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已有 2563 次阅读2011-5-4 21:29 分享到微信

My hobby is gardening which gives me lots of happiness. I am so glad to find that Sinovision.net provides the blogs for Chinese Americans a platform to make friends. I will try to learn how to write blogs and to communicate with people who have the same hobby with me.








发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

回复 今又是 2011-5-7 14:03
To: txz98 你曾经说:
Thank you for your encouragement. I am sorry that I have no man to push to work for the garden. But it is also good that leaves me a whole palace for myself, not to share with another might-be-terrible person. Recently, my garden is really in Spring, my double colored tree peony is in full blossom, and my two wisteria trees are full of purple hanging flowers. And the Azaleas are adding different
I truly love the wisteria with the purples; and look forward to the blooms in the upcoming photos. Enoy the pleasant spring.
回复 txz98 2011-5-7 13:59
To: 今又是 你曾经说:
Welcome to the gardon over the Sinovision.net. It‘s noisy sometimes but it‘s a pretty little thing for most of the time. I think you will enjoy it and you may enjoy more if you drive the man work more in the garden on the other side.

Thank you for your encouragement. I am sorry that I have no man to push to work for the garden. But it is also good that leaves me a whole palace for myself, not to share with another might-be-terrible person. Recently, my garden is really in Spring, my double colored tree peony is in full blossom, and my two wisteria trees are full of purple hanging flowers. And the Azaleas are adding different colors for the garden. I am going to invite friends coming to share the colorful Spring this weekend. By the way, I am going to download some pictures since I took it this morning. Hope you will enjoy them.
回复 今又是 2011-5-5 00:32
Welcome to the gardon over the Sinovision.net. It‘s noisy sometimes but it‘s a pretty little thing for most of the time. I think you will enjoy it and you may enjoy more if you drive the man work more in the garden on the other side.


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