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Sure or Not Sure
People are narcissistic. Dr. Able is ultimately narcissistic; he wants to create the Theory of Everything. He knows that Albert Einstein has tried all of his life to create this theory, he gets some ideas, but he does not finish it.
Albert's name looks like All-Be-It. What is It? He turns his bird-nest head, "God knows It."
"Wait is a second." Werner Heisenberg says, "Even God does not know it. Everything fundamentally is Uncertain. "
"God does not play dice." Einstein waves his index finger with full determination. He believes that Quantum Theory is incomplete; there must be some Hidden Variables which only God knows it.
“Don’t tell God what to do.” Niels Bohr talks gently. Einstein does not like Bohr’s Copenhagen Interpretation, shrugs his shoulder, “God is not Spooky.”
In Einstein’s view, God sets up determinative rules for everything. Then everything follows God’s rules running its logical way. Our job is to find God’s secret rules. If we find all of God’s rules, we can identify everything for sure.
Before we find all of God’s rules, Einstein believes that he knows two God’s rules: 1, Nothing moves faster than light. 2, The reality exists independently without needing measurement. These two rules are put together to be Local Realism.
Is anything wrong with Local Realism? It totally fits common sense. We live in Einstein’s Time-Space Sheet. We may act like hyperactive naughty kids to wrinkle the universal sheet, but we can only jump at one spot at one time. The time-space sheet is real; everything on the sheet is real.
John Bell dresses like a Santa waving a Jingle Bell to ask, “Is Santa real?” Every adult knows that Santa is not real, that smartest nest-hair Einstein acted like a sincere kid believing that Santa is real, because he really got the boxes of gifts under his home’s chimney at that snowing night.
John Bell uses Jingle bell to wake up Einstein’s child dream and stated: 1, Santa sends gifts to every kid at the same time, so in Santa’s map, distance is not an issue. Santa lives in a nonlocal world. 2, When a child makes a wish, he finds that wished gift is really under the chimney. However, this gift is not really from Santa, it is from his own ideation which he or she told their parents millions of times.
John Bell’s Bell Theorem proves that Einstein’s local realism is just like a child’s Christmas belief. A so real Santa in a child’s vision is actually made up by the child’s mind. Well, does that mean, our human’s common sense of local realism is the same as a child’s Santa belief?
“Yes, life is a fancy bubble.” Steven Hawking murmurs in his freefall chair in a freefall aircraft. Our 14 billions of years old universe originally was from a tiny strange point, so Hawking talked about an extremely weird concept “Quantum Universe”.
The biggest is equal to the smallest; an elephant’s going through a needle’s hole is as easy as a Zen master’s mouth’s sucking three oceans’ water in one sip. Hawking points at the Zen master’s dark throat and said, “That dark hole is called Black Hole.”
Water going through a man’s inner tunnel and eventually moving out the front door or back door of human waste factory is still water, even though it is polluted with strong odor. However, things falling into a black hole will not show up in a reincarnated white hole, it is another kind of Uncertainty. In Hawking’s calculation, there may be a secret tunnel in the black hole to connect the door to another universe.
Quantum Theory sounds insane, but this insane theory is correct while our Classical view of the determinative world is not so correct. What is the matter with it?
Dr. Able hits his head and sees millions of stars inside. Einstein stretches his tongue to state, "Time-Space is relative, the gravity of matter curves the space, and the speed of matter shrinks time." Dr. Able imitates Einstein's tune, "Wave-Particle is relative, and measurement chooses who to show. Position-momentum is relative, fundamental particle likes playing peek-a-boo. A black hole is like a universal toilet, it sucks everything, and you may never find it back in this universe."
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