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New Revelation: The hypothesis of “Spirit-Cerebral- Human response Interrelationship”
Author: Hang Cheng, etc.
The relationship between Holy Spirit and human body is very important to us. The Holy Spirit is not full in the human body. And not in the heart of human being either.
A new theory about the relationship between Holy Spirit and human body is given as followed:
Human has Spirit. The Spirit of outside world affects the human brain, and analysis, processing, judgment, selection, manifested by the human brain. The Human Response includes action. So, we have the hypothesis of “Spirit-Cerebral-Human Response Interrelationship”. If the Spirit from God is Holy Spirit, we have “Holy Spirit-Cerebral-Human Response Interrelationship”. And there are two ways to communicate between the Holy Spirit and Human Cerebral. When the Spirit from Devil is the Evil Spirit.
If the human body reflect consistent with the Holy Spirit, in line with God's will.
1.There is Human Spirit that is from GOD in the human brain.
2.The human beings can receive Spirit from GOD or Evil.
3.There are two-way communicate between the Holy Spirit and Human brain. So, this is an establishment of the theory of the two-way communicate of Spirit.It is“Spirit-Cerebral-Human response Interrelationship”.
4.The hypothesis of “Spirit-Cerebral-Human response Interrelationship” also reveals the communication between the natural world and the Spiritval world.
5.The hypothesis of “Spirit-Cerebral-Human response Interrelationship”has great importance for humanity.
(Reserver by Xinru) (Reference is http://www.jidujiao.com/ziliao/7012)