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Discussion on Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory

已有 2319 次阅读2021-8-24 14:04 |个人分类:科學|系统分类:科技教育| 文化, 科学, 教育, 医学, 生物 分享到微信

Abstract (Reprint)

Human health development cannot manage without the assurance of medicine. Acupuncture and massage are two methods that help alleviate symptoms and maintain health. Meridian (Jing-Luo) and Midnight-noon and ebb-flow doctrine (zǐwǔ liú zhù) are two important foundations of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

In this article, the main experimental point is the lowest electric resistance point under the skin. Many lowest electric resistance points under the human skin are like a spatial net covering the human body. Through this report, we can understand how to determine the best position in the acupuncture point area, why acupuncture on the left acupoint of the human body can relieve the symptoms of the right part, and why acupuncture on the acupoint of the human's foot can relieve the symptoms of the toothache and sore throat, as well as show the relationship between the stimuli and the inside of the human body.

The circulation in the body is the basis of acupuncture in TCM. For the Meridian channel to circulate in the body, it must pass through the articulations. Will the articulations that connect the body's limbs affect acupuncture and Meridian channels? We must consider whether or not the articulations of the limbs hinder the circulation of our bodies. The morpho of the articular surface that connects human limbs (such as elbows, knees, buttocks, etc.) is different from the synovial joints in the anatomy.

According to Midnight-noon and ebb-flow doctrine, this article uses mathematics to express the connotation of Midnight-noon and ebb-flow doctrine with the prosperous angle and the degree of prosperity as indicators. This can be used as a reference for clinical treatment and nursing.

The lowest electric resistance point under the skin is related to the internal rhythm of the human body. If we correctly implement the internal rhythm of the human body, it will gain the benefit of self-regulation. For this reason, we should fully maximize the human body’s internal capabilities to defend against external stimuli that harm the human body or use stimulation to maintain overall health.

(https://blog.creaders.net/u/3680/202107/409902.html   K.Jim对中医的理解(Among them, the full text is reproduced in English)







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