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創意手提袋 Creative handbags

已有 8119 次阅读2011-8-31 20:50 |个人分类:创意精典|系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信

1. Condomi Erotic Shopping Bag

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Advertising Agency: Draft FCB Kobza, Vienna, Austria

2. ASPE Crime Stories Bag

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This bag was given when you bought a book by Belgium’s most famous crime-writer.

3. Ann Summers – Kinky Whip

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A guerrilla marketing concept for Ann Summers (underwear and accessories shop). Designed by guerrillaguru © 2007

4. Shumensko Beer Crate

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Advertising Agency: Noble Graphics Creative Studio, Sofia, Bulgaria

5. Volkswagen Golf GTI Bag

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Advertising Agency: Agence V, Paris, France

6. Meralco: Unplug to Save

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Advertising Agency: TBWA, Philippines
Meralco, the Philippines’ top supplier of electricity, aimed to show goodwill to its customers by educating them on how electric consumption works and how to read electricity bills.
Special bags that combined Electricitips or information on how to save electricity and ways to practice smart electrical consumption were given away during Christmas bazaars and Meralco mall events.

7. Greenpeace – Give Me Your Hand

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Advertising Agency: dentsu, Beijing, China

8. Children with Autism

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Art director: Yosef Khouwes | Copywriter: Bipin Jacob

9. Stop’n grow: Nailbiter

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Credit: Jung von Matt, Berlin

10. Panadol

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Agency: unknown

11. Daihatsu

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Agency: Creative Lab, Cairo, Egypt|Art Director: Walid Abd Rabo

12. Red Cross – Volunteers Needed

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Advertising Agency: Lem, Shanghai, China

13. Gaia: Animals Torture

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Agency: Duval Guillaume, Brussels, Belgium

14. Sawney Bean – Cannibal of Scotland

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Creative director/Art Director John Messum

15. ReVital

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Antje Gerwien, from the University of Weimar.

16. Muse Bags

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Agency: Tokyu Agency Inc., Tokyo
These bags were designed as color samples of hair extensions for distribution to visitors to a party at muse, beauty salon. So, hair extensions were attached to bags as handles.

17. Yulia Tymoshenko

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Source: blog.ivman.com
Yulia Tymoshenko, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, iconic in Europe for her braids. Funny, but probably fake – the bag looks exactly the same as one of the Muse bags.

18. YKM Shopping Bag: Jump Rope

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Agency: TBWA, Istanbul

19. Fitness

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Publicis Frankfurt | Creative Direction: Gert Maehnicke

20. Clothes in Closets: Knuckle Bag

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Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett Lisbon, Portugal

21. Blush Lingerie: X-Ray Bag

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Agency: BBDO Berlin

22. Floating Magic-i Bag

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Advertising Agency: Grey Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The brief: The agency was given the task to design a shopping bag for Magic-i, a magic shop. The idea: the handles of the shopping bag are made of transparent fishing line, which makes it look like it is being held without handles as if by magic.

23. Wheaties Shopping Bag

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Agency: unknown

24. Alinna

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Agency: unknown

25. Book

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Agency: unknown

26. Headhunting Agency Shopping Bag

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27. Karl Lagerfeld Shopping Bag

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28. Olympic Shopping Bag

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Tao Ma Design. All rights reserved.

29. Tom of Finland Shopping Bag

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Agency: unknown
Tom of Finland is a popular gay icon.

30. Samsung TV Bag

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发表评论 评论 (2 个评论)

回复 qqqnyc 2011-9-1 23:30
回复 KQRBNP 2011-9-1 11:05

you don‘t want to use the one with the hand-gun design here in US


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