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How to correctly understand the effect of hepatitis B treatment criteria

已有 1974 次阅读2009-5-16 11:18 |系统分类:健康养生分享到微信

from  www.bdg365.com
Many patients believe that only "all the negative" is the sole purpose of hepatitis B treatment. In fact, this view is incorrect and does not comply with the current actual situation of hepatitis B treatment. More objective criteria to determine the efficacy of science can be divided into the following categories:
(1) clinical cure students of indicators such as serum transaminases, bilirubin, such as returning to normal, clinical symptoms improved or disappeared, regardless of their virological markers, the clinical cure can be seen as.
(2) reducing the clinical cure infectious based on the treatment of e antigen and serum HBV DNA (hepatitis B virus genes) was negative or decreased viral replication, such patients with no complete virus particles, the transmission extremely low. Liver damage is relatively minor, for recruitment, education and pregnancy should be no significant impact to normal social activities, but should insist on a review, observation of changes in condition. As a result of the following second treatment should be active: to serum HBV DNA positive; liver function abnormalities, there are clear clinical symptoms; e antigen positive liver fibrosis marked tendency or early signs of liver cirrhosis.
(3) the performance of virus removal for surface antigen negative in serum, blood and liver tissue were negative HBVDNA inspection. And follow-up without recurrence for more than one year; but the total eradication of HBV is still yet to be solved before the country can not be cured of hepatitis B as the sole criterion.
(4) antibody negative. Antibodies appear to reflect the response of the body of the virus, in general, antibody generation and treatment, and the disappearance of antibodies and treatment has nothing to do with the disappearance of antigen, the antibody will be related to the natural negative. Antibody conversion speed varies from person to person, but also with the antibody categories. Conversion of natural antibodies, such as e shorter, and the maintenance of core antibody in the body can last more than a decade. Therefore, serological testing as long as the surface antigen, e antigen negative, serum HBV DNA negative, regardless of an antibody or a few antibody-positive, non-treatment of the general indications can be observed regularly. Of course, if the surface antibody negative, hepatitis B vaccination can be, but vaccination with the normal dose and procedures are different, the best use of adjuvant at the same time.







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