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已有 1698 次阅读2017-5-30 14:57 |个人分类:艺术|系统分类:艺术| 意大利, 文艺复兴, 范光陵, 好莱坞, 王鹏飞 分享到微信

由世界多元文化教育基金会(World Multicultural Education Foundation)和中欧经济文化交流协会(China-EU Association of Economic and Cultural Exchange)主办,皕博国际文化传媒股份有限公司及好莱坞(中国)文化传媒有限公司共同承办的世界多元文化(米兰)经济文化论坛曁《文化拾遗·拾艺》世界巡回艺术展于2017年5月26日当地时间上午10:30在意大利的艺术之都米兰正式拉开颁奖典礼。

世界多元文化教育基金会主席,美国国家无形资产及土地认证中心董事局主席,好来坞(中国)文化传媒公司董事局主席,美国联邦中小企业署原国家顾问,山东省政协原海外顾问王鹏飞博士 Dr. James P. Wang, 与意大利威尼斯双年展评委佛兰西斯.柯雷基亚博士Dr. Francisco Correggia,东方文艺复兴人,近现代世界十二大画家,中国首次世界诗人大会及世界多元文化教育基金会荣誉主席范光陵院士 Dr. Fan Kuanling 等,推行多元文化经文会议及世界巡回画展。首站为意大利米兰,瑞士卢干洛,迪拜。国内外参与有世界各地名艺术家: 意大利 Dr. Novin Afrouz, 中国羽翼,陆嘉禾,程连凱,焦日明, 乌克兰 Elena Protchenko等。

Dr. Fan Kuanling,Dr. James P. Wang,Prof. Francisco Correggia presented World Awards to distinguished people around the world for multicultural achievements and Oriental renaissance.

美国选出之世界桂冠诗人范光陵即席作新古体诗 “一带一路中华传”:







2017年5月26日起上午十点半,多元文化経文论坛及画展闭幕式在名闻天下的米兰大教堂正对面朱利康素蒂宫 Palazzo Giureconsulti 举行. 由主席王鹏飞博士致词. 并与荣誉主席范光陵院士共同颁奖。同时,获得双奖的意大利威尼斯双年展 Francisco Correggia 教授代表得奖人犮表演说。


佛兰西斯.柯雷基亚博士表示了多元文化的交流是世界的正能量,他对王鹏飞主席在世界上推动多元文化的努力表示赞赏。他认为此次得奖人中,人才辈出,创意很多,会对世界多元文化犮生良性影响,是东西方文艺复兴的首次正式交流,意义重大。他与国际艺坛之共识为范光陵先生把中国 “诗画合一” 的艺术哲学思想,世界首次绘在油画画布上的创新,是21世纪的 “艺术革命”。



2017年端午节,世界多元文化教育基金会主席王鹏飞博士;荣誉主席,北宋宰相“文正公”范仲淹后人范光陵院士;南宋宰相“忠烈公”陆秀夫后裔陆嘉禾大画家等从意大利,瑞士,迪拜回到上海。在外滩黄浦江边敬拜中华民族始祖黄帝,周游列国的多元文化倡导者孔老夫子,屈原及 “先天下之忧而忧”的范仲淹,陆秀夫, 郑成功等中国先圣先贤。回报米兰大会成果,并敬祝国泰民安,一带一路,文化强国,两岸一家,世界和平。 并以振兴中华文化及核心价值十二条为东方文艺复兴的大方向:富强、民主、文明、和谐, 自由、平等、公正、法治, 爱国、敬业、诚信、友善。


意大利米兰颁奖典礼流程王鹏飞主席致辞 颁奖典礼开始 

(奖项由 Dr. Fan Kuanling 范光陵院士与 王鹏飞博士一同颁奖)


奖项 :“ 世界卓越艺术家奖”

1.     Dr. Fan Kuanling范光陵  意大利 Prof. Francesco Correggia 美国 王鹏飞博士颁奖

范光陵博士是东方文艺复兴人,与赵无极同为中国当代十大画家. 与马蒂斯同为近现代世界十二大画家。 他是中国五千年第一次世界诗人大会主席,2500年来第一人经中国政府支持精编孔子孝经及四书. 他是海峡两岸破冰之旅领头第一人. 中国电脑之父,“先天下之忧而忧”的中华民族英雄范仲淹后人,世界诗意油画之父. 21世纪 “艺术革命” 领军人物。

Dr. Fan Kuanling is the Oriental Renaissance man. He is one of the contemporary 10 grand painters in China, as well as one of the 12 grand  painters in modern world. Dr. Fan is the president of the first World Congress of Poets in China 's 5000 year history. He is the first one, supported by Government, to recompile Confucius' books. Dr. Fan is the one who broke the ice between two sides of China. He is also the Father of Computer in China,father of Poetic Oil Painting in the world , as well as the pioneer in 21th century Art Revolution.


2.     意大利米兰美院教授 Dr. Francesco Correggia 由范光陵博士与王鹏飞博士颁奖

意大利米兰美院教授,威尼斯双年展评委Prof. Francesco Correggia领奖


3.     史蒂文斯皮尔伯格 Steven Allan Spielberg(美国)

犹太人,电影导演、编剧和电影制作人。[1 1971年,斯皮尔伯格导演了他的第一部电视片《决斗》。1975年拍摄了电影《大白鲨》,1982年的电影《E.T.》 使史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格首次获得当年的奥斯卡最佳导演奖提名。1993年史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导的《侏罗纪公园》上映。同年凭借电影《辛德勒的名单》获得奥斯卡最佳影片、 最佳导演等多项大奖;1999年再次凭借电影 《拯救大兵瑞恩》获得第71届奥斯卡最佳导演等多项大奖,2009年获得第66届美国电影电视金球奖终身成就奖[1

Jewish film director, screenwriter and filmmaker.  Won the Oscar for best director award nomination. In 1993, won the Oscar for best film, best director and many other awards; 1999 again by virtue of the movie "Save the soldier Ryan" won the 71st Oscar for best director.

4.     李安 Ang Lee(美国)


In 1999, due to directed "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" for the first time won the Oscar Award for best foreign language film award. 2006 and 2013, with the "Brokeback Mountain" and "juvenile fantasy rafting" won the 78th and 85th Oscar Award for best director award.

5.     爱德华 阿科潘 Edvard Akopyan(美国)




6.     李行 Lee Hsing(中国台湾)

李行(Lee Hsing),中国台湾著名电影导演、演员。

他导演的《蚵女》、《玉观音》、《汪洋中的一条船》分获第十一届、第十五届和第二十五届亚洲国际电影节最佳影片或最佳导演奖 。他获台湾金马奖的影片还有《养鸭人家》、《路》、《秋决》、《吾土吾民》、《碧云天》、《汪洋中的一条船》、《小城故事》、《早安台北》等。此外,他导演的较有影响的影片还有《婉君表妹》、《哑女情深》、《原乡人》、《唐山过台湾》等。

Lee Hsing, Taiwan famous film director, actor. He directed the "oyster", "Jade Goddess of Mercy", "Wang Yang in a boat" by the eleventh, fifteenth and twenty-fifth Asian International Film Festival best film or best director award.


7.     冯小刚(Feng Xiaogang 


    2004年担任剧情片《天下无贼》的导演、编剧,并凭借该片获得第42届台湾电影金马奖最佳改编剧本奖[10]  。2008年执导的爱情喜剧片《非诚勿扰》打破华语电影在中国内地的票房纪录[11]  。2009年凭借战争片《集结号》先后获得第13届中国电影华表奖优秀导演奖、第27届中国电影金鸡奖最佳导演奖[12-13]  。2014年担任中央电视台春节联欢晚会总导演。2015年被法国文化部授予“艺术与文学骑士勋章”[14]  ;同年凭借剧情片《老炮儿》获得第52届台湾电影金马奖最佳男主角奖[15]  。2016年执导的剧情片《我不是潘金莲》获得第64届圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节最佳影片金贝壳奖,而其个人则凭借该片获得第53届台湾电影金马奖最佳导演奖

    In 2004 as the drama "world without a thief" director, screenwriter, and by virtue of the film won the 42nd Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award for best adaptation of the script. 2016 directed the drama "I am not Pan Jinlian" won the 64th San Sebastian International Film Festival best film gold shell award, and its personal by virtue of the film won the 53rd Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award for best director prize


8.     张艺谋(Zhang Yimou  

• 张艺谋,1950年4月2日出生于陕西西安,[1]  中国电影导演,“第五代导演”代表人物之一,美国波士顿大学、耶鲁大学荣誉博士。

• 1987年至1999年执导的《红高粱》、《菊豆》、《大红灯笼高高挂》、《秋菊打官司》、《活着》、《一个都不能少》、《我的父亲母亲》等影片令其在国内外屡获电影奖项,并三次提名奥斯卡和五次提名金球奖。[3]  2002年后转型执导的商业片《英雄》、《十面埋伏》、《满城尽带黄金甲》及《金陵十三钗》两次刷新中国电影票房纪录、四次夺得年度华语片票房冠军。

• Zhang Yimou, April 2, 1950 was born in Xi'an, Shaanxi, Chinese film director, "fifth generation director" one of the representatives of the United States Boston University, Yale University honorary doctorate, four times won the annual Chinese film Box office champion


9.     成龙 Jackie Chan(中国香港)

中国香港男演员、导演、动作指导、制作人、编剧、歌手。1995年通过动作片《红番区》打入美国好莱坞[7]  。1998年凭借动作片《尖峰时刻》奠定其在好莱坞的地位[8]  。2001年主演的喜剧动作片《尖峰时刻2》创下华人演员主演好莱坞电影的票房纪录[9-10]  。2010年获得第54届亚太影展杰出电影成就奖[11]  。2012年被美国《纽约时报》评选为“史上20位最伟大的动作影星第一位”[12]  。2013年凭借动作片《十二生肖》获得第32届香港电影金像奖最佳动作设计奖[13]  。2016年获得奥斯卡金像奖终身成就奖[14]。

Chinese Hong Kong actor, director, action guide, producer, screenwriter, singer. 2010 won the 54th Asia-Pacific Film Festival Outstanding Film Achievement Award. 2012 by the United States, "The New York Times" named "the history of the 20 greatest action movie star first". 2016 won the Oscar Award for Lifetime Achievement Award.


10.     陈香梅  Anna Chan Chennault(美国)

陈香梅(Anna Chan Chennault),世界著名华人华侨领袖、社会活动家、美国国际合作委员会主席。1925年6月23日出生于中国北京(当时叫北平)。早期在中央通讯社昆明分社工作,是中央社的第一任女记者。后来成为中国空军空军美籍志愿大队的指挥官陈纳德的太太。她在二战后一直都在美国政坛活跃着。

Anna Chan Chennault, the world's leading Chinese overseas Chinese leader, social activist and chairman of the US International Cooperation Committee. Born in China on June 23, 1925. Early in the Central News Agency Kunming branch of the work, is the Central Committee of the first female reporter. And later became the Chinese Air Force Air Force US volunteer brigade commander Chennault's wife. She has been active in American politics after World War II.


11.  陈道明(Chen Daoming


    National first-level actor, the tenth, eleven, twelve CPPCC National Committee members, the Chinese Federation of literary and art circles eighth national representative, SARFT issued outstanding film performance artist, 2006 Central Propaganda Department "four "Talent, its representative works are the last emperor, siege, Kangxi dynasty, my 1919, Tangshan earthquake


12.  阿米尔 (Aamir Khan)(亚洲)

亚洲宝莱坞演员、导演、制片人, 2009年,出演了励志喜剧电影《三傻大闹宝莱坞》,饰演Rancho[5-6]  。2017年,出演励志运动电影《摔跤吧!爸爸》,深受广大观众喜欢。

Bollywood actor, director, producer, in 2009, starred in the inspirational comedy movie "Three Silly Born Bollywood", played Rancho. In 2017, starred in inspirational film "wrestling!" Father ", by majority of the audience like.


13.  柳冬青 (Liu Dongqing) (由Francesco Correggia与范光陵博士颁奖)由王鹏飞博士主持.







14.  张曼玉(Maggie Cheung)(中国香港)



Maggie Cheung, born September 20, 1964 in Hong Kong, native of Shanghai, film actor, musician, national first-class actor

Representative works Mood for Love, Ruan Lingyu, sweet honey, new gantry inn, green snake, clean, Song Dynasty dynasty, hero.


15.  杨澜(Yang Lan


Yang Lan, Chinese TV host, media, media entrepreneurs, philanthropists. From 1990 to 1994, he served as the host of "Zhengda Variety" program of China Central Television, and was awarded the "Golden Microphone Award" by China's first host in 1994. She founded the first high-level talk show "Yang Lan" As of 2014 has visited more than 700 people in the world, in the global Chinese audience has a high reputation


16.  刘晓庆(Liu Xiaoqing

1995年,主演电视剧《武则天》。2004年,主演电视剧《长河东流》。2005年,主演电视剧《宝莲灯》,饰演王母娘娘。2010年,主演电视剧《云袖》。2014年,获得2013中国时尚大典时尚影响力人物奖。2016年主演奇历史话剧《武则天》[9]  。刘晓庆是中华人民共和国国家一级演员。

In 1995, starred in the TV series "Wu Zetian". In 2004, starred in the TV series "long river east." In 2005, starred in the TV series "Lotus Lantern", as the Queen Mother. 2010, starring TV series "cloud sleeve". In 2014, won the 2013 China Fashion Ceremony fashion influential character award. 2016 years starring odd historical drama "Wu Zetian".


奖项 “世界艺术家奖” world artist award


1.    程连凯  Cheng Liankai


Born at a literary family in Xi’an in 1946, a Hui nationality, he is a senior artist and craftsman whose ancestral home is in Shanxi. Now, he is the chairman at National calligrapher and painter Association in Shanxi and the dean of national fine arts institute. He was regarded as one of the ten news figures in the circle of culture in Shanxi at the turning of century.


2.    羽翼 (刘俊涵)Yu Yi (Liu Junhan)


Dr Yu Yi is an illustrious writer and a famous calligrapher, Researcher, senior journalist, social activist.


3.    陆嘉禾 Lu jia he

       南宋左承相陆秀夫后裔。精于绘画、书法、诗词、篆刻熔于一炉。先后参加国内外,新加坡、日本、加拿大、巴西、韩,美,英,德、泰及港澳台等展出. 获得“全国十杰国画家、十杰书法家”、“21世纪艺术家”、“中国著名书画家” 等荣誉.  获得国家文化部等颁发的中国文化艺术政府奖 “文华奖”、"世界文化艺术家”。并任 “国际美术院副院长” 。

Lu Jia-he,a decedent of Lu Xiu Fu,a prime minister of Sung Dynasty. He is specialized in painting, calligraphy, poetry and seal-cutting . He was exhibited in everywhere including Singapore,Japan,Canada,Brazil,Korea,USA,England,Germany , Thailand,as well as HK,Macau,Taiwan. He was awarded with “10 Distinguished Painters”,“10 Distinguished calligraphers", “21st Century Artist ”, "Known Artist in China",as well as “Wen Hua Award” , "Artist of World Culture " by Chinese Government. He was appointed Vice President, College of International Art.


4.    焦日明  Jiao Ri ming


Riming Jiao, famous calligrapher. There was an exhibition of the eight different typefaces. Of “FU” in the Great Hall of the People and the “dragon” of his character also caused a sensation in the Great Hall of the People, Zhaoxing Li, who is the president of the Chinese Public Diplomacy Association, praised his masterpieces.


​5.    黄晓明(Huang Xiaoming


Huang Xiaoming, Chinese mainland actor, singer. Representative works of the Han emperor, Condor Heroes, the new on the beach, Fragrance, Jingzhong Yue Fei, wind, Zhao orphans, Shanghai, China partner, Datang Xuanzang and so on.


6.    范冰冰Fan Bingbing


Fan Bingbing, Chinese film and television actress, producer, pop music singer, starred in the TV series in 1998, "My Fair Princess" fame, since 2001 to join the big screen. 2004 - 2016 by virtue of the film "phone", "heart ghost", "apple", "Guanyinshan", "second exposure" and "I am not Pan Jinlian" and so won the 27th popular movie Hundred Flowers Award Actress, the 44th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award for best supporting actress, the fourth Eurasian International Film Festival best actress, the 18th Beijing University Student Film Festival best actress, the 9th China tripod award Chinese film best Actress, the 11th Asian Film Awards Best Actress.


7.    丁晟  Ding Sheng


代表作品 《警察故事2013》、《大兵小将》、《硬汉》、《铁道飞虎》等。

Ding Sheng, well-known Chinese director [1]Representative works "police story 2013", "soldier", "tough guy", "railway tiger" and so on


8.    彭于晏 Eddie Peng Yuyan








Peng Yu Yan, China Taiwan film and television actor, singer.

The 34th Hong Kong Film Awards 2008 Best Actor Nomination

In 2014 the 32nd session of the popular movie Hundred Flowers Award for the best new nomination

In 2014 the 33rd Hong Kong Film Awards Best Supporting Actor nomination

The 50th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor Nomination

In 2008 the 48th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award for best actor nomination


9.    秦剑 (Qin Jian)


Qin Jian, contemporary American Chinese director, American overseas Chinese, Hollywood signed the director, was born in Chongqing in 1950, the table works are: "Huangpu love", "China Expeditionary Force", "General Stilwell and the Burma Battlefield" and so on.


10.   林心如Ruby Lin

林心如(Ruby Lin),中国台湾女演员、歌手、影视制作人。代表作品还珠格格、情深深雨蒙蒙、男才女貌、半生缘、美人心计、京城81号、16个夏天

主要成就 第50届台湾电视金钟奖最佳戏剧节目





Ruby Lin, Chinese Taiwan actress, singer, film producer. Representative works My Fair Princess, love deep rain, male talent female appearance, half life, beauty scheming, the capital 81, 16 summer

Major achievements of the 50th Taiwan TV Golden Bell Award for best drama

The 50th Taiwan TV Golden Bell Award for Best Actress Nomination

The 10th China Golden Eagle Television Festival Visitors' favorite Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan actor nomination

The 13th Shanghai International Film Festival Media Award for Best Actress Nomination

The 18th Hua Ding Award China Best TV Drama Actress


11.   White Cross 

White Cross won the alternative award in 2007. Being the winner of a total of 5 Grammy Avards, she is alos a professional actress , movie director, and producer.



12.   Bomba Lia

Bomba Lia 是一名歌手,钢琴演奏家,作曲家。她的表演被很多歌唱家认可,例如:多明戈和安娜涅特里布科。在Lia的年轻的职业生涯中,她曾参欧洲巡演,美国巡演包括了二十多个州,和伦敦兰戈伦国际音乐节。英格兰女王陛下,伊莉莎白二世,授予她一枚奖牌。在旧金山金门国际经典音乐节,她获得了她的第二枚奖牌,两枚金牌,和经典的别有声望的大奖赛。

Bomba Lia is a singer, piano player, and songwriter. Lia has been performing since she was five years of age. Inspired by a family of artists,


13.    Jessie Liu 刘杰

Jessie Liu ,是好莱坞知名的华裔服装设计师,她创办的女装成衣国际时装品牌"JESSIE lIU "是位于旧金山。


其设计的服装曾在纽约时装周、温哥华时装周和圣路易斯时装周以及、法国巴黎的时装展走秀与发布,Jessie Liu的品牌结合了现代美学和可穿戴设计元素,品牌涉猎范围很广但对品质没有任何妥协,受到了众多好莱坞明星的青睐。

Jessie Liu, is a well-known Hollywood Chinese costume designer, she founded the women's clothing international fashion brand "JESSIE lIU" is located in San Francisco.

东方文艺复兴金奖 Oriental Renaissance Golden Award: Those who received this most valuable award are people in the world contributing dearly to the grand cause of Oriental Renaissance in the early stage of that movement.

王鹏飞博士为罗文. 阿弗隆斯博士授奖,范光陵等持孔子肖像周游列国

得奖者 Winners:

Dr. Francisco Correggia,Dr. Novin Afrouz (世界著名钢琴家,原中东公主,第十届世界诗人大会暨第2届世界文化大会主席),G.G.S. Prasada (斯里兰卡文化旅游大使),Elena Protchenko (乌克兰文化主持人),胡适 (1958年在台北市面示范光陵推动东方文艺复兴,振兴中华文化),鲁迅,艾青,祖炳民教授(前白宫亚太裔顾问委员会主席,世界多元文化教育之父,美国名校西东大学亚洲学院院长,旧金山大学多元文化学院院长,在美国80年代第一个设立了多元文化教育学博士,范光陵博士,王鹏飞博士的老师),蒋复璁(台北故宫博物院院长),余光中 (中国台湾名诗人),张大千, Tinafung(诗人画家),Lin Guixing (UN), 冰心,徐悲鸿,齐白石等。







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