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Full basketball star Yao injured

已有 1905 次阅读2009-5-16 00:24 |系统分类:时政资讯分享到微信

According to medical experts of  www.bdg365.com   records, Yao Ming had a career more than 20 injured. Beijing News May 10, Yao was checking out his left foot fracture, has been confirmed not to participate in the remaining games this season. This allows the semi-finals of the western rocket unusually gloomy prospects, the following is the injury history of his career he recalled --

injured one 

In 2003, he put an end to their first NBA season after the long journey back to the domestic and national team preparing for Championship, but his training in the team race, as the cover shot of the team, inadvertently left be crashed, the 8-pin joints. But after the injury than for the injured Yao Ming can only be regarded as the.

Right big toe injury

June 2004, along with Yao Ming and the national team to participate in the national team training camp in Dallas, but in training, he's right big toe was accidentally injured his foot, and a few days later, Yao Ming's big toe nail was kicked off a half months, and let Yao Ming's toe injury, he became the key to the next around the toe injury continuing.

Calf injury

March 31, 2005, game against the pioneers of rocket, the replacement was a pioneer in the Korean center Ha Seung-Jin. Faced with Yao Ming, Ha Seung-Jin abnormal brutal style of the game, many of his race to the top of the calf Yao Yao was covered in the game on its own legs, and after the examination, the calf has been Yao Ming swollen up.

Injured his left ankle

The summer of 2005, Yao Ming in the United States accepted the ankle bone spur removal surgery.

Injured his left big toe

Is the big toe, but this time it is in December 19, 2005, Yao Ming is this a paronychia, which is a long nail into the meat of the disease after infection. At that time, the situation is quite serious, the doctor even said that the infection led to a toe bone necrosis, such a grave situation, he also is no other way, for a month-long truce. In the following October 10, 2006, he accepted the nail of his left big toe surgery, the surgery is to allow the new Yao Ming long toenail out as soon as possible.

Left small toe fracture

April 11, 2006, rockets away, Sir, in the first section was four minutes left, when in each other's Andrea Yao - Kirilenko head completed, but step on the floor when the German Lung - Williams's feet, resulting in a small toe fracture of his left foot.

Injured right ankle

October 27, 2006, in Yao's just the restoration of a small fracture near the toes, rockets and magic in Section II of the pre-season games, Yao Ming's injured right foot off to rest his ankle. But the injury is not too heavy, in the Rockets trainer's help, he quickly recovered and did not affect the 5 days after the regular season.

Right knee injury

December 24, 2006, rockets and Clippers in the game, Yao Ming in the capping Tim - when Thomas and the other in the air contacts, after landing his knees clutching his Yao. The net result is tibial fractures, so the absence of the 32 regular season games.

Left foot stress fracture

February 27, 2008, Yao Ming left foot stress fracture, Yao Ming claims the season until the Olympic Games before the resumption of the round.

Right knee injury

January 24, 2009, on the Rockets and Pacers in the game, Yao Ming's knee as a result of broken down from constant overwork in the game felt a sudden pain, in support of the two after the unsustainable and eventually leave in the second half ultimately we have to wait after the results of further examination. However, in X-ray examination, Yao Ming's knee is no big problem, fans can also breathe a sigh of relief.

Left foot fracture

May 10, 2009, the western semi-final rocket battle, the Lakers scored in the first game, the Rockets lost two games in the third, he began to feel from the Section II has a sprained left foot from happening, he limped to the end to one of the last two minutes, but the situation did not improve. After the check to prove his left foot fracture, can not participate in the rest of the playoffs to advance to the road rocket also cast a shadow.







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