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谁将入主白宫, 掌控美国的兴衰和沉浮 ?

热度 6已有 5067 次阅读2012-10-16 15:49 |个人分类:政治和民主| , 纽约时报, 中国 分享到微信

 根据2012年10月15日纽约时报, bill  bishop 作者的观点, 中国希望,黑人总统 欧巴马连任, 不喜欢,罗穆尼上台干总统, 因为, 后者罗穆尼, 发表总统竞选演说的时候, 高举反华的旗帜, 从而获得美国共和党人的保守派的支持!


本人,自从加入美国国籍以来, 从来没有投过票,因为谁干美国总统,同我们平头老百姓无关!  但是今年,我要投下我的一票, 我不要选举欧巴马连任总统,我选举罗穆尼干总统! 不是因为,他的反华政策,那是肯定行不通的! 当年的尼克松,竞选总统的时候,是多么的反华, 可是, 就是这位越战反华的总统,上台后, 就主动接触中国,和我们的毛泽东主席,握手言和?  美国的兴衰和沉浮, 能够离开中国吗?


我认为,谁干美国的下届总统,  都得同中国, 握手而求得更大的利益!

我觉得,欧巴马, 四年任内, 表现平平!美国的白宫, 因为欧巴马的入住, 贬值十倍!  中美关系,基本保持现状,没有什麽树建, 美国国内经济,越搞越差!这样的人,如何能够连任总统? 想当年的布什, 竞选连任, 多少人预测: 布什这样的牛仔,还要竞选成功,美国完了! 他发动的伊拉克战争, 把伊拉克的人民毁了! 把美国人的3000千多条人命毁了! 把美国的经济毁了! 把美国的名誉毁了! 但是他居然竞选成功,又干了四年! 美国人真实疯了! 因为很多美国的女性, 认为布什战争为美国争了光! 长了了脸! 体现美国的强大和威严! 使用武力, 捍卫和宣传了美国的民主精神和美国的价值!

现在,欧巴马,竞选连任, 我呼吁美国人民, 不要选举欧巴马,连任! 否则美国, 真的每况愈下,前路堪忧! 我们千万不要给欧巴马的连任投票!

另外,一个原因,欧巴马是黑人! 我对黑人的看法和理解如下:

1, 在我的小的时候,是毛泽东时代 ,那时,  我学英语,中学教材的课本里,就有一篇关于黑人的文章 : 主人翁,汤姆, 是个穷人的黑孩子, 父母都失业了, 他没有钱读书,呆在家里,  现在是冬天,没有煤, 房间里,没有生火,结果,他生病了, 没有钱,看病,又饿又冷,美国黑人, 这是生活在水深火热之中! 而我们生活在毛泽东时代,太幸福了! 太优越了! 尽管我的脚上没有穿鞋,我的家中,没有米下锅!


2, 移民美国之后,发现,美国黑人,在美国社会,地位绝对高! 有人权,有自由!他们享有和支配整个国家的资源和财富! 另外,他们还有自己的总统欧巴马! 黑人,不用干活的,有政府楼,给他们免费住!免费的政府楼,以纽约的曼哈顿政府楼为例,都是在黄金地段, 正常的3房一厅的租金都在3,500美金一个月, 另外还要加上水电费用和暖气煤气费用; 住在里面的黑人,确保24个小时供电,从来不会间断! 一年365天,有冷热水 供应!  每年10月15日到来年的4月15日,都有暖气供应! 最叫你羡慕的是水电免费!暖气和煤气, 不用交钱!!!  有粮食卷,给他们提供免费的食物! 生病了,有医疗卡,看病免费的! 生小孩, 不但是免费的,还有专门的免费的牛奶票, 领取免费的牛奶!那个牛奶, 绝对不是中国的假冒伪劣产品! 从阿利萨纳州农场运来超市里,保鲜期,只有15天的正宗美国牛奶!!!   每个小孩, 每一个财政年度,   会有4,000-8,000美金的退税和政府补助!    从小孩读小学开始,上学读书到12年级, 相当于在中国 读书读到 高三, 全部都是免费的! 乘坐校车上学和回家, 是免费的! 中午在学校吃午餐是免费的!美国的黑人,   他们实在是生活在天堂了!

只出国一次到过莫斯科的的毛泽东主席,从来没有来过美国,不知道,他在天堂,看到美国的这一幕,做如何感想? 不知道,如果他尚在人世,是否也要把他的子孙送到美国来读书? 就像现在的中国北京的政治局常委们,一样,每个人的 家庭,都是有子女或子孙,在美国的名校,接受高等教育!


3, 黑人,在美国, 专门欺负中国人, 很多中国的餐馆, 接受电话定餐, 送外卖, 有外卖郎, 给黑人,送餐 , 被黑人,抢击后, 再被枪击打死!  为一份几元美金的餐费, 打死多少来自中国的外卖郎! 那是我的中华儿女,那是我的骨肉同胞!   他们为了在美国现实美国梦,勤劳干活,可是最后,命丧黑人之手! 这就是我们小时候在毛泽东的时代,  同情的黑人阶级兄弟! 无产阶级的亲密战友! 是可忍,孰不可忍?


4, 黑人,租住中国业主的房屋,不交房租! 尤其是这个房子,他知道是中国人的业主! 我以前,还不相信! 2005年,我们在费城,投资了几处房产, 空闲着可惜, 出租,每一栋房屋,每个月可回收850美金/月, 但是,房子,租给白人,或西班牙人,或墨西哥人, 都可以收到房租,租给黑人,就残了! 不但收不到房租,还要请律师,付律师费, 上法庭,法官下了驱逐令,黑人,还有权,居住2个月, 在纽约则是6个月! 黑人,在美国, 就是大爷! 他们,不但生活在天堂,而且是天堂的主宰!







我也不看好罗穆尼,但是,矮子里面,挑高个子, 我只好选择罗穆尼,干总统! 否则美国的兴衰和沉浮难料, 前途堪忧!


下面全文转载, 2012年10月15日纽约时报, bill  bishop 作者的观点, 如下:

EXCERPTS: "China does not seem pleased at the idea of a Romney presidency. Last month, Xinhua, the official news service, sounded almost like an Obama campaign ad when it wrote that Mr. Romney’s China-bashing talks were 'useless' to the United States economy... Romney supporter and 'old wise man' of the United States-China relationship, Maurice R. Greenberg, told Bloomberg News that he expected Mr. Romney to maintain that bipartisan consistency and 'abandon his China stance' if elected... [Treasury Secretary Timothy] Geithner's comments remind us that United States policy toward China has actually been remarkably consistent over the last 30-plus years, across Republican and Democratic administrations."
American Politics and Chinese Data

By BILL BISHOP ofTHE NEW YORK TIMES on October 15, 2012
In the midst of increasingly heated election rhetoric about China, Beijing has released some important economic data as its currency hits record highs.
SEPTEMBER'S TRADE NUMBERS were mixed, and at least one analyst suggested that the upside surprise in export data was a result of the introduction of the iPhone 5.
The inflation rate of 1.9 percent was close to the slowest rate since 2010 and China's broad measure of money supply, known as M2, grew at 14.8 percent, the fastest rate in 14 months.
On Thursday, Beijing will release third-quarter gross domestic product figures. The consensus forecast is 7.4 percent, below Beijing's 7.5 percent target and possibly a "a rare treat to the perma-bears."
CHINA'S CURRENCY, the renminbi, continues to hit record highs, at one point on Monday making an intraday high for the third day in a row. The reasons for the surge are unclear, with suggestions including increased confidence in a Chinese recovery and "electioneering" in the last month before the United States election.
On Friday, the United states Treasury delayed until mid-November a semiannual, Congressionally mandated report that must declare whether China manipulates its currency. Delays of this report are not uncommon, but it certainly is convenient to push it past the election.
Zhou Xiaochuan, head of the People's Bank of China, said in a speech over the weekend that the value of the renminbi was set by the market and the value was near equilibrium. Mr. Zhou's deputy delivered the speech at the annual International Monetary Fund conference, held this year in Tokyo, as Mr. Zhou declined to attend, apparently as a result of an islands dispute with Japan.
Not everyone agrees that the currency's value is determined by the market or trades near equilibrium.
Both Mitt Romney and his running mate, Paul D. Ryan criticized the Obama administration for delaying the release of the currency report, with Mr. Romney repeating his claim that "Day 1, I will label China a currency manipulator. We got to get those jobs back and get trade to be fair".
CHINA DOES NOT SEEM PLEASED at the idea of a Romney presidency. Last month, Xinhua, the official news service, sounded almost like an Obama campaign ad when it wrote that Mr. Romney's China-bashing talks were "useless" to the United States economy.
Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner addressed the merits of labeling China a currency manipulator in April, saying that:
Nothing would happen, except you would diminish the incentive they have to move. It comes with no effective sanction or action. If it had been an effective way to get change in China, then bipartisan, Democrat and Republican presidents over time would have embraced that basic strategy. But it had no merit as a basic strategy. And it does carry the risk of a trade war, which is why there's so much opposition to that basic policy.
Mr. Geithner's comments remind us that United States policy toward China has actually been remarkably consistent over the last 30-plus years, across Republican and Democratic administrations.
Romney supporter and "old wise man" of the United States-China relationship, Maurice R. Greenberg, told Bloomberg News that he expected Mr. Romney to maintain that bipartisan consistency and "abandon his China stance" if elected:
Do you want China to be an enemy or a friend?" Greenberg, 87, asked. "We have a choice between a trade agreement or a trade war. I choose a trade agreement and I hope that we will."
CHINA IS UNLIKELY TO BE SWAYED by threats over its currency. Arthur Kroeber of GK Dragonomics explained the political economy of the renminbi in a Foreign Policy magazine essay last year. Mr. Kroeber said that the Chinese government considered the exchange rate not just as a price but as a tool in a broader development strategy and suggested that:
U.S. policy should therefore de-emphasize the exchange rate, where the potential for success is limited, and instead focus on keeping the pressure on China to maintain and expand market access for American firms in the domestic Chinese market -- which in principle is provided for under the terms of China's accession to the World Trade Organization.
Therein lies one of the main problems in the United States-China economic relationship, one that is succinctly explained in James McGregor's new book "No Ancient Wisdom, No Followers: The Challenge of Chinese Authoritarian Capitalism."
Mr. McGregor argues that China's state-owned enterprises and authoritarian capitalist system, the "China Model", may be increasingly incompatible with the global trade system.
Americans deserve a substantive discussion about China from our presidential candidates, and perhaps they will get one, as one of the topics for the third debate is "the rise of China and tomorrow's world."







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回复 sasky 2012-10-17 22:26
孤雁南飞: 呵呵,有点狭隘。
多谢赐教! 请具体说明理由!谢谢!
回复 孤雁南飞 2012-10-17 21:49
回复 sasky 2012-10-16 20:29
白露为霜: “但是今年,我要投下我的一票”

Thank you very much!
回复 白露为霜 2012-10-16 20:14

回复 sasky 2012-10-16 17:52
阿彭: 兩個半斤八兩,選誰都一樣,干脆都不投!
我也不看好罗穆尼,但是,矮子里面,挑高个子, 我只要选择罗穆尼,干总统! 否则美国的兴衰和沉浮难料, 前途堪忧!
回复 阿彭 2012-10-16 17:51
回复 sasky 2012-10-16 17:41
回复 sasky 2012-10-16 17:40
阿彭: 但奧巴馬的政策還是傾向于中低收入階層,對華人移民有利,而羅姆尼則完全傾向于2%的華爾街大老板,他直言不在乎其余47%的選民,故不應選他.   ...
欧巴马, 四年任内,移民政策,没有改变! 在四年,只能是更加糟糕!
回复 sasky 2012-10-16 17:28
阿彭: 但奧巴馬的政策還是傾向于中低收入階層,對華人移民有利,而羅姆尼則完全傾向于2%的華爾街大老板,他直言不在乎其余47%的選民,故不應選他.   ...
欧巴马, 四年任内, 表现平平!美国的白宫, 因为欧巴马的入住, 贬值十倍!  中美关系,基本保持现状,没有什麽树建, 美国国内经济,越搞越差!这样的人,如何能够连任总统?
回复 sasky 2012-10-16 17:22
问题是你找不到,第三个,可以投票的人! 尽管,我不看好罗姆尼,可是,你没有办法呀!
回复 sasky 2012-10-16 17:21
阿彭: 但奧巴馬的政策還是傾向于中低收入階層,對華人移民有利,而羅姆尼則完全傾向于2%的華爾街大老板,他直言不在乎其余47%的選民,故不應選他.   ...
回复 sasky 2012-10-16 17:08
阿彭: 但奧巴馬的政策還是傾向于中低收入階層,對華人移民有利,而羅姆尼則完全傾向于2%的華爾街大老板,他直言不在乎其余47%的選民,故不應選他.   ...
我也不看好罗穆尼,但是,矮子里面,挑高个子, 我只要选择罗穆尼,干总统! 否则美国的兴衰和沉浮难料, 前途堪忧!
回复 sasky 2012-10-16 17:08
我也不看好罗穆尼,但是,矮子里面,挑高个子, 我只要选择罗穆尼,干总统! 否则美国的兴衰和沉浮难料, 前途堪忧!
回复 阿彭 2012-10-16 16:38


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