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![]() 著名书画家朱德安朱德安:国家一级美术师,中南海国礼艺术大师,中国书画家协会副会长,中国书画艺术大学教授,香港文联美术家协会会员,香港文联书法家协会会员,中国万绿湖国际写生基地主席,中国国画院副院长,东坡诗书画院院长,国际书画艺术家资格认证中心副主席、画家,国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会会员。 National first class artist, Master of the art of ceremony in Zhongnanhai Vice president, Chinese Calligraphers and Calligraphers Association Professor of Chinese calligraphy and painting, University of the Arts. Member of Hongkong Arts Federation Artists Association. Member of Hongkong Calligraphers Association, President of Wanliang Lake International Painting base, China Vice president of Chinese Painting Academy, Dean of Dongpo poetry and painting academy. Vice chairman and painter of international calligraphy and painting artist Certification Center Member of the Chinese painting and Calligraphy Association, new literary group, calligraphers and calligraphers Working Committee.. 朱德安先生博采多学,书法、绘画、雕刻、印章皆有用心,尤擅榜书。所作山水隐透灵气、富含诗意,花鸟动物生动逼真、饱藏神韵。其代表作有《九寨飞瀑乐万家》《直上云霄九万里》《虎思》《鱼乐无限》《峨眉秀》《水帘花果山》《轻舟已过万重山》《大江浩荡长卷》《江山万里》长卷等系列。 Mr. Zhu Dean has many kinds of learning, calligraphy, painting, sculpture and seal. The landscape is full of poetry, flowers and birds are vivid and vivid. His representative works include "Jiuzhai Falls, Yuewanjia", "Ninety thousand miles up the clouds", "Husi", "Yule Infinite", "Emei Xiu", "Shui Shui Huaguoshan", "Light Boat has passed ten thousand mountains", "Great River, Long Volume" and so on.. 朱公所作榜书,其行法一气呵成、别具一格。书中有画,画为书藏,书画互融。代表作有《天下为公》《中华千龙吟》《妙虎神威》《龙马精神》《毛泽东· 沁园春·雪》长卷、《苏东坡·水调歌头》长卷、《杨慎·临江仙词》长卷、《李白·将进酒》长卷等。 Zhu Gong takes the list of books. There are pictures, paintings, books and paintings. His representative works include "The World Is Public", "Chinese Thousand Dragons Yin", "Miaohu Shenwei", "Longma Spirit", "Mao Zedong Qinyuan Chun Xue", "Su Dongpo Shui Diao Getou", "Yang Shen Linjiang Xianci" and "Li Bai Jiangjiu" and so on. 作品入编《中国书画金奖作者风采》《世界书画家铭录》《世界名人录》《一代大师》《中国艺术大家》《大家书画》《传世雅韵》《大师风范·艺坛四杰》等多部书刊词典。 His works are included in the dictionaries of many books and periodicals, such as The Golden Prize for Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Authors, The Record of World Calligraphers and Painters, The List of World Celebrities, A Generation of Masters, Chinese Art Masters, Calligraphy and Painting Masters, Heritage Elegant Rhyme, Masters'Style and Four Artists. ![]() ![]() |