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US welcomes Dr. Fan Kuanling, renaissance man from the East 美国欢迎东方之文艺复 ...

已有 1555 次阅读2014-11-3 10:32 |个人分类:文艺复兴|系统分类:艺术| literature, beautiful, winning, poetry, visual 分享到微信


Dancing Poetry festival,USA  美国诗舞节

From September 20, 2014

In beautiful Florence Gould Theater, Lincoln Park, San Francisco, USA

 An exciting entertainment with poetry, dance, literature, art and music by AEI

The 2014 Dancing Poetry Festival International is a showcase for prize winning poetry and visual art partnered with inspired dance.  Original artworks on canvas, cloth, Chinese rice paper and silk will be featured by being woven into choreographed performances. The Dancing Poetry Festival is unique in the United States in presenting poetry, Confucius, literature and dance as a unified international art form as its primary focus.

Dr. Kenneth Kuanling Fan (Fan Guang Ling) 范光陵是美国国际诗舞节首席主讲人及特殊贵宾, a Poet Laureate from China, will be our keynote speaker and special guest.  Dr. Fan is an internationally known poet-laureate, artist and man of many abilities. He is known also as the Father of  Computers in China having written many of the first books on computers in Chinese. He is one of the ten master painters in comtemporary China. He is a valued member of AEI, and Vice President of Asia for the famous United Poets Laureate International.  

          Dr. Fan has developed a new genre of international art, poetic oil painting, combining poetry with oil paintings on canvas. To introduce us to this genre, Dr. Fan has generously sponsored a worldwide poetic oil painting and Hsinku poetry contest.

      Dr. Fan will also give a memorial in honor of his mother, Dr. Guo I Lee 范光陵在大会祭拜他的母亲李国彝及父亲范苑声。范光陵的母亲是中国之世界桂冠诗人及世界七大百岁作家之一, 范光陵的父亲是范仲淹之后人及国民党要员与大书法家, also a Chinese Poet Laureate of the world as well as one of the seven master writers over 100 year old in the world. His father Dr。Fan Yuan Sheng is a celebrity as well as a distinguished calligrapher in China.

     Dr. Fan is a known patriot in China as he is the one who broke the 40 year long ice between the two sides of China by led the first delegation from Taiwan to China. He is the only Chinese who organized and led the only two World congress of Peace in Chinese territory。 All his life he works for literature, art, Confucius, love and peace. He is then respected as the Son of Loyalty and Filial Peity for China 范光陵被誉为中华忠孝之子 and internationally. 







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