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Dietary treatment of hyperlipidemia

已有 4445 次阅读2009-5-26 19:12 |系统分类:健康养生分享到微信

Food Notes: 1, the staple food in general so as to rice, flour-based, but we prefer the coarse grains such as oats, cereal, cornmeal, etc., because these foods have more inorganic salts, vitamins, and rich in dietary fiber, dietary fiber has a role to reduce blood sugar, blood glucose control of benefit.
2, blood glucose in patients with high source of protein, soybeans and soybean products as well, on the one hand, the quality of its content of protein and more good quality; On the other hand, the non-cholesterol with lipid-lowering effect, it can replace some animal-derived foods , such as meat.
3, in the control of heat, the hunger remains, the less sugar edible vegetables, boiled after eating some seasoning. As a result of dietary fiber contained in vegetables and more water and more heat to low, have a role in satiety, it is essential for diabetic patients food.
4, prohibited food: sugar, red Tong, glucose and sugar sweets system, such as candy, cakes, jams, preserves, ice cream, sweet drinks. In addition, more carbohydrate potatoes, yams, taro, lotus root, carrots and other food after the use of or reduce the amount of the staple food.
5, rich in saturated fatty acids of lard, butter, kerosene, cream, butter, such as the use of, not the best. Animals can be used instead of vegetable oil, peanuts, walnuts, sesame seeds also contain a lot of fat, as far as possible do not eat or eat less or reduce oil consumption.
6, egg yolk and animal offal such as liver, brain, spinal, etc. with very high cholesterol, should be minimal or not.
7, fruit containing glucose, fructose, glucose can rise, so blood sugar control is relatively stable, the fasting blood glucose <7.8mmol / L or two hours postprandial blood glucose <10mmol / L may be in two meals, or consumption, but also a corresponding reduction in the staple food.
8, alcohol, the main alcoholic, high heat production, and very few other nutrients, it is better not to drink.
9, high blood glucose control in patients with the exception of the total dietary calories, the food should also be diversified, but because of restrictions on sugar, salt, so that a single dish taste more. To address such concerns, the market has produced a variety of sweeteners, such as sweet chrysanthemum, sweet sugar, it does not heat, does not contain any nutrients, the last two years there is a protein sweetener for sugar, its amino acid composition, no heat, no side effects, is a better sweetener, such as the Inuit sugar, real sugar yuan.
10, for patients with insulin-dependent diabetes, also need the guidance of doctors and nutritionists for diet control strict implementation of the obesity associated with hypertension, coronary heart disease patients with diabetes, in addition to more stringent diet control,animal offal, egg yolk , roe, etc., animal oils, such as strict control of butter, lard, butter, etc., of which saturated fatty acids on the prevention of atherosclerosis in the negative.
11, for the merger of renal dysfunction in patients with diabetes, with the exception of the control total calories, the attention should be based on condition, no salt or less of sodium and protein intake, protein supply should not be too high, and soybean products for uremic disease should be low-protein diet, protein 30 grams a day, wheat starch instead of staple food to rice, flour, protein supply of choice for high-quality protein, such as milk, eggs, lean meat and so on.







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