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今天的半程马拉松赛在曼哈顿中央公园准时进行,赛名叫Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Fre ...

已有 3481 次阅读2013-10-6 18:44 |个人分类:NYRR5BOROUGHSERIESMAHATTANHALF| 马拉松赛 分享到微信

Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Fred's Team Presents Grete's Great Gallop (13.1M)
—a fun run, half-marathon, and kids’ races—honored New York City Marathon legends Fred Lebow and Grete Waitz this morning in Central Park.

今天的半程马拉松赛在曼哈顿中央公园准时进行,赛名叫Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Fre ..._图1-1今天的半程马拉松赛在曼哈顿中央公园准时进行,赛名叫Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Fre ..._图1-2今天的半程马拉松赛在曼哈顿中央公园准时进行,赛名叫Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Fre ..._图1-3今天的半程马拉松赛在曼哈顿中央公园准时进行,赛名叫Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Fre ..._图1-4今天的半程马拉松赛在曼哈顿中央公园准时进行,赛名叫Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Fre ..._图1-5今天的半程马拉松赛在曼哈顿中央公园准时进行,赛名叫Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Fre ..._图1-6今天的半程马拉松赛在曼哈顿中央公园准时进行,赛名叫Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Fre ..._图1-7

不只是政府关门的气氛影响,还是真要下大雨,不像平时那么激扬。我在小微信已简明扼要发出了我的心境。为了参加今天的比赛昨天取消了TFK的十八英里训练,只就近到凯新纳公园跑了十英里。取消的另一个原因是因为John Hong,68岁的老人来电话时说话的意识中蘸满了希望我一起去的期盼感(这位是法拉盛的地产元老之一,也是一位楷模,是我最尊敬的地产人之一,当然对我无微不至),老了总希望有个伴伴一起凑活。昨天给他到曼哈顿马拉松总部领排号单时我付三十五美元现金报了名。不管是什么组织什么活动,都没有白玩的。参加马拉松团体不仅要付费,还要付比赛费,最要命的是要长期保持练习,而且是属于超极限性的,还得付出大量的时间。作为新移民,我生活的根基薄弱的很,必须24/7工作。再说,马拉松不是我的职业,不可能把主要的经历浸泡在这里。鱼与熊掌不可兼得,持之以恒地投入另外一个辅助性的活动或运动非常不易。尽管心里还是“一朵花”,但毕竟是五十多岁的老家伙,说不吃力完全是胡说八道。
所以我非常愿意参与,如果条件允许,我也会帮助推动和普及这项运动。但现在不可以,泥菩萨过河-自身难保! 自己都顾不了的人,想帮别人,长期帮别人,那是脑残,痴人说梦,也叫自不量力!

Celebrating Grete, Fred, and Club Running

On Sunday morning, thousands of runners of all ages enjoyed Central Park in all its autumn splendor at Memorial Sloan-Kettering’s Fred’s Team Presents Grete’s Great Gallop. The fun run, half-marathon, and kids’ races celebrate two NYRR icons, Grete Waitz and Fred Lebow. For many, the half-marathon was a final tune-up race and benchmark for the ING New York City Marathon, coming up on November 3.

Christian Thompson of the NJ/NY Track Club won the half marathon in 1:06.29, and he needed every ounce of energy to do it; West Side Runners brought the next five runners across the finish line to dominate yet another club points race. Clubs compete in 10 different age/gender categories in a year-long series, and the top teams are honored annually at NYRR Club Night. Club standings will be updated soon.

“We were duking it out for the last 10K,” said Thompson of his battle with eventual runner-up Mengistu Tabor Nebsi (1:06:35). “Coming to the finish, I just started going. I turned around and he wasn't right there.” Tariku Aboset Bokan finished third in 1:07:07.

The first female finisher was Alexandra Cadicamo in 1:20:19. She paced the New York Athletic Club to a clean-sweep team victory; her NYAC teammates Emily Mareb (1:21:52) and Jayne Grebinski (1:22:17) were second and third.

Both Cadicamo and Thompson will run the ING New York City Marathon on November 3, and both will be first-timers there. For them and many others, today’s half-marathon (13.1 miles) was an opportunity to gauge fitness and build excitement for the 26.2-mile, five-borough journey.

“I kept telling myself, ‘Dress rehearsal for the New York Marathon.’ That’s what got me through,” said Caid.

“I have that sense of, ‘I have no clue,’” Thompson said of the upcoming marathon. “You never know what’s going to happen in a race that long.”

The namesake of today’s event, Grete Waitz, is a running legend who made her mark by dominating in that race; she was a nine-time champion.

“She won nine times—I just want to try and compete for one!” said Sam Loussedes.

“And by compete we don’t mean win, we mean finish!” added his brother, P.J. Today was the brothers’ first race ever.

The event is presented by Fred’s Team; the fundraising program has raised more than $50 million for research and treatment at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center research since 1995. Jeff Rochford has been the team's head coach since 2003.

“Grete was so humble. She would never mention her own achievements, she was just a team supporter,” said Rochford, who finished in 2:10:59 today.

With so many families and supporters lining the sidewalks and that familiar fall crispness faintly arriving, Marathon Sunday felt thrillingly close.

今天的半程马拉松赛在曼哈顿中央公园准时进行,赛名叫Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Fre ..._图1-8







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