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"China News" news programs

已有 2304 次阅读2012-2-28 12:28 | iconic, interviews, programs, magazine, reported 分享到微信

"China News" news programs of CCTV-4 iconic magazine, the CCTV ten well-known part one, reported major news events in the world, to invite the most authoritative experts on global hot spots in-depth interviews and analysis of the famous CCTV host Xu Li, Lu Jian presided over the depth of understanding of the platform of choice for the world's major news events.
Founded in September 1999, January 1, 2000, published "China Newsweek" sponsored by the China News Agency Newsweek
, Located in the news and current affairs magazine, domestic and major international news reports mainly designed to build authoritative current affairs media, with the progress of China. "The rich depth, covered a wide range of news background and content", focusing on mining.   china-problems.org  As the moment the influential political magazine, "China Newsweek" both news authoritative and full of knowledge and fun, covering politics, economy, science and technology, culture, sports, fashion, entertainment and other fields. Stressed that the principle of independent investigation and contribute to influential original reports, recognized the authority of the Chinese cutting-edge current affairs magazine. China News Agency is one of only two news agencies, an interview with a global network of domestic provinces also have their own independent branches, deep and unique perspective of the news coverage to 60 countries and regions of the world's Chinese-language media, enjoys a high reputation in domestic and foreign media....







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