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"布局紐約, 潘石屹擬買索尼大樓?"

热度 1已有 6246 次阅读2012-9-19 14:01 |个人分类:曼哈顿商业楼宇絮语|系统分类:财经分享到微信

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人购置房产, 举世无双. 这几年大陆人投资美国房地产, 方兴未艾.

       几天前阅读华语新闻时突见一个标题映入眼帘:"布局紐約 潘石屹擬買索尼大樓?" 读着读着, 不由地竖起大拇指. 作为地产全职经纪, 而且作为专职于亚洲人市场的专业工作者, 尤其作为来自中国大陆的人, 不能不关注大陆企业家在美国投资房地产的一切动向. 当然, 对从未见过面的SOHO CHINA 的老板潘石屹先生没少研究, 不只是敬佩, 更为他而感到自豪. 他在曼哈顿所触及到的交易无不掀起千重浪.

       据报道, 潘石屹擬買索尼大樓, 将是大陆华人有史以来在美国并购商业地产最大交易, 也是近几年美国最大比交易之一.  报道内容全文如下:

SOHO中國有限公司創辦人潘石屹和張欣夫婦日前到紐約麥迪遜大道上的索尼大樓考察,隨即傳出他有意購買該大樓的消息。第一財經周刊報導,潘石屹表示,這棟大樓將以他和張欣控股的Capevale Limited公司名義買下,雖然還在等待對方董事會的批准,但「通過可能性很大」。






有媒體在2011年披露,Capevale Limited和猶太背景的Vornado Realty Trust公司投資紐約曼哈坦時報廣場旁的航港局長途巴士站辦公大樓(Port Authority Bus Terminal),共投資5億到7億美元;潘石屹承認這一交易已完成,他說自己在這個項目擁有一半股權。


紐約郵報今年6月曝出索尼擬透過黑石公司和Newmark Grubb Knight Frank地產公司出售自己的大樓。



「其實大家都想更長期持有,因為未來的價格會更高。」 一为资深经纪说道.

我顺便查阅了一些与SONY Plaza 有关的文章, 供欣阅:


1992年,索尼提交计划所需批准的新的纽约市规划委员会,在其中将采取的开放空间,在建筑物的中庭,已被用于获得批准附加层的建筑上,并把那些进入零售空间领域。作为交换,该公司将扩大在玻璃封闭的行人天桥,增加的花盆和公共座位。索尼预计,提议将公共空间的8727平方英尺(810.8平方米)可以被转换成商店,可以出租率,纽约时报估计可以达到每平方英尺200美元。该公司指出,未充分利用的公共设施的空间,因为它是“黑暗,大风和吵闹”,其转化为商业空间会提供“零售连续性”,其余的麦迪逊大道(Madison Avenue)。

1996年,索尼巩固索尼音乐娱乐事业部的大部分的操作在550麦迪逊大道,“纽约时报指出,”如此高调和精心制作的空间是适当的和必要的。“就在同一年,索尼收购了额外的空间马路对面的麦迪逊大道555号,445000平方英尺(41,300平方米)的建筑建于20世纪60年代,经历了装修的大堂,窗户,浴室和其他公共空间与索尼的租赁。索尼签订租约至2013年额外的90000平方英尺(8,400平方米)的第六至第九层楼的建筑,建设的初期租金9万英尺(8,400平方米)的空间,第二至第五层的它曾在1995年。在地板上的租金平均为每平方英尺34美元左右的时间。索尼运行在麦迪逊大道(Madison Avenue)的555大楼的顶部安装微波通信设备使用光纤电缆连接的两座建筑物。索尼作出这些举动,其中包括提早终止租赁周边地区的空间在711第五大道西57943楼,入住率下跌,成本,使企业紧密联系起来的努力的一部分。



索尼奇迹技术实验室是一个多媒体,实用的旅游通过媒体的世界,坐落在一个四层楼的附件,可以通过一个玻璃屋顶的中庭连接块中的第55街和第56街。[14]开放时间:周二至星期六,索尼票据的展品为“技术和娱乐博物馆不分年龄人人共享”。在2008年,博物馆的第三层和第四层进行整修,预计将在2008年秋季完成。索尼奇迹更换Infoquest中心,一个永久的通信展上,已建成由ATT History

AT&T Building

In October 1978, AT&T was granted permission to add 81,928 square feet (7,611.4 m2), the equivalent of some four floors of space on its proposed building, in exchange for agreeing to provide open public space and a three-story communications museum. The firm was granted an additional 43,000 square feet (4,000 m2), about two floor's worth, as a bonus for creating a 14,000-square-foot (1,300 m2) covered arcade along Madison Avenue that would include seating and retail kiosk.]

 In 1982, with the Bell System divestiture set to take effect on January 1, 1984, AT&T decided to seek a tenant to lease 300,000 square feet (28,000 m2) of space on the 7th through 25th floors, nearly half the space in the building, and was seeking rents of as much as $60 per square foot. The company had expected to relocate as many as 1,500 employees, most who had been located at the company's old headquarters at 195 Broadway, but the impending divestiture meant it would only be moving 600 employees into 550 Madison, with others being moved to another facility in Basking Ridge, New Jersey.]

Spirit of Communication, a 20,000 pounds (9,100 kg) bronze statue that had stood for 64 years on the top of AT&T's previous headquarters building at 195 Broadway, was disassembled and relocated to the lobby of 550 Madison in 1983. The 22-foot (6.7 m) tall figure, modeled in 1916 by American sculptor Evelyn Beatrice Longman, is holding bolts of electricity clutched in one arm reaching towards the sky and has coils of cable wound around the statue's torso. After AT&T moved out of the building, the statue was relocated to a spot outside of its Basking Ridge operational headquarters in 1992.

In 1984, the company indicated that it would not build the museum that it had originally committed to build in exchange for bonus zoning. The change of heart came as part of plans following the court-ordered divestiture of the Regional Bell Operating Companies and the reduced presence it expected to have at the building. In the face of firm opposition from the city, AT&T acquiesced to construction of a three-story exhibition space in an annex located adjoining the pedestrian walkway behind the building.

AT&T had been granted a tax break of $42 million, under the condition that the company would keep its headquarters at 550 Madison Avenue and not rent out the space to other tenants. Having decreased in size substantially, AT&T signed a 20-year lease agreement on 550 Madison with Sony and relocated its headquarters to 32 Sixth Avenue, between Walker and Lispenard Streets. Sony was granted an option to purchase the building. AT&T returned $14.5 million to New York City to compensate it for tax abatements made as part of a 1987 renegotiation.

Sony Building

In 1992, Sony submitted plans that required approval by the New York City Planning Commission, in which it would take some of the open space in the building's atrium that had been used to obtain approval for additional floors on top of the building, and convert those areas into retail space. In exchange, the company would expand the glass-enclosed pedestrian walkway with the addition of planters and public seating. Sony expected that the proposed conversion of the 8,727 square feet (810.8 m2) of public space could be converted into stores that could be leased at rates that The New York Times estimated could approach $200 per square foot. The company noted that the space was underutilized as a public amenity because it was "dark, windy and noisy" and that its conversion to commercial space would provide "retail continuity" with the remainder of Madison Avenue.

By 1996, Sony had consolidated most of the operations for its Sony Music Entertainment division at 550 Madison Avenue, for which The New York Times noted that "such high-profile and elaborate space is appropriate and necessary." That same year, Sony acquired additional space across the street at 555 Madison Avenue, a 445,000 square feet (41,300 m2) building built in the 1960s that underwent renovations of its lobby, windows, bathrooms and other common spaces in conjunction with Sony's lease. Sony signed leases through 2013 on an additional 90,000 square feet (8,400 m2) on the sixth through ninth floors of the building, on top of an initial rental of 90,000 square feet (8,400 m2) of space on the second through fifth floors of the building that it had made in 1995. Rents on the floors had averaged about $34 per square foot at the time. Sony connected the two buildings using fiber optic cables that were run under Madison Avenue and installed microwave communications equipment on the top of the 555 building. Sony made these moves, which included early termination of leases on space in the surrounding area at 711 Fifth Avenue on the 43rd floor at 9 West 57th Street, as part of an effort to lower occupancy costs by bringing its businesses closer together.

A cash-strapped AT&T sold the building to Sony in 2002 for $236 million, or $315 per square foot.

On February 27, 2010, the ice that accumulated from the Third North American blizzard of 2010 fell from an upper floor breaking the glass ceiling of the atrium and injuring at least 15 inside who were at a Purim celebration.

 Sony Wonder Technology Lab

The Sony Wonder Technology Lab is a multimedia, hands-on tour through the world of media, located in a four-story annex accessible through a glass-roofed atrium that connects 55th and 56th Streets in mid-blockOpen Tuesday through Saturday, Sony bills the free exhibits as a "technology and entertainment museum for all ages". During 2008, the museum's third and fourth floors underwent renovations that were expected to be completed in fall 2008. Sony Wonder replaced Infoquest Center, a permanent telecommunications exhibition that had been built by AT&T

译文: 索尼大厦 故事报道之一:

1992年,索尼提交计划所需批准的新的纽约市规划委员会,在其中将采取的开放空间,在建筑物的中庭,已被用于获得批准附加层的建筑上,并把那些进入零售空间领域。作为交换,该公司将扩大在玻璃封闭的行人天桥,增加的花盆和公共座位。索尼预计,提议将公共空间的8727平方英尺(810.8平方米)可以被转换成商店,可以出租率,纽约时报估计可以达到每平方英尺200美元。该公司指出,未充分利用的公共设施的空间,因为它是“黑暗,大风和吵闹”,其转化为商业空间会提供“零售连续性”,其余的麦迪逊大道(Madison Avenue)。

1996年,索尼巩固索尼音乐娱乐事业部的大部分的操作在550麦迪逊大道,“纽约时报指出,”如此高调和精心制作的空间是适当的和必要的。“就在同一年,索尼收购了额外的空间马路对面的麦迪逊大道555号,445000平方英尺(41,300平方米)的建筑建于20世纪60年代,经历了装修的大堂,窗户,浴室和其他公共空间与索尼的租赁。索尼签订租约至2013年额外的90000平方英尺(8,400平方米)的第六至第九层楼的建筑,建设的初期租金9万英尺(8,400平方米)的空间,第二至第五层的它曾在1995年。在地板上的租金平均为每平方英尺34美元左右的时间。索尼运行在麦迪逊大道(Madison Avenue)的555大楼的顶部安装微波通信设备使用光纤电缆连接的两座建筑物。索尼作出这些举动,其中包括提早终止租赁周边地区的空间在711第五大道西57943楼,入住率下跌,成本,使企业紧密联系起来的努力的一部分。[10]



Sony toys with the fate of their Midtown HQ

On the heels of a record $5.7 billion loss during the last fiscal year, Sony is weighing selling the 37-story Midtown skyscraper that serves as its U.S. headquarters, the New York Post reported. Sony has been engaged in talks with the private equity firm Blackstone Group over the various options for, including the possible sale of, their solely owned U.S. headquarters at 550 Madison Avenue, which is said to be worth between $700 million and $1 billion. Sony has also considered the possibility of renting out a major section of the property, or selling and leasing back a portion. “It’s a big asset on their balance sheet,” a real estate executive who declined to be identified, said.

Recently, Sony has been out shopping for New York commercial real estate with Blackstone as it weighs its options. Sony executives recently toured a 479,008-square-foot space at the former New York Times building, at 229 West 43rd Street in Times Square, which is owned by Blackstone. One source told the New York Post, however, that Sony has already passed on the building. Microsoft and Viacom have also recently toured the space.

Sony originally purchased their Madison Avenue headquarters in 1992 from AT&T. Currently the building houses their music and movies divisions and their corporate offices. In April, Sony CEO Kaz Hirai announced that the company would cut 6 percent of their global workforce — some 10,000 job.

SONY 卖楼原因报道之一:

消息人士称,日本电子巨头最近举行了会谈,与私募股权投资公司黑石集团(Blackstone Group)的一个潜在的房地产交易,涉及550麦迪逊大道。。
虽然这些会谈无果而终的交易,索尼表示,将考虑其在美国的总部的37层楼高,里面的所有选项。 ,有消息称,其中包括整合在更小的空间内,其余租赁,销售建筑物,然后租回的部分,或出售顾左右而言它,并移动到另一个位置。
索尼全资拥有的建筑,现在安置的电影和音乐部门 - 索尼音乐,索尼/ ATV公司和索尼电影 - 以及作为其企业的办公室。
今年四月,总部位于东京的公司,在新的CEO平井一夫表示,将裁员1万人,或6%,其全球工作人口中,以恢复盈利。在3月结束的本财年,索尼发布了创纪录的$ 5.7十亿损失。

Sony Corp., struggling to rebound from a record loss, is weighing options for its iconic Midtown skyscraper, including a potential sale, The Post has learned.

The Japanese electronics giant recently held talks with private-equity firm Blackstone Group about a potential real-estate transaction involving 550 Madison Ave., sources said.

While those talks ended without a deal, Sony is said to be considering all options for the 37-story tower that houses its US headquarters. Those include consolidating in less space and leasing the remainder, selling the building and then leasing back a portion, or selling it outright and moving to another location, sources said. Sony executives did a walk-through at a 479,008-square-feet space in the Blackstone-owned former New York Times building in Times Square, according to sources. Blackstone’s real estate agents at Newmark Grubb Knight Frank have previously said the refurbished space could include naming rights. There are also 25,000 square feet of roof decks and terraces on six floors.

The owners are hoping to make the former Times building a hub for media and tech companies.

In addition to Sony, Microsoft and Viacom have also toured the space.

One source close to Sony said the company had toured the Times Square building as a possible location for housing some staff but had already taken a pass on it. The Sony Building, formerly the AT&T Building, is worth between $700 million and $1 billion, according to sources familiar with the structure. “It’s a big asset on their balance sheet,” said one real-estate executive who declined to be identified.

Spokesmen from Sony and Blackstone and a spokeswoman for Newmark Grubb Knight Frank declined to comment. One of the most noticeable skyscrapers in the city, the building, designed by noted architect Philip Johnson, is renowned for its trademark top, which has been likened to a Chippendale highboy. Sony Music Corp. moved into the sprawling complex in 1992 after purchasing the building from AT&T. The Japanese giant later built a technology lab in the base along with a two-story flagship store to hawk its latest technological innovations.

Sony wholly owns the building, which now houses its movie and music divisions — Sony Music, Sony/ATV and Sony Pictures — as well as its corporate offices.

While its US entertainment assets are successful, Sony, the one-time force behind the Walkman, has lost its electronics edge to rivals Apple and Samsung.

In April, the Tokyo-based company, under new CEO Kaz Hirai, said it would cut 10,000 jobs, or 6 percent, of its global work force in a bid to return to profitability. Sony posted a record $5.7 billion loss in the fiscal year ended in March.

Hirai, who took over the company from long-time chief Howard Stringer, has said there is “no sacred area” as he looks to stem losses and restructure the company to become more competitive.

Sony’s US shares, which hit a 52-week low of $12.65 on June 1, are down 27 percent year-to-date and 46 percent in the past year. The stock rose 2.4 percent yesterday to $13.07.

Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊 - 布局紐約 潘石屹擬買索尼大樓?








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