分享 图片 x1.1
tonylee5566 2012-7-19 00:06
图片 x1.1
个人分类: x1.0|1767 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 about x1.0
tonylee5566 2012-6-1 04:21
flytouch series tablet flytouch 3 etc..the tablet have more Function USB 2.0 ,Micro SD card,Ethernet wired port,and GPS Function .Today post the blogs review the update flytouch 7 superpad vii is a 10 inch tablet pc , tablet use A10 processor 1.2GHz and built 1GB DDR Ram allows a fast and easy ...
个人分类: x1.0|1797 次阅读|0 个评论

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