因网站改版更新,从9月1日零时起美国中文网将不再保留博客栏目,请各位博主自行做好备份,由此带来的不便我们深感歉意,同时欢迎 广大网友入驻新平台!
热度 5|
前段时间因看到一大株紫罗兰的图片,因特别喜欢就贴到湾里送给那里的朋友。那地方有个叫铜山的网友给偶一首李白的诗歌 "日照香炉生紫烟, 遥看瀑布挂前川。飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。" 来描述那株紫罗兰, 结果就有了点感觉写了这么首咏春紫罗兰。偶现把这歌修改一下算是偶为这个春天写了首赞歌.
Purple's Proud by brav 2013 Spring in NYC
The flower curtains are like the purple cloud,
As if the purple rains beating on to the ground;
Sining the Spring songs kissing melodies loud,
Mysterious purples are greeting me in proud.
Thanks to God, for giving us the purple flowers,
Fragrant and graceful, pretty atop purple towers,
As a fair lady filled with purple stream fumes,
Enlightening the world with the purple blooms.