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The classification of fatty liver

已有 588584 次阅读2009-5-16 02:29 |系统分类:健康养生分享到微信

from www.bdg365.com。

Obesity and fatty liver
Intrahepatic fat accumulation and body weight is directly proportional to the degree of moderate and severe fatty liver and obesity rate was as high as 61% change -94%; obese people after weight under control, the fatty infiltration also decreased or disappeared. This type of fatty liver to adjust the diet therapy should be based, the basic principle of "one-two low fitness", that is, moderate protein, low sugar and low fat diet usually pay attention to light, can not be over-fed, multi-eat fresh vegetables and fruits, limit the calorie intake. At the same time to strengthen training, active weight loss, as long as weight loss, fatty infiltration of the liver that is a marked improvement.
One alcoholic fatty liver
According to long-term alcoholics liver biopsy, 75% -95% of fatty infiltration. Was also observed that more than 80-160 grams of alcohol a day alcohol fatty liver disease is the occurrence of 5-25 times the rate of growth, to replace the fatty acid after drinking alcohol, so that accumulation of fatty acids, ketone body accumulation in the body, the body of lactic acid, pyruvic acid the ratio of increased uric acid inhibit excessive discharge from the kidney, causing hyperuricemia; so xenobiotics reduced liver glycogen, leading to low blood sugar, and some patients with sudden death. The development of fatty liver such harm larger, but the mild alcoholic fatty liver alcohol as long as 4-6 weeks after quitting, the transaminase levels can be reduced to normal levels.
Fatty liver of malnutrition
Malnutrition caused by lack of protein is the major cause of fatty liver, was particularly prevalent in the under-feeding or digestion obstacles, apolipoprotein synthesis is not a result of intrahepatic triglyceride accumulation, the formation of fatty liver. Nutritional deficiencies such as patients with severe protein deficiency manifested as edema, weight loss, decreased skin pigmentation and fatty liver, in the given high-protein diet, the reduction of intrahepatic fat quickly; or type of amino acids, as protein synthesis returned to normal, fatty liver rapid elimination.
Diabetic fatty liver
An average of 50% of patients with diabetes fatty liver can occur, with more adult patients. Because the troubles of adult diabetes are 50% -80% are obese, the plasma insulin levels and increased plasma fatty acids, fatty liver and obesity not only the degree of change, but also with eating too much fat or sugar-related. On the one hand, such patients are taken to cause a positive treatment, on the other hand, require low-fat low-sugar low card and high-protein diet, the patients of the total caloric fat calories below 25% better.
Fatty liver of pregnancy
More than in the first 34-40 weeks of pregnancy disease, a serious condition, the prognosis of poor maternal and child death rates were 80% and 70%. Clinical manifestations of severe vomiting, jaundice, such as upper abdominal pain, it is very difficult and the difference between fulminant hepatitis. The timely termination of pregnancy can reverse the condition, a few may be a natural birth or caesarean section and out of danger.
Drug-induced fatty liver
Certain drugs or chemical toxins by inhibiting protein synthesis due to fatty liver, chemical medicine, Western medicine such as tetracycline, corticosteroids, puromycin ipecac cyclohexyl amine, and alkaline arsenic, lead, silver, mercury, such fatty liver the drug to stop using them immediately and, if necessary, supplemented by supportive care until the fatty liver restored.
Other diseases caused by fatty liver







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