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12月29日,由国内资深书画名家、国家一级美术师、中国书法家协会会员彭金淋教授委派的文化使者,残疾人艺术家李万武先生,亲赴美国耶鲁传播中国文化和中国书画艺术,李万武先生耶鲁文化之旅所携带的由涂德海先生撰联,彭金淋先生书写的赠予美国中国书法家协会主席、纽约 墨人李兆银的“连江出彩呈先兆,银翰生花誉大千”的书法作品,李万武先生行书作品《范仲淹岳阳楼记》和残疾人女青年书画家的《国色天香》绘画作品,参加了在美国曼哈顿举办的李春华书画展览,受到了李兆银主席的高度赞誉和评价,此三幅作品将由美国中国书法家协会永久收藏。 在李万武赴美文化交流访问期间,李兆银主席还得知了中国荆门残疾人书画家联谊会(筹)会长吴金洁女士是一位先天性脑瘫患者,视力听力和语言表达能力都有重度障碍,而彭教授施以大爱,近十年如一日,无偿指导吴金洁习字作画,沤心沥血帮助吴金洁办画展,出画册,建画室,助其成才,将其培养成为卓有成绩和影响的青年画家,受到了中国中央电视台专题栏目的推介,并且还荣幸地受到了习近平主席的亲切接见,对彭教授这一大爱之举非常感动和赞赏,称赞彭教授的爱心大德,是谱写中华民族传统美德的助残颂歌。 与此同时,李兆银主席欢迎彭金淋教授有机会赴美进行艺术交流。 (李倩,唐纳德于美国曼哈顿摄影报道) LOVE IS UNIQUE, THE ROAD IS SIMPLE On the eve of new year's day, Mr. Li Wanwu, a disabled artist and cultural emissary appointed by Professor Peng Jinlin, a senior Chinese calligrapher and painter, and a member of Chinese Calligrapher Association, went to Yale to spread Chinese culture and Chinese painting art. Mr. Li Wanwu's Chinese books written by Mr. Tu Dehai and Mr. Peng Jinlin were presented to the United States on his Yale cultural trip Li Zhaoyin, chairman of the legalist Association and professor of Mohist in New York, wrote calligraphy works of "lianjiang is a good omen, yinhansheng is famous for its flowers". Li Wanwu's running calligraphy works "Fan Zhongyan's Yueyang Tower" and disabled young female Calligraphers' painting works "national color and natural fragrance" participated in the calligraphy and painting exhibition held in Manhattan, the United States, which was highly praised and appraised by Chairman Li Zhaoyin The works will be permanently collected by the Chinese Calligrapher Association of the United States. During Li Wanwu's cultural exchange visit to the United States, President Li Zhaoyin also learned that Ms. Wu Jinjie, the president of the Chinese Jingmen Association of disabled painters and calligraphers (Preparatory), is a patient with congenital cerebral palsy, with severe impairment in vision, hearing and language expression. Professor Peng, with great love, has been guiding Wu Jinjie to do calligraphy and painting for free for nearly ten years, and has devoted all his energy to helping Wu Jinjie to hold the exhibition To create a picture studio, to build a studio, to help them become talents, and to train them into outstanding young artists with outstanding achievements and influence, was promoted by the special topic of CCTV China, and honored with the cordial reception of President Xi Jinping. He is very moved and appreciates Professor Peng's great love and praises Professor Peng's love and virtue, which is a help song for the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. 。 At the same time, chairman Li Zhaoyin also extended an invitation to welcome Professor Peng Jinlin to the United States for artistic exchanges. (Li Qian, Donald photographed in Manhattan) 残疾人艺术家李万武先生,美国中国书法家协会主席李兆银 |