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东方爱心母亲高秀凤致全人类一封公开信,Eastern High Xiufeng To love the mother of all mankind an ope

已有 1888 次阅读2010-5-27 23:33 |个人分类:东方爱心母亲高秀凤致全人类一封|系统分类:时政资讯分享到微信

东方爱心母亲高秀凤致全人类一封公开信,Eastern High Xiufeng To love the mother of all mankind an ope_图1-1 
东方爱心母亲高秀凤致全人类一封公开信,Eastern High Xiufeng To love the mother of all mankind an ope_图1-2 
东方爱心母亲高秀凤致全人类一封公开信,Eastern High Xiufeng To love the mother of all mankind an ope_图1-3 
东方爱心母亲高秀凤致全人类一封公开信,Eastern High Xiufeng To love the mother of all mankind an ope_图1-4 
东方爱心母亲高秀凤致全人类一封公开信,Eastern High Xiufeng To love the mother of all mankind an ope_图1-5 









To an open letter to all mankind:
More and more mental murderer tells us that early education is the root of stifle genius.
Early with the brain, early school, lack of sleep is causing more and more important reason why mental illness. Human beings need to wake up.
Development of intelligence, early schooling and long-term sleep deprived, is tantamount to suicide.
    How to cultivate a healthy living smart dial dear child? According to the survey early child learning and cultural knowledge and Yongnaoguoduo, lack of sleep, severe damage of the cerebral nervous systems, nerve cells, and optic nerve, immunity, leading to future susceptibility to mental illness and other categories of disease probability, and go to school earlier, the more confused the more science, science numb. Original innocence and nature are not, and some just dull, nearsighted, and a serious impact on children's physical and mental health. Since this historical error should be corrected.
Learn at school the morning of the study as well, the provincial efforts, can not tell schools to junior high school to see out. Good morning and head to school in the future, intelligent minds at school in the future. And the morning will have to learn to bury hidden dangers of depression and, upon stimulation it is easy to attack, the so-called nerd is actually the last depression, more and more of the mental depression and schizophrenia, suicide, madness, hostile to their loved ones, killed his parents, and killing others, crazy Moon Avenue picking up litter, etc. to eat. Too many mental patients can not but arouse our attention and the attention of society, care of our younger generation. National priority, the world's most urgent task. Please do not kill our genius in the cradle.
    Six years is too early to go to school, harmful, and nurseries are now not science, get up early morning, three meals a day too early, only seriously affect a child sleep, hungry children eat digest well, Shang Wei spleen injury, but also nursery school started to learn to use its brain to the nervous system of the future, buy a hidden danger. Even if the final had to forget about school, but also the long one. 8 years of age go to school for a school-wide know that a lot of knowledge naturally learned. Old school a year earlier gifted talent do not care one year later, let our children be fine, do not become waste. Our current system of education is stifled genius. Since most of history have become the last child prodigy neuropathy.
After 80 years of school are now 60% of depression, 30 percent of the potential depression, 10 percent of neurasthenia and depression of another one per cent of psychotic disorders. Some doctors now eat all the drug treatment of depression, depression has been a serious threat to human health, called for an immediate attracted worldwide attention.
Loudly called; quickly reform the Ministry of Education, Minister of Education last year I'll have written the letter, proposed to reform the
education early education, intellectual development, destroy generations, the future more and more murderers. Appeal: the rapid popularization of the national high schools, schools ban early study hall, going to night classes, the prohibition to remain operational, for human health, for our next generation, primary school enrollment this year halted eight years of age to promote school, sixth grade primary school students of all off-course the following . Recommendation: junior high school men and women streaming system, and conduct a national survey of mental diseases in schools, social surveys carried out a survey of mental illness, early detection and early treatment, is currently the major responsibility. High Xiumin mimic high Xiufeng ------ Zhang Qianlian strong appeal: for the health of our next generation action bar by God to human mental health, to reduce human waste to make it up quickly.
Depression symptoms and treatment see. Movie Star, Super impersonation show, CCTV special guest, the world's public love his mother, Gao Xiu-feng







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