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Executive MBA Prog

已有 1530 次阅读2008-9-1 04:47 分享到微信


MBA Programs- Choosing an MBA Program

From Karen Schweitzer,
Your Guide to Business School.
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Two-Year MBA Programs: Two-year MBA programs usually take two academic years to complete. Spread over four semesters, a two-year MBA is more suited for students who will not be working full time during the program. After completing the first year of core classes, students are allowed to customize the remaining year of course work according to their career goals. Read More...
One-Year MBA Programs: Even though they are both full-time programs, one-year MBA programs are quite a bit different than their two-year counterparts. A one-year MBA program has very strict requirements for admission, both in academic training and work history. One-year MBA programs usually last between eleven and sixteen months. Read More...
Part-Time MBA Programs: Part-time MBA programs were designed and are perfect for the working professional. Classes are usually scheduled in the evening, because most part-time MBA students work during the day. Part-time MBA programs usually take two to three years to complete, but may take up to five. Read More...
Executive MBA Programs: Executive MBA (EMBA) programs are designed to meet the needs of upper level managers. Candidates should have at least five years work experience, because they are often judged on what they can bring to the program. Executive MBA programs are perfect for someone who is already a specialist in their field, but needs additional skills to climb the ladder of success. Read More...
Online MBA Programs: Thanks to technology and the Internet, it is now possible to get your MBA degree online. Distance learning MBA programs are rapidly increasing in popularity. Many business schools have recognized this and now offer distance learning programs to MBA students.An online MBA program is more flexible than any other because you can customize your class schedule. Read More...








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