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东方爱心母亲高秀凤致全人类一封公开信,Eastern High Xiufeng To love the mother of all mankind an ope

已有 2561 次阅读2010-5-27 23:43 |个人分类:东方爱心母亲高秀凤致全人类一封|系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信

东方爱心母亲高秀凤致全人类一封公开信,Eastern High Xiufeng To love the mother of all mankind an ope_图1-1 
东方爱心母亲高秀凤致全人类一封公开信,Eastern High Xiufeng To love the mother of all mankind an ope_图1-2 
东方爱心母亲高秀凤致全人类一封公开信,Eastern High Xiufeng To love the mother of all mankind an ope_图1-3 
东方爱心母亲高秀凤致全人类一封公开信,Eastern High Xiufeng To love the mother of all mankind an ope_图1-4 











          影视明星,超级模仿秀,央视特邀嘉宾,中国苏珊大妈, 高秀敏模仿者高秀凤,高秀敏模仿者高秀凤-----------张倩莲,2005年6月29日---------------------于秦皇岛执笔

World Boxing Council President, and the Council Leader,
Dear Sir or Madam, how are you? You have to talk about mind he has long wanted the opportunity has been immature, I am sorry to disturb you are the. Although I have to say too late. It anyway.
Man had entered the civil society, those original, ancient, barbaric, not suitable for social development, the phasing out of what has already been out to replace the spiritual science of advanced distillation.
However, in our modern world, there is still a spiritual, ancient, primitive, savage a sport that is boxing. Boxing is not only barbaric, and it is legitimate to kill each other's professional killer, as far as I know boxing is not only the harm to people in the ring, and the presence, in training, there are many elite athletes have been killed, or hit injured, maimed. Around the world, too numerous to mention, had an American best female boxer died in training, so no statistics on the death of the world, even if not dead, this is terrible harm legitimate, the person is, after all people are not just doing Unlike film and television where my ye fight not dead. And entered the training field on the sign of the life and death, killing Bust. Who is willing to take the O death. However, some people go.

The human brain is an important part of the human body, it is like a precision instrument, dominate human behavior, about people's destiny. Is the most valuable, most should protect the site, the weight can be no doubt as to the boxing is the greatest harm to the brain.
Brain hurt normal people can do. Can live a normal life and work? Muhammad Ali is the most typical Liezi.
Sport in the world, played a joint role of friendly exchange of unity. More importantly, the promotion of world peace to promote the role of human physical activity. Not only to the boxing training also makes the other suffer a fatal injury, death, like this exercise can also promote you, you can continue, but also get the world's game?
See other players retired fame, and Muhammad Ali retired almost become a basket case, a serious brain injury made him miserable, and basketball player Michael Jordan on the contrast.
After 1982, Ali left the ring. Was diagnosed with Bupajinsen's syndrome. Doctors believe that Ali and his head had been repeatedly ill is directly related to the impact. 20-year career, suffered by 2.9 million head blow. Who does so? He is most fortunate. How many people did not play on the killed. There are multiple injuries died in the stadium as well? And boxing in the spiritual world has played an effect? Crime of terror and force it to play a role advertised is a modern high quality spiritual cultivation of human society played a negative role.
As a woman, a mother, for our children, for our children to spiritual peace and stability in the world. Strongly urge the abolition of boxing world competition. Let our athletes take the healthy way.
I will always love public ambassador of world peace, I will always love world peace and welfare mothers.
          Movie Star, Super impersonation show, special guests CCTV, China Susan Boyle, high Xiumin imitators high Xiu-feng, Gao Xiumin imitators ----------- Zhangqian Lian Gao Xiu-feng, June 29, 2005 --- ------------------ write in Qinhuangdao







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