。







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