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On the success of 25th World Congress by Dr. Fan Kuanling世界诗人大会主席范光陵 ...

已有 1621 次阅读2015-12-27 10:32 |个人分类:诗歌|系统分类:时政资讯| completed, including, Shanghai, success, friends 分享到微信

On the success of 25th World Congress by Dr。Fan Kuanling世界诗人大会主席范光陵谈诗 爱 文化 和平

Dear Gil and all my great friends,

Great news for all of us the 25th World Congress of Poets,13th World Congress of Culture, 6th World Congress of Art,6th World Congress of Peace had been most successfully completed with the magnificent efforts by the worldwide respected China Academy of Culture, AEI, WCC, CALP, NAIB, associated with many international institutions.

The grand opening was held in Shanghai city with 453 attentents including more than 50 countries on the 20th of December, 2015 for love, peace and brotherhood through poetry, art and culture. Dr. Fan's invention the poetic oil painting were highly welcomed.

Next day the session was in Qianshan,Anqing, Anhui Province. There over 1500 people attented. Awards were given.

The third day the convention was for TV interviews, worship of the Confucius marbel monument built there by us, as well as to pay a tribute to my dear parents' marbel tomb there. We saluted with tears to our great brother Ben Yuzon too - who founded the prestigious World Congress of Culture with me,Natica and Alisha etc. We met with old soldiers near 100 years old. And read poems for them. The evening show was impressive China and international one.

The fourth day we climbed the wonderful Monutain of Heaven's Pilar. And we honored Confucius, Li Bai and the great emperor of Han Dynasty. We all preached peace for the world through poems. We were honored by the government high ranking officials for dinner.

The fifth day we came back to the beautiful Shanghai for free trip of the famous Bund and other wonders. And held Board meeting at my also beautiful home in the best part of the Bund.

The sixth day we held the World Muse Contest in Shanghai. Beauties around the world joined this big event. It's incredibly beautiful. And there the Congresses was successfully completed.

I am the president of this unforgettable,historical event. Vice-presidents including Richard and  famous people from Greece, Siri Lanka, Poland, Turkey, Demark,Thailand,Taiwan,HK,USA,Russia,Ukraine,China, etc. Natica and Alisha had been separately apppointed International president for life , Secretary-general for life for all the congresses as what they did during the 19th World Congress in Taishan, China. And we'll have many more friends around the world to join us to do and continue on those big loving dreams resided in Ben's mind and our minds for so many years. Life is not that precious, a dream of love, peace and poetry is what that count.

Please give my best to Judy, I'll be happy to attend her Congress and to help her as we've done through the years.
So glad to know rehearsals for Lady White Snake are going well. Alisha's retelling of Lady White will be performed in China or Taiwan for sure.

China Academy of Culture, AEI and UPLI are true friends through all the long long years. We'll still work closely together. Unfortunately Ben is not with us any more. Otherwise we'll always work hands in hands for next a thousand years to go. A great and happy New Year for you, my dearest friends around the world. I am happy and sound because Ben, Pilar, you and love are always in my heart. I may follow Ben and my old pals to Heaven soon, in the rest years of my life my dream is not for power, money or fame, only to bring poetry. love, peace and hope to more people around the world. 

Sincerely yours,

Kenneth Kuanling Fan, PhD
25th World Congress of Poets
13th World Congress of Culture
China Academy of Culture
Vice President and Board Member

Photo 1-2 Shanghai' grand opening
Photo 3-6 Anhui's meeting
Photo 7-8 Mountain of Heaven's Pilar
Photo 9. Dr. Fan's home meeting
Photo 10. World Miss Muse contest, Shanghai

On the success of 25th World Congress by Dr. Fan Kuanling世界诗人大会主席范光陵  ..._图1-1

On the success of 25th World Congress by Dr. Fan Kuanling世界诗人大会主席范光陵  ..._图1-2

On the success of 25th World Congress by Dr. Fan Kuanling世界诗人大会主席范光陵  ..._图1-3

On the success of 25th World Congress by Dr. Fan Kuanling世界诗人大会主席范光陵  ..._图1-4

On the success of 25th World Congress by Dr. Fan Kuanling世界诗人大会主席范光陵  ..._图1-5

On the success of 25th World Congress by Dr. Fan Kuanling世界诗人大会主席范光陵  ..._图1-6

On the success of 25th World Congress by Dr. Fan Kuanling世界诗人大会主席范光陵  ..._图1-7

On the success of 25th World Congress by Dr. Fan Kuanling世界诗人大会主席范光陵  ..._图1-8

On the success of 25th World Congress by Dr. Fan Kuanling世界诗人大会主席范光陵  ..._图1-9

On the success of 25th World Congress by Dr. Fan Kuanling世界诗人大会主席范光陵  ..._图1-10







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