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Diabetes classification

已有 1827 次阅读2009-5-24 19:00 |系统分类:健康养生分享到微信

from  www.bdg365.com
Sub-type 1 diabetes mellitus (type 1 diabetes) and type 2 diabetes (type 2 diabetes) and gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes). Type 1 diabetes which occur in young people, their lack of insulin secretion, and must rely on insulin treatment to sustain life. Was particularly prevalent in type 2 diabetes after 30 years of age, the elderly, their insulin secretion is not low even the high side, the main cause is the body is not sensitive to insulin (ie insulin resistance). Gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes) is derived from cells of the insulin resistance, but the insulin resistance in pregnant women because of hormone secretion (hormones) caused by. Gestational Diabetes is usually self-healing after childbirth.
Insulin is secreted in human pancreatic β cells of the body only hypoglycemic hormone. Insulin resistance refers to the tissues around the body less sensitive to insulin, organization is not sensitive to insulin, peripheral organizations, such as muscle, fat, glucose uptake of insulin to promote the role of resistance occurred.
The study found the prevalence of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes, accounting for almost 90%, type 2 diabetes may be one of the main factors of morbidity.
Patients with type 1 diabetes in the 5 years after diagnosis of chronic complications rarely occur, on the contrary,
In patients with type 2 diabetes have been diagnosed before the occurrence of chronic complications. According to statistics, 50% of newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes has been in existence for one or more of the chronic complications, some patients because of complications with diabetes found.
Therefore, the diabetes drug therapy should be for their causes, focus on improving insulin resistance, and pancreatic β-cell function must be selected to improve the insulin resistance of the drug. More drug is insulin sensitizer, so diabetic patients an effective and timely treatment of the root to prevent the occurrence of chronic complications of diabetes and development.
Insulin sensitizer can increase the body's own insulin sensitivity of insulin to make their own "resurrection" and give full play to the role, this would enable the glucose to the body re-uptake by tissue cells and the use of, so that decline in blood glucose to long-term stability blood glucose control and comprehensive purpose, so that the body can enjoy their own long-term insulin secretion.
Diabetes treatment must be based on diet control, exercise therapy for the premise. Diabetics should avoid sugar and sugary foods, reduce the consumption of high fat and high cholesterol food, moderate consumption of high fiber and starch food, eating to. Choice movement should be carried out under the guidance of doctors should be done as far as possible, the whole body movement, including walking and jogging and so on. On this basis the application of the appropriate type of insulin sensitizer drugs, rather than excessive use of drugs to stimulate insulin secretion in order to achieve long-term effective control of blood sugar purposes.







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