分享 孟昭文的邮件
laoayi 2013-1-7 02:11
Dear Friend, The swearing-in yesterday was such an exhilarating day for us! I wanted to take a moment to share some pictures with you and thank you again for everything. Yesterday was both a capstone on the values and ideas of our campaign, and a powerfulreminder that we have much to ...
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分享 孟昭文宣誓 支持者蜂擁見證 zt
laoayi 2013-1-5 02:41
孟昭文與幕僚步入會場。 孟昭文展示國會眾議員的領章。 纽约 皇后區近百名支持者3日不畏來回十小時車程之苦,清晨便搭乘專車前往華府參加國會眾議員孟昭文宣誓就職活動,見證歷史時刻。猶太裔、印度裔、非洲裔、西語裔、韓裔、華裔,他們都視孟昭文為自己社區的一分子, ...
2819 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Happy New Year! 新当选国会议员孟昭文的新年祝贺
laoayi 2013-1-1 02:29
Dear Friends, As we wrap up this holiday season and move into the New Year, I am reminded of the incredible opportunity and responsibility that comes with my new position. With renewed vigor, I will work hard to ensure that weprotect the middle-class families in Queens and a ...
2840 次阅读|0 个评论

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