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Living with disease

已有 1668 次阅读2011-5-2 21:59 分享到微信

Brief introduction based on the unit
This unit focuses on deadly diseases such as AIDS, cancer and so on and attitudes to them. In warming up there is a quiz to test the students how much they know about AIDS. Listening materials introduce the work people do at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Speaking deals with the most serious problems today. Reading and integrating skills tell the students what AIDS and cancer are and what attitudes we should choose to face the problems. The grammar-the Subjunctive Mood helps the students learn to talk about things that are unreal or imaginary.
Teaching Goals
Talk about deadly diseases and attitudes towards AIDS, cancer, etc.
Practise talking about imaginary situations
Practise supporting and challenging an opinion
Learn to use the Subjunctive Mood (1): If I were you I wish I could
Write a proposal
Teaching Time: 4 periods
Related information
The seven deadly diseases: heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes(糖尿病), osteoporosis(骨质疏松症), arthritis(关节炎) and Alzheimer's disease(老年痴呆症).
The slogans for World AIDS Day from 1995 to 2004
1995 Shared Rights, Shared Responsibilities 共享权利,共担责任
1996 One World, One Hope 同一世界,同一希望
1997 Children Living in a World with AIDS 生活在有艾滋病世界的儿童
1998 Force for Change: World AIDS Campaign with Young People
1999 Listen, learn, live! 关注青少年,预防艾滋病---倾听,学习,尊重
2000 Man make a different 预防艾滋病男士责无旁贷
2001 I care, do you 预防艾滋病你我共参与
2002 Live and let live 相互关爱 共享生命
2003 Live and let live 相互关爱 共享生命
2004 Have you heard me today 关注女性 抗击艾滋
Key points:
Learn and master the following
New words: quiz false virus via blood prevention persuade defenseless illness treatment unprotected sex lack proper available discourage cheer network specialist meaningful fierce stranger cell radiation strength recover fighter contrary category
New phrases: live with die of cheer () up suffer from on the contrary for the moment free from
Everyday English:
Supporting an opinion: Challenging an opinion:
I think that, because Perhaps, but what if/ about 
First Have you thought about 
One reason is that What makes you think that 
For example, Could you please explain 
If we/ they were to, we/ they could If I were you, I would
Train the students' listening, speaking and reading abilities.
Difficulties: (1)How to help the students understand the listening material
(2) The Subjunctive Mood
Teaching Methods: Brainstorm, quiz, pair work, group work and individuals
Properties: pictures, recorder and blackboard.
Teaching procedures
Period 1 Warming up, listening and speaking
Step1 Revision and Lead-in
Hi, everybody, in the last unit we have learn the major trends of our life in contemporary society such in transportation, business, education and knowledge and health and medicine. We know people will enjoy a longer and healthier life, and that medical science allows us to deal with new disease. But we are still under the threat of some deadly diseases.
1. Ask the students to name some deadly diseases. (Brainstorm)
2. Show two pictures to let the students know the importance of learning something about 
AIDS. (Picture 1 www.bdg365.com Estimated number of people living with HIV/AIDS, 1999-2003 Pictures 2 Number of deaths due to AIDS globally, 1999-2003)
Step 2 Warming up
1. A quiz
Get the students to do the quiz individually and mark the scores to make sure how much they know about AIDS.
Talk about the pictures: The boy on the right is a HIV carrier
Discuss why people in the pictures should be so frightened. Then help the students know how the AIDS virus can be transmitted. (group work)
Step 3 Listening
Say "Since people don't know much about AIDS, it's necessary for 
the people at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to popularize the knowledge about it. Now let's listen to the tape, learning what people do there."
Let the students go through the questions in Part 1 and play the tape twice.
Let the students check the answers with their partners. After that check the answers with the class.
Ask the students if they were a disease detective, what they would do to learn more about new disease.
Step 4 Speaking (Group work)
Say "People get frightened when talking about AIDS, it's clear that AIDS is a very serious social problem. And what is the most serious social problem Is it AIDS, drugs, smoking or drinking Why "
Divide the students into groups of 4 and get them to prepare role cards.
Get the students to go through the useful expressions
Let the students work in groups and try to persuade the other group members.
Get one of the students in some groups to report what discuss in groups.
Step 5 Homework
1. Listen to the listening materials once again
2. Prepare the words for the next period
The design of the writing on the Blackboard 
Unit 7 Living with disease
1. be infected with
2. get tested
3. via
4. persuade sb
to do
into doing
out of doing


Period 2 Reading
Step 1 Lead-in
"Yesterday we talked a lot about AIDS. Today we'll learn a story about a young girl with 
AIDS. When you heard what I said what questions will come to your mind "
Collect the questions from the students.
Step 2 Reading
1. Get the students to read the passage and find answers to the questions.
2. Further understanding about the passage.
What is AIDS How do people get AIDS 
What is the present situation in the world 
What is Xiaohua's attitude towards AIDS Give the proof.
(brave, kind and optimistic: not let the knowledge discourage her, use the limited life to help others, tell others about her disease, encourage people to learn how to protect themselves, visit other AIDS patients to support them and cheer them up, create a network to persuade hospitals and companies to spend money on AIDS research and education.
Step 3 Discussion
1. Get the students to work in groups to discuss the following topics:
(1) What do you think you would do if you were Xiaohua How would you feel 
(2) How should we act towards people who have HIV/ AIDS What can we do to help them 
2. Ask some students to report their ideas.
Step 4 Deal with the language points
Step 5 Homework
1. Read the text more times to retell Xiaohua's story
2. Revise the language points
3. Do the exercises in Language Study
The design of the writing on the Blackboard 
Born dying
AIDS: break down the immune system
leave defenceless
Ways of having unprotected sex
transmitting HIV: receiving infected blood transfusions
through birth
2002 800,000 children under 15 became infected
Present situation in the world: 3.2 million total number of infected children 
spread fast in Africa and parts of Asia
a lack of proper health care, prevention and education
not let the knowledge discourage her (from doing)
decide to use the limited time to help others:
Xiaohua's personalities: (1)spend time telling other about her disease 
brave , kind, optimistic encouraging people how to protect themselves
(2)go to visit other AIDS patient to support them ,cheer them up
(3)create a network to persuade hospitals and companies to spend 
money on AIDS research and education
(words or phrases in red are language points)
period 3 Grammar-the Subjunctive Mood(1)
Step 1 Check the homework
Step 2 Lead-in
We have met Xiaohua-a girl with AIDS but still brave, kind optimistic and full of dreams and wishes. 
1. Get the students to find Xiaohua's dreams or wishes in the reading material.
2. Collect the dreams and wishes on the blackboard.
3. Help the students know these dreams and wishes may not come true for ever and the case where 
we should use the Subjunctive Mood.
Step 3 Do the exercises and check the answers with the class.
The design of the writing on the Blackboard
the Subjunctive Mood
I wish I could remember more about would/ could do
my mum. wish/as if + clause were/ did
I wish that she were here with me and had done
that we weren't sick.
principal clause
were/ did
would/could/ should/ might do
had done
would/could/should/might have done
would/could/ should/ might do
were to do
should do
I wish people would find out the facts 
and not act as if I were a bad or
dangerous person.
If I were to live long enough to have a
job, I would choose to be a 
doctor, helping these AIDS 
If I were you, I would give am 
AIDS patient a hug.
Period 4 Integrating skills
Step I Lead-in
We have learn Xiaohua chooses optimistic attitude to face AIDS, today I'd like to introduce a patient with cancer. Let's see what attitude she chooses to face the trouble and what changes happen to her life.
Step 2 Read the passage and do the following T or F exercises.
1. Not having feeling sick for a long time, the writer went to hospital to have herself examined.
2. The test result showed the writer got a serious disease.
3. Cancer is a disease that begins in cells.
4. When a person suffers from cancer, cells both divide too fast and at wrong time.
5. Cancer is a disease which can spread from one to another.
6. During the treatment she not only got help from her family but doctors and other patients.
7. She recovered completely after two years' treatment.
Keys: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F
Step 3 Read the passage once again to find the writer's attitude towards cancer.
Step 4 Discussion
Get the students to work in pairs to discuss what they learn from the writer and Xiaohua. Then ask some students to report their opinions. 
Step 5 Writing-a proposal
In the unit we have learn some deadly diseases and we also know how important it is to have positive attitudes towards diseases. Besides, the help from others can support patients to overcome the difficulty. So today I want you to write a proposal to call on people to help patients with AIDS and encourage AIDS patients to face the fact smilingly.
1. Tell the format of proposal.
2. Get the students to discuss what should be included in the proposal.







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