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Prevention and treatment of hepatitis B

已有 1926 次阅读2009-5-16 11:17 |系统分类:健康养生分享到微信

from www.bdg365.com
Difficult to eradicate hepatitis B, there is no specific drug treatment. Therefore, hepatitis B treatment should be integrated in many ways: 1, there must be strong will to defeat the enemy, "while anger liver injury", in order to maintain a happy mood; 2, the virus activity in patients with bed rest must wait until a stable condition, do not rise transaminase to appropriate activities; 3, hepatitis B drugs, such as war, as many as harmful, at least not valid, in view of the severity of their illnesses, under the guidance of experts to choose to take anti-viral drugs, adjusting the immune drugs huoxuehuayu medicine and the promotion of anti-fibrosis regeneration of the drugs, trying not to sick drug abuse; 4, to maintain the law of life, reasonable arrangements for catering, catering mainly for light.
Refractory hepatitis B, but it is not difficult to prevent. If we had to do a good job to prevent the clearance of hepatitis B will not be afraid of the prevention of hepatitis B include: 1, broad implementation of the vaccination of hepatitis B vaccine; 2, to maintain a positive attitude and optimistic mood, the firm's confidence in the fight against disease ; 3, understanding and knowledge of a number of disease prevention and treatment of hepatitis B knowledge, develop and maintain a good, scientific patterns of life; 4, a reasonable allocation of nutrition and diet, avoid tobacco and alcohol, the oily material deprivation, to avoid constipation; 5, pay attention to personal and personal hygiene, according to the temperature change clothes, the active prevention of infection; 6, actively cooperate with medical treatment under the guidance of the doctors use, regular review of liver function.
Hepatitis B virus infection in the human body, if one's body resistance, and immune function in normal and treated in time, then the hepatitis B virus will soon be removed, hepatitis B can be cured in the acute phase. However, once failed to hepatitis B virus clearance in time, will switch to chronic hepatitis B virus will be a long time to bring to check for hepatitis B antigen positive performance, this is what we call the hepatitis B virus carriers. If the hepatitis B virus activity in the liver cells, copy propagation, the clinical symptoms can occur, common symptoms are: feeling of liver discomfort, pain, general malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite, feel sick, tired of the oil, diarrhea. Sometimes patients have low heat, severe jaundice patients may then go to hospital for treatment should be timely, if the delay in treatment, a small number of patients will develop into severe hepatitis, liver dysfunction showed a dramatic increase until the failure, at the same time with renal failure such as multiple organ dysfunction, the patient will continue to increase the jaundice, oliguria, anuria, ascites, confusion, delirium, coma. Prevalence of chronic hepatitis B a long time, along the "hepatitis B - liver cirrhosis - liver cancer," the direction of evolution, this is what we often say that the "B trilogy", so after treatment measures should be taken, and regular medical check-ups







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