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热度 5已有 3225 次阅读2013-1-28 17:16 |个人分类:日常生活|系统分类:杂谈| , , 加州小镇, 内华达 分享到微信

2013年1月24日,是本人新的年度的首次出差,去加州。 然后开车去北加州和内华达州的 交叉的沙漠地段,看看, 是否能种植甘草。
1月28日, 返回纽约。

纽约的这几天, 地冻天寒,有时空中还飘着小雪和冰粒, 美国 华氏15度, 相当于中国摄氏零下10度, 寒风刺骨,滴水成冰! 飞机从纽约起飞6个小时左右,大约飞行了5500英里 (mile ), 抵达美国的西部, 加利福利亚州(California), 圣何西市(San Jose) , 驱车半个小时, 到了一个小镇: 毛根希尔镇(Mrogan Hill).

斗转星移: 在这个加州的小镇, 居然,阳光明媚,微风和煦,绿叶盎然, 柠檬满树,鲜花盛开, 橘子挂枝头,一片春意融融, 丝毫没有冬天的感觉! 原来,这里根本就没有冬天!四季如春!

这个不起眼的小镇,人口仅仅3万人左右, 可以她确是硅谷(Silicon Valley)的一个部分! 这里地价高, 物价贵,房屋不但不跌价, 反而涨价,85万美金的房子, 俯拾皆是, 250万美金或以上的豪宅, 被人抢购! 因为这里, 居住都是硅谷的精英, 工程师!这里 是美国领导全世界的高科技的摇篮:BIM, 微软、雅虎、苹果和Face Book等世界级公司 的创始人,都是从这里起步的!很多人,现在,就住在附近的帕拉图(Pratto )小镇!

这里的气候怡人, 土地肥沃,人杰地灵 , 四季如春!没有冬天! 一些中国的早期移民,大多数拥有数十英亩的土地,他们在这里种花\种草\种树\种菜,日子过的悠哉悠哉的! 真正算是安居乐业。

如果邓丽君在世, 应该来此再唱一曲《小城故事多》。



Morgan Hill History

By Dan Pulcrano

Peaceful Costanoan Indians lived in Morgan Hill before Spanish soldiers arrived in 1776. Under Spanish and Mexican land grants dating back to 1778, a vast stretch of land that includes present day Morgan Hill remained one of the largest Spanish land grants for nearly three quarters of a century.

The first English-speaking community coalesced around the Morgan Hill Ranch in 1845. Martin Murphy Sr. purchased 9000 acres known as the Rancho Ojo de Aqua de la Coche. Murphy had been a leader of the first party of pioneers to cross the Sierra Nevada range at Truckee Pass. The Murphy family settled in the valley below El Toro Mountain. By 1870, Martin Murphy's seven sons and daughters had bought more than 70,000 acres.

In 1851, Murphy's youngest son, Daniel, married Maria Fisher, heiress to the neighboring 19,000-acre Rancho Laguna Seca. Their daughter Diana clandestinely married Hiram Morgan Hill in 1882. When Daniel Murphy died, Diana inherited 4,500 acres of their original rancho in the shadow of El Toro.

Diana and Hiram Morgan Hill built the Villa Mira Monte between the railroad and Monterey Road in 1886. When the first Southern Pacific station was built in 1898, the railroad called the area Huntington. Visitors, however, would ask for the train stop at "Morgan Hill's Ranch," which is where the name Morgan Hill came from.

By 1896, the growing community had a population of 250 with a post office, depot, two hotels, a restaurant and several churches and shops. The 1906 incorporation of the city was controversial. The newspaper printed many editorials supporting the issue, but opponents feared higher taxes. Incorporation won by a vote of 65-36, and Morgan Hill became incorporated November 10, 1906. By 1909, Morgan Hill's population had grown from 250 to 1000.

In the 1980s, the city enacted a growth management plan to preserve Morgan Hill's small town charm.







发表评论 评论 (2 个评论)

回复 sasky 2013-1-29 13:44
新兰: 这里的确是个好地方,哥哥曾经在那里住过,您介绍很精彩,欣赏了!
thank  you very much!
回复 新兰 2013-1-28 20:11


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