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People should believe what?

已有 2087 次阅读2013-10-3 23:32 |个人分类:福音|系统分类:杂谈| Community, knowledge, brothers, believe, already 分享到微信

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People should believe what? (2) - (6) (6)

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People should believe what? (2) - (6) (6)

PRESIDENT: Please come up with "the Bible." Hang Professor Cheng brothers and sisters raised scriptures answer, how can people be saved?

How can really be saved

Book is written by the writings. You can draw a good book or get to enjoy the spirit of knowledge. Open a book, generally orderly, or foreword, a general introduction, or a historical narrative. In front of primer, and then gradually into the topic, and then gradually in-depth, highlights will not open their books to see, is behind. In short, reading a book when the contents of the front, basically doubled over, Yimushihang, will not spend a lot of time to think, hard to digest. Read later, for the contents of the book can have different opinions and comments.

Straight to the point priority

"The Bible", "Man is the Holy Spirit spoke from God as they" (see "Bible" Peter 1:21), "the Bible" is not generally seen by the people we book "book." "The Bible" straight to the point, Scripture gives explicit lessons can only obey. The human factor can not be added to interpretation, Zhongkoushuojin trick. This is the "Bible" and the ordinary general distinguishes a specific book. Here we take a re-identification Genesis.

Open the "Bible" directory after the first page titled Genesis, Genesis is the "Bible" of the core content. But when we saw this after the core content, often because of habit and is ignored. Indeed, it often will "day" misunderstood as 24 hours, rather than the order has been mistaken for like a fairy tale. For the beginning of Genesis, the first two sentences are often more by people without thinking in passing. Many people learn after the catch Bible essentials. Only interested in people's problems. Sin on human sources and is the key, here we want to share. However, the first two sentences of Genesis Genesis is not just the core of this chapter;, it is also all the "Bible" in one of the core critical. If we ignore the core content, how can Kai Hui? Salvation we talk about? Please come up with "Bible" We learn together, if you find problems, please timely.

"The Bible" is written posters, simple and clear its contents. However, when we ignore the critical core content later, it will seriously affect the understanding of the content on the back. Please turn on Genesis. These three words from the title Genesis we can know very well, is about all things in this world is how come. Heaven and Earth and everything in it is created by the God Jehovah. This is the Lord God created the universe "Bible" core of the core. The first chapter of Genesis and two: "In the beginning God created heaven and earth." And "earth was formless and empty, darkness face of the deep; Spirit of God moves on the water." ("The Bible" Genesis 1:1,2). Please check these verses everyone. These two verses is the "Bible" in the top priority. However, if these two words were ignored or misinterpreted adding the human factor, then it will be completely different, completely contrary to God's teachings.

The first two verses of Genesis clearly express our beginning in Genesis, before the formation of the world "In the beginning" (also called the initial or primordial; In the beginning) with God is the Spirit of God (or the gods said, Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God). In fact the Spirit of God and God presence. With people's words is, God's Spirit and God presence. Whole chapter in Genesis with God is not the same in the third, only God's Spirit. And by him (God's Spirit) created all things (see "Bible" John 1:3). In the "Bible" overcome it emphasizes the beginning of the first chapter of Genesis the first two words, "the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ("The Bible" John 1:1). From the above we know that was in the beginning (In the beginning) together with God's Word is God in the Spirit. "God is spirit" (see "Bible" John 4:24) clearly tells us that God's Spirit is God. This is a verse John 1:1 and Genesis 1:1, the verse is just different points with God the Creator in the same spirit with the Word (Chinese translation for the Road) representation, is no body. Its purpose is clearly to emphasize once again and let people know the Spirit of God. John explained clearly. Because John was a disciple of Jesus Christ, he followed the teachings of Jesus Christ: "You hear is not mine, but the Father which sent me the word." (See "Bible" John 14:24), "You have given my word, and I have given them" (see "Bible" John 17:8), "listen to the word of God and keep it blessed." (see "Bible" Luke 11:28 ), where the use of the "Road" is a discourse, and discourse who is the Spirit of God. Clearly teaches us that God is to communicate with people through the Spirit, the Spirit of God shall obey.

Jesus is Mary "conceived from the Holy Spirit," is "from the Holy Spirit." (See "Bible" Matthew 1:18,20), the Holy Spirit always with him (see "Bible" Mark 1:9-12), "Spirit of the Lord upon me" (see "Bible" Luke 4:18), "the words I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life." ("The Bible" John 6 : 63), "Only God has revealed to us through the Holy Spirit, because the Spirit searches all things" (see "Bible" Corinthians 2:10). That is a manifestation of the Spirit through God (show) Jesus makes us realize, thanksgiving and worship God the Lord God. "No one has ever seen God, and only in the Father's side, has made him known." ("The Bible" John 1:18). "Bible" and the Spirit of Jesus is God in the text area, respectively, and the manifestation of life (embodied or show). We realize that the "Bible" Jesus is God and the manifestation of the Spirit (reflected or show) will feel God with us. If you do not know God's spiritual presence and appearance (reflected or show), do not understand God's spiritual relationship between people, it is impossible to correctly understand the "Bible," the New Testament and the Old Testament to understand the consistency and integrity. It is impossible to understand and correct understanding of the spirit of God, Jesus Christ. This is why the Sutra again and again to re-educate us, "Trusting my Spirit, failed to do so." (See "Bible" Zechariah 4:6), "all this is that Bit Spirit Run "(see" Bible "I Corinthians 12:11)," through the Spirit, by faith "(see" Bible "Galatians 5:5), and" Do not quench the Spirit. " ("The Bible" 1 Thessalonians 5:19). People know the truth to have a process, for which Jesus tells us, "I ask the Father, and shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever in, the Spirit of truth, whom the world can not accept." ("The Bible" John 14:16,17). Only in God's spiritual role, the application of God gives us the wisdom, ability and knowledge to think for follow and adhere to the truth, so that love God, love; make choices meet God intended to glorify God, the grace of the Lord God thanksgiving. To be saved you must always glorify God. "Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (See "Bible" I Corinthians 10:31).

Creation and orderly Xiannanhounv

From the third quarter began the first chapter of Genesis, God creates records in order, the whole process of the universe. "Create heavens and the earth, the LORD God made the earth in the day, but this." ("The Bible" Genesis 2:4). This is the only way to convince people about human source records.

"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them fish in the sea, the birds of the air, over the livestock and all the earth, and over all the creatures upon the earth." ("The Bible" Genesis 1 : 26).

"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the land will be breathed in his nostrils, and he became a living soul, Adah and when." ("The Bible" Genesis 2:7). We know the existence of the soil consisting of the various elements of the body. Not the kind of man and animals, who has a soul, human dignity, wisdom, people want to manage animals. Some of the characteristics of people (deep thinking, wisdom, intellect and capabilities), human nature from God breath. Human nature is God's gift of creation proprietary, animals do not. Shall only human, and animal only bestiality and brutality, which is the difference between humans and animals. "But the Spirit gives life, the flesh profits nothing." ("The Bible" John 6:63) tells us that the Spirit is the people of the country. "If we live by the Spirit, to walk in the Spirit." ("The Bible" Galatians 5:25), VIP line should follow the Holy Spirit. "And the Lord God said: That poor man to be alone, I will make him a helper fit for him." ("The Bible" Genesis 2:18), God after the first female to produce human male. "And the Lord God had taken from man, who the rib, which a woman" ("Bible" Genesis 2:22). Woman is created from the rib of man, not to say a woman is a man's appendage, everything a man should decide. After the men and women who have intimate side, there will be fighting side. How to form a "lover who has" the one? Is a woman to respect and obey men, women and men of this is due to one; while men more should cherish and treat your body the same love and respect for the woman. Men can not they think they are "the boss" is right, self-righteous, meddling. Those who think they are the right people, the real is often precisely the right time to do very little. With one of the ideas will avoid confrontation between man and woman and battles before beneficial in heterosexual establish a truly equal relationship with each other, so that mutual respect. God gives provisions are monogamous, "Therefore shall a man leave father and mother, his wife, and they become one flesh." ("The Bible" Genesis 2:24). Sex does not constitute a marriage. In our Chinese, marriage and gender integration between spouses refers specifically to the terminology, not abuse. God requires God's children in the marriage is absolutely holy. Woman is definitely not a man's appendage, governess mother and plaything. Men also not a woman's commanding and authoritarian occupants. If there is no middle course and a source of spiritual people and animals under the premise of equal, but a myth and superstition. Please contact the community take a look at the actual situation, think about it. Departure from "the Bible" teachings, advocating the wrong choice, man-made gods and idol worship, will confuse people and animals, leading some people tyranny and lawlessness, and even vicious flooding caused by heavy disaster to mankind. Human beings should learn from it. People must not admit fathers; is Monkey scholars, it is only monkey and carry on.

It is the only Lord God made no

"I am the Lord, and besides me there is no other God." ("The Bible" Isaiah 45:5).

"Before me no God (" true "original work" pretentious "), neither shall there be after me." ("The Bible" Isaiah 43:10).

"Bible" refers specifically mentioned in God the Creator. If the "Bible" translation Chinese translation of God when God is easier to understand. In ancient China, ancient books, "Wen said," saying: "God, God leads those who have everything." Is defined as making all things of God, who made heaven and earth god. Reading "the Bible", we must strictly distinguish between God and earth gods and idols made between the two entirely different things. God is a superstition in the world associated with the derogatory term. Humans should only worship God, and should not believe that there are other things to worship there. More people should obviously can not follow or take it for granted to invent a God in heaven before the formation of the third party with the Lord (see "Bible" Isaiah 45:6). God should be wary if someone would add another bit to confuse the public. "Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him, and told him the things which must shortly come instructed his servants." ("The Bible" Revelation 1:1), "My doctrine is not mine, but his that who sent me. "(" The Bible "John 7:16,). "Bible" is not a scripture verse there besides God outside himself that he is God, is also impossible. And no claim to participate in creation of a second God. There is also yes, no is no. If someone says there is, no matter how he fooled, he also flicker out in the "Bible" in addition to other than God, in black and white and the words "I am God" are. Please refer to the "Bible." We can not, someone said to have had. You close your eyes and also followed fraud nonsense that's it. "The Bible" scriptures you do not believe, and you believe the contrary happens, "the Bible" scriptures people should obviously. So, you in the end is the belief that "the Bible" to "Bible" for the foundation, or superstitious people fooled by the people to worship closure artificial "God" or a person considered as the foundation? "I teach you today, this very special, as to make you trust in the Lord." ("The Bible" Proverbs 22:19). If a violation of religious believers of all the "Bible" scriptures, was to flicker centuries, even millennia. This does not have to be confirmed by God's teachings visibility, and people still do not know in which I see you; Or know without change, in order to continue to choose against God Yahweh desires. In the outside world does not believe there is no other besides God should admirers but also how stubborn! I heard some time ago appeared a domestic developed some Christian cult, erected a "flexible full holy goddess," propaganda "Four God." Four is not equal to one, can only make into one. As this "Four" is just past trade mark pediatric stuff can fish in troubled waters, the fact that fully describes the people for "God" superstition to what extent! We had to remind the real ones should be wary of those who stood on the stage. Must be alert to those "For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice praise ditch thing, and to utter error against the LORD." ("The Bible" Isaiah 32:6) deceptive tactics. To remember "obey God, disobedient people, is deserved." ("The Bible" Acts 5:29), to be saved only obey God. "Where the fear of the Lord, to walk in His Way, Blessed." ("The Bible" Psalm 128:1), salvation truly blessed.

Weijieshenge law norms

On the adoption of wisdom (knowledge) Wisdom Tree negation (knowledge) formulation, no matter who made and where they are published in the wrong, obviously aimed at the wisdom (knowledge). Completely inconsistent with the God-given human wisdom. "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying: Of every tree of the garden (fruit), you may freely eat; just the tree of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it you will surely die eat!" (See "Bible" Genesis 2 : 16,17). Our ancestors Adam because desires do not listen to God's word, and listened to your wife, the wife obey the snake, then choose the evil, contrary to God's teachings ate God (God) commanded not to eat fruit from the tree (see "Bible" Genesis 3:11-13). Contrary to God's teachings is "evil." Meanwhile, eating good and evil (non distinguish) people have the fruit of the tree of evil internal. Evil is the key, but also the hazards and dangers. Thus, resulting in "people from hours evil in your hearts" (see "Bible" Genesis 8:21), "I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing" ("The Bible" Romans 7:18 ), "because all sinned." (see "Bible" Romans 5:12), which is the essence; and wisdom, knowledge, nothing to do, is completely different. Scripture is the tree of good and evil, there is no wisdom (knowledge) fruit, and must not be "Bible" and the knowledge, wisdom, science and other opposition mislead. "Bible" in front of the content is not just a general description of the history of mankind. Instead, through the introduction of human history, fully exposed, because the internal generation of people with evil desires and wrong choices hazards. Therefore, we must be standardized to humans. This specification is the man behind a tree law. "Whosoever committeth sin is the transgression of the law; sin is the transgression of the law." ("The Bible" John 3:4). Thus, "the Bible" teaches the law of self-discipline is the right to live by, this way of doing things. "If we live by the Spirit, to walk in the Spirit." ("The Bible" Galatians 5:25). Emphasis on the human norm is foreseen in order to meet desires, people will not obey God's Spirit, and have a tendency to escape the law, norms, up from the heart or behavioral choose evil. For example, to promote the law obsolete, people were filled with the Spirit, and mystify. Visible with the law regulate this I see how fulfilled.

"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." ("The Bible" Matthew 5:17). New Testament Old Testament law to do a detailed explanation (see "Bible" Matthew 5:17, John 3:15, etc.), is to solve the problem from the inside. Jesus is the Holy Spirit manifested physical life, is the Spirit of God in flesh "body", also is the "Spirit of the Lord upon me" (see "Bible" Luke 4:18), "all this is the Holy Spirit The Run "(see" Bible "I Corinthians 12:11). So, Jesus taught a lot of first-person speech who is the Spirit of God. Therefore, the New Testament and the Old Testament are from the Lord God the Creator. Jesus taught, "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word of God speak mouth." ("The Bible" Matthew 4:4). "God is spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." ("The Bible" John 4:24), in spirit and truth is not a slogan, but actions; is to implement in their "behavior and honesty on. "(" The Bible "John 3:18)," but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. "(see" Bible "Matthew 12:31). We must not deviate from the teachings of God, to obey the "Bible" Old Testament or New Testament instead of the Old Testament outdated nonsense. For the true believer should obey God's Spirit, conscientiously comply with the law and God has made exemplary teachings can not be mistaken for their innocence forever, and duplicity, in departing from the "Bible" farther and farther down the road.

In the New Testament teachings of Jesus Christ can be summed up with three main elements: a. Teaches human knowledge, obedience, worship, thanksgiving and glory of God. Two Jesus taught many of the first person who is the God of the spirits speech. Three. Difficult for humans to understand God's Spirit, so that a correct understanding of human beings with God and Jesus and the relationship between the Spirit of God. In the New Testament Jesus disciples also mentioned their knowledge of Jesus Christ.

"Bible" starting Genesis, let us know three things: a. God's Spirit to be with God with the "Road" is the Spirit of God, speech by (Word) is God's Spirit. Two. Solved by a God who is the source of (God's) creation, the only humans can only worship God, and never worship any so-called gods and idols thereof. Three. Remember the "one God" is the God Jehovah, the world no other god. Jesus and his disciples are mentioned in the scriptures "God" specifically refers to God the Lord (see "Bible" the New Testament). To guard against deceptive artificial "god." We know that the human sources, people and animals, the ancestors of the people with dignity, human equality to each other. On this basis, is to know the sins of humanity, draw lessons from the history of mankind, obey God's law formulated. We learn the "Bible" head to, that is in accordance with God's teachings should behave. Jesus Christ said: "Give glory to your Father in heaven" (see "Bible" Matthew 5:16), "to see me, and, God, you, God." ("The Bible" John 20:17), "If you love me, keep my commandments." ("The Bible" John 14:15).

Saved Basics "Bible" foundation

Why more than a thousand years, such a long time, so many people have been continuously under a lot of crime in the so-called sense of the word. The key is a number of people taking advantage of people's psychology, on the one hand the "bible" of the occult; other people do not understand the use of "Bible" and the book in general different, it should be submissive, and can not get carried away, and madness as well as misinterpreted. In addition, "the Bible" is a straight to the point, the first verse and the second verse is the core content. Ignore these two passages will lose focus, and then infused with misinterpreted verses to witnesses after erroneous views, resulting deceived. Because of a misunderstanding that simply can not be justified. So, before the erection of this misinterpreted as non-skeptics Idol "classic", will lie when the truth. Meanwhile, the guilty conscience is afraid of the truth desires, fear of being laid bare and engage in closed superstition. Those who grasp the truth, who are not afraid to see the opposite point of view. People can not put your head in the sand ostrich self-deception. As we learned, is unmissable "Bible" verses express teaching, do not believe anyone biased "interpretation." Vigilance verbally to the "bible" for the foundation, in fact, in broad daylight misinterpreted, but also by the scriptures they think or fabricate revelation, connotation, suggesting that God witnessed, even ravings have been filled with the Spirit and empty promises. Do not be deceived again, following the initiator. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." ("The Bible" 1 Peter 5:8).

Who can actually listen to salvation? "The Gospel is the Word." (See "Bible" 1 Peter 1:25). "This gospel of God beforehand through his prophets in the Bible promised" ("The Bible" Romans 1:2), the Gospel is the "Bible." The only person to have to be saved to the "Bible" as the foundation, listen to "the Bible" the express teachings of Scripture. "The Bible" was written for humanity, is the most valuable asset of all mankind, all mankind classic, not just a certain religious scriptures. Theologians and religious in some self-righteous and forget to think of individuals "should", granted, is what I mean, for the "Bible" produce a variety of distortions, which is common in the treatment of the general phenomenon of the book. However, it must emphasized that "the Bible" is not a book, you have to keep in mind in order to be saved, "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, rebuking, make correction, for instruction in righteousness are beneficial" ("The Bible" 2 Timothy 3:16). Treatment "Bible" people can only obey. Spirit is the people of the country, people should follow the Spirit line. God's Spirit in the human brain function (moving and guidance) is accepted by the human cerebral cortex. "Spirit - the cerebral cortex - the human body reflect the underlying." People want more brains, ground thinking, making choices meet God intended. God's Spirit is the evil shielding performance based on whatever pretext to promote individual choice to give up the essence of the Spirit of God are disguised boycott. Some superstitious man of God even to put their all entrusted to the so-called "God", is actually a fancy manipulation of fiddling, their brains do not choose. Who follow the "Bible" Scripture expressly accordance with the "Bible" Scripture can be saved explicitly do. "Walk in the Spirit ye ​​shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." ("The Bible" Galatians 5:16), the Holy Spirit and flesh opposition to one another. Therefore, salvation is the basis should be truly "Bible" for the foundation. Express through Jesus Christ: "The Lord our God is one Lord." (See "Bible" Mark 12:29), "Father, ah, Lord of heaven and earth, and I thank you!" ("Bible" Matthew 11:25), "Not everyone who says my lord, ah, ah Lord who can not enter the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which people can go." ("The Bible" Matthew 7:21). And told us that we must be saved "Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (See "Bible" I Corinthians 10:31). "It's the Holy Spirit is our inheritance credentials" (see "Bible" Ephesians 1:14), but also our salvation credentials. "The Bible" scripture lesson is expressly distinguish true, false to the "Bible" as the sole foundation of a mirror. We all often according to a photo it. Let us work together on the basis of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, through faith in Jesus Christ, worship God and thanksgiving and honor God's grace. (For the record XINRU finishing)

(Author: Hang Cheng. Article series users to learn "the Bible" after the free submission, does not mean that this site perspective, please refer to "Bible" shall prevail. For reprint please indicate the Christian Chinese network







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