葛莱美西公园(GRAMERCY PARK),位于纽约曼哈顿20 和21街、三大道和公园大道南之间,它是曼哈顿唯一的私家花园,四周铁栏围着,大门铁将军锁着,自1831年以来只有围着公园建造的房子的住户才有权拿到入园钥匙。公园的门锁每年更换,最初每户拥有免费钥匙,后来是每把钥匙10元,现在每把钥匙350元,丢失重配要1000元。公园只有在每年的圣诞节前夜才对公众开放。
著名出版商和政治家詹姆斯・哈帕(Jams Harper)1847-1869年住在格兰摩西公园4号。他创办的Harper’s Bazzar到现在还是时尚潮流的引领者。
J. Tilden)住在15号,1876年提尔顿竞选总统,在结果揭晓的前夜回到这里。直至半夜,各处传来的消息都说明提尔顿已稳操胜券,但是次日结果是,他以一票之差惜败。这次选举被历史学家称为最受争议的一次总统选举,提尔顿本人称之为“1876年的罪恶事件”。现在该址是国家艺术协会(National Arts Club)
舞台名演员爱德温・布思(Edwin Booth)住在16号,爱德温特别精于莎士比亚 戏剧,特别是《哈姆雷特》的表演。可是他在历史上的名气不如他的弟弟约翰。约
翰・布思是1865年暗杀林肯总统的凶手(后来拒捕自杀),是美国历史上最声名狼藉的一位人物。这样的悲剧当时重创了爱德温。现在该址是演员俱乐部(Players Club)。
- #1 ? Valentine
Mott ? an original resident, chief medical officer of the Union
Army and founder of Bellevue Hospital and NYU Medical School [19]
- #4 ? James Harper ? an original resident,
Mayor of New York from 1844?1845 and one of
the founders of the Harper publishing firm;[19]
the two iron lamps outside #4 were placed there by the city in Harper's
honor: the custom was that mayor's residences were so distinguished so
that he would be available for nighttime emergencies[19]
- #15 ? Samuel J. Tilden ? whose house, a National Historic Landmark, is now
the National Arts Club [7]
- #16 ? Edwin
Booth ? famed Shakespearean actor, founded the Players
- #19 ? Stuyvesant
Fish ? a leader of New York
society (1887)[7]
- #19 ? Edward
Sheldon ? playwright[19]
- #19 ? William C. Bullitt ? diplomat, journalist
and novelist[19]
- #24 ? Richard Watson Gilder ? the poet and
editor died in this house[19]
- #36 ?John
Barrymore ? star of stage and screen[48]
- #36 ? Daniel Chester French ? sculptor
responsible for the seated figure of Lincoln
at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. [48]
- #36 ? Alfred Ringling ? who
founded the Ringling Brothers Circus [48]
- John
Bigelow ? lawyer and statesman[19]
- Henry Herbert ? English actor and
- Robert H. Ingersoll ? businessman[19]
- George Templeton Strong ? lawyer and
diarist, an original resident
- Stanford
White ? architect, lived where the Gramercy Park Hotel is now located