分享 [攝影] Mimi Braids Hair Show 特色髮型秀
莎夏 2011-9-6 01:13
This Saturday, I did a great photo shoot for Mimi Braids Hair Show. I was hesitating should I go or not since it is so far from the city. It is in some country side part of New Jersey called Totowa. But gladly, I did go. There were four photographers altogether including me. The other three are ve ...
个人分类: Fashion|9719 次阅读|19 个评论 热度 1
分享 [攝影] 人像寫真 Part II
莎夏 2011-6-3 23:15
Our makeup artist wanted to try something bold and extreme color. We originally wanted to try black lips but realize it's too dark for Martin's skin tone. So ended up choosing green/ blue. Crazy right? But still looks pretty nice on her. Model: Martin ...
个人分类: Fashion|5522 次阅读|12 个评论
分享 [攝影] 人像寫真 Part I
莎夏 2011-6-3 22:46
My friend is a fashion designer SOKU, she wanted me to set up a photo shoot for her clothing line catalog. Good work with the models. A very successful photo shoot. And the makeup artist Khadine did amazing job too.  Model: Jolie Model ...
个人分类: Fashion|5920 次阅读|11 个评论

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