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已有 2491 次阅读2013-4-10 07:49 |个人分类:银河联邦|系统分类:杂谈分享到微信

阿斯塔司令 2013.4.7
中文翻译: 林琚月2013.3.9
This is Lord Ashtar who serves The Most Radiant One (the Christ) on His Mission of Love.
这是 阿斯塔司令 --- 我为最亮的光服务( 耶稣基督) --- 在祂的爱的使命之中.
My beloved family, this is the time for joy for all to keep their promises; the promises you all agreed to when you signed your contracts before taking on this incarnation on Mother Gaia.
亲爱的家人们, 现在就是大家喜悦并完成承诺的时间到了. --- 你们此次转世在盖亚之前所作的承诺, 所签的合约 --- 现在到了完成阶段了.
The road was not easy, as you all know, but you wrote your scripts and you acted out your parts ... like St Germain wrote in his Shakespeare plays ... to awaken upon your paths or journeys and help with yours and others' Ascensions.
这条路走来不容易 --- 就像你们知道的 --- 但是你们写出了自己的角本, 也演出了自己的角色… 就像 ‘圣哲曼大师’莎士比亚剧本中写的… 从你自己的(人生)道路中觉醒, 并且帮助自己和别人的扬升.
Most have not awakened from their deep sleep and have gotten off of their paths.  Go, my dear ones, into your Stillness daily, and ask and you shall receive; knock and it shall be opened unto you. That is the promise Mother/Father God has given to you, Her Children.
大部份人尚未从他们的深度睡眠中醒来, 而能够转移他们(人生)的路线. 去吧! 我亲爱的一们, 走入你们每天的沉静作业当中, 然后问问题 --- 而你将会得到答案--- 敲门, 而门会为你打开. 这是父母神给你们--- 他们的孩子 --- 的承诺.
(RL注: 此处的 ‘答案’ 不是考试时背的 ‘标准答案’ --- 这答案可能因人因事不同, ‘答案’ 给予的方式也不同, 意义层次也不同 --- 重点都是让你在 ‘体会到’ 答案之前, 让你 ‘智慧’ 成长 ‘灵性成长’ --- 如此你才能面对下个考题, 解出下个 ‘答案’进入 ‘下个成长’! ---许多人修行的问题都卡死在 ‘寻找标准答案’ 上!
Now, to focus on the activities at hand. We are almost at the beginning of the end, for we must open up the last door (or wave) to complete all Light Beings' Ascension with their Planet Earth.
现在,专注在手头的工作上面吧! 我们几乎已经到达了结束的开始--- 因为我们必须打开最后的门(或是频率能量波) 来完成所有 “光之存有”的 “扬升” 在行星地球.
One of these doors is the premier movie, SIRIUS, that will be shown, or held, in Los Angeles, California. Steven Greer has dedicated most of his life to getting all of the research on UFO's ... extraterrestrials ... to get this information out; to make this Disclosure happen all over your globe.
其中的一扇门是 ‘天狼星’ 电影 首映会 --- 将会在加州洛杉矶举行. Steven Greer医师花了他人生大部份的人生在做 ufo与外星人研究 ---并把消息释放出去让公众知道 --- 而他的这个影片会让 “外星事实大揭露” 普遍流传到你们地球的每个地方.
Another big event is the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure on the 29th of April through, or to, the 3rd of May. You all can really help, dear ones, if you could spread this good news out to all you know and then it will make a huge splash, bringing Disclosure into manifestation.
另一个大事件是 “公民外星听证会”在20130429到20130503日举行. 你们全都真的可以帮上忙, 亲爱的一们, 如果你们能够把这个好消息散播给你们知道的所有人的话, 这将会造成一个大波澜, 并将“大揭露” 变成‘正式显化的事实’。
We up here on the ships are so excited and are so proud of you and appreciate all of your faithful work to make this happen. It couldn't have taken place without you, dear ones.
我们在飞船上的人都很兴奋, 为你们感到如此的骄傲, 并且感激你们所有人忠实的努力与付出让这件事发生. 这件事如果没有你们就无法发生, 亲爱的一们.
We need you, as well as you need us. We can't thank you enough for your Love, Light and dedication to us, your brothers and sisters, who are longing to join and assist as you set up a whole new society of Oneness. The new Golden Age.
我们需要你们, 就像你们需要我们一样. 我们无法谢谢你们更多 --- 对于你们所给予我们在爱, 光与奉献的给予上 --- 你们的兄弟姐妹们, 他们很渴望参加你们并协助你们去成立一个全新的合一社会. --- 这新的黄金世纪!
We are surrounding your beautiful planet and want to salute you, humbly, and bow to you with love, gratitude, harmony and peace.
我们现在正 包围住你们美丽的行星, 并且想要对你们欢呼, 给你们一个谦恭的敬礼 --- 用爱, 感恩, 合谐与和平.
I love you beyond measure.  Your beloved Galactic brother,
我爱你们超越你们所能想象. 你们亲爱的银河兄弟,
Ashtar 阿斯塔 
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